The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,786 Chance Encounter

Norton did not tell Barami in detail about the Formless Mask.

Barami did not delve into the matter. Later, he asked about the Kaitou Jigard.

"I have let him go, including the coordinates of his home plane, which have been locked by us, and all rules and contracts have been signed."

"I hope he can complete the tasks assigned by our wizarding civilization. Indeed, in some fields, this guy is better than the strong ones of our wizarding civilization." Norton said while taking a sip from his pipe.

When leaving the interstellar prison, Thane also met the demigod magician Gina.

Her brother will be released in a month.

I originally thought that the Gina brother and sister would leave the interstellar prison first, but unexpectedly it was Thane who took the lead in the end.

Thain doesn't know Gina's brother, but after getting along with him in the past two years, he has a good impression of Gina. From Gina's story, he has a general understanding of what kind of person her brother, the fourth-level knight Jean, is.

Maybe it's because they've been suffering from the same disease for the past two years, but Thain has some sympathy and recognition for the brother and sister.

Before leaving, Thane said to Gina, "My Holy Tower of Ashes was built in the Land of Ashes in the southern part of the Wizarding World, which was the former Darvill area."

"If you and your brother have no good place to go after you come out, you can consider coming to the Land of Ashes for construction and development." Thain said to Gina.

"I will tell my brother. Thank you, Master Thain, for your concern." Gina replied cautiously. Her attention was obviously attracted to Triris, who was not far away from Thain.

It was only then that Gina realized that Thain was most likely a fifth-level magician, not a fourth-level magician at the same level as his brother.

Faced with the vague solicitation from a fifth-level magician, Gina, who was only at the demigod level, was obviously at a loss, and she couldn't make the decision for her brother.

Smiling at the little girl Gina, Thane took Lina's hand and continued to fly out.

There is a stable transmission channel outside the Atlanta Interstellar Prison. You can return to the wizarding world by relying on the transmission channel a few times.

Triris was originally stationed on the frontline battlefield, but since she came back this time because of Thain, she simply went back to the Wizarding World to take a look and solve the problem in Lina's body.

While Thain and others were waiting for the teleportation array to activate, a pitch-black elemental cloud appeared from the teleportation channel on the other side, and eventually transformed into a middle-aged man wearing a black robe.

The large magic robe obscured the middle-aged man's true appearance, but the aura he exuded was stronger than that of Sai En's master Berga Gardu.

This is a level five peak magician!

"Huh?" Thain said softly in surprise.

"Is it the Master of Dark Fire?" Thain asked aloud.

Having worked in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire for hundreds of years, Thain's Ash Fire itself also contains a ray of original dark fire, so Thain is no stranger to this fifth-level magician.

Compared to the time when Thain was the dean of the Dark Fire Holy Tower, the Dark Fire Master at this time was obviously stronger.

Thain asked aloud, causing the middle-aged man in black robe to turn his head. It was Master of Dark Fire!

The Master of Dark Fire has a good memory and recognized Thane at a glance.

However, his attention was the same as Gina's before.


Attracted by Trilis burning like a vigorous green fire.

Because he is a fifth-level peak magician, the Dark Fire Master can clearly perceive the power of Trilis.

He nodded to Thain and said, "It's Thain. I have something else to do. We'll talk to you later when we have a chance."

After saying that, the Dark Fire Master casually glanced at Lina and Lu Lianman beside Thain, then left the place and flew towards the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

Thain "..."

The Master of Dark Fire is this kind of person. He never socializes with others and has almost no friends.

When others took the initiative to say hello to him, he would leave without even thinking about socializing. Only a master of dark fire could do such a thing.

After watching the Dark Fire Master leave, Thane said with some embarrassment, "Maybe the Dark Fire Master is in a hurry. I used to work for him as the Dean of the Holy Tower."

Lu Lianman chuckled and said, "Yes, I know."

At this moment, Thain felt Lina holding his hand, which suddenly became a little tighter. Thain looked at the other party curiously.

Lina said nothing from the beginning to the end, and her expression was a bit colder than before.

Sensing a slight change in Lina's temperament, Thane frowned slightly, but he did not immediately get angry.

Mekelly in Lina's body should wait until she returns to the wizarding world to find a way to deal with her.

Even though it might be Mekelly who was leading Lina's consciousness at this time, Thain held Lina's hand tightly and did not let go.

When the teleportation array was about to be activated, Lu Lianman stopped teasing her disciple. Instead, she turned around and asked Cuilis, who was not far away, "Teacher? What are you looking at? The teleportation array is about to be activated."

The activation process for a teleportation array involving many level 4 or above experts is quite cumbersome.

Cuilis, who was not far away, withdrew her sight from looking at a certain starry sky, walked back to Lu Lianman and Thain, and replied calmly, "Nothing."

After walking back, Triris glanced at Lena, who was holding hands with Thain.

Just by being glanced at by Trilis, Lina's body trembled slightly, and then the stream of consciousness belonging to Meikaly quickly dissipated. Lina, who had regained control of her body, leaned against Thain a little limply. On the body.

Although the situation of being one body and two souls greatly enhanced Lina's strength, it also placed a huge load on her body.

Including the process of competing with Meikaly for physical dominance, Lina will also suffer from soul exhaustion.

All in all, at least for now, this situation is doing Lena more harm than good.

After Master Lu Lianman and his disciples Sun and his party disappeared into the teleportation array, a guy wearing a white cloak, a tall hat, and an owl mask to cover his appearance gradually appeared in the starry sky that Cuilis was originally paying attention to. .

"The wizarding civilization is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Just a fifth-level magician possesses two world-class secret treasures? Hiss~ If it were before, I would have been unable to resist taking action!"

"But that sixth-level peak magician doesn't seem to be easy to mess with... Come on, now that we have joined the wizard civilization camp, it's better to have some professional ethics."

"Well, let's first see how to complete the task assigned by the wizard civilization." After saying that, this sixth-level creature known as "Phantom Thief" Zygarde held up his tall hat.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "Bang!", a sheet of white smoke appeared, and his figure and breath disappeared completely.

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