The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,788 The Mystery of the Soul

A soul experiment that made three generations of their ancestors grow old.

Triris was excited at first, but later on, the smile almost disappeared from her face.

Level 5 black magician Mei Kelly is very cunning.

When he learned that Master Sai was going to remove and destroy his soul, this guy began to do his best to pursue soul fusion with Lina, and even gave up a lot of his soul origin to be eaten by Lina to strengthen himself.

From Lina's perspective, this is equivalent to her getting the soul energy accumulated by a fifth-level magician over tens of thousands of years without doing anything.

During the experiment, Triris told Thain many truths and secrets that he had not been exposed to before.

Triris said, "We low-level magicians and knights are all pursuing the growth of mental power, magic power, and physical fitness. Even if we reach the fourth level or above, we can only sublimate it to the level of flexible mastery of the power of law."

"But for truly high-level creatures, especially if you try to enter the realm of domination in the future, the soul is actually the most important thing."

"Have you heard of the 'Dominator of the Almighty Soul'?" Triris asked.

"It seems that I have seen a few words about it in Sky City." Thain replied respectfully.

"The City in the Sky is a treasure house of wisdom and knowledge passed down by our wizard civilization for countless thousands of years. You can visit it more when you have time in the future."

"As a fifth-level magician, and with the upgrade of the arcanist level, you can gain access to many higher-level mysteries."

"However, it was only after I reached the peak of level six that I started to delve into the 'Dominator Omnipotent Soul'. This time when I return to the Wizarding World, I have to take the time to visit the City in the Sky," Cuilis said.

"For dominant individuals, soul energy is the basis of their power, and this energy has even replaced the role of ordinary elements and flesh and blood."

"As long as the soul is alive, it will last forever!"

"So, for those of us who are in the sixth level and are trying to hit the dominance level, how to complete the qualitative change of our souls is the top priority."



The old guy, Ke Na, has average fighting ability, but his magic methods are more weird and changeable. "

"It seems that if he reaches the peak of level six, he might have an advantage over me on the way to level seven." Cuilis sighed.

Although Cuillis was not a master of the soul system, the mysteries of the soul she proposed also made Thain feel profound.

Seeing that Sean's hair had turned a lot gray due to Lena's problem, Cuillis smiled and said, "At least from the current stage, your little girlfriend is not in any crisis for the time being. On the contrary, she has benefited a lot from this, and she will settle down for a few more years. The thickness of her soul can even reach level five."

"The fifth-level black magician hidden in her body is not stupid. She knows that once she completely devours Lina, what is waiting for her is to be killed directly by you and me!"

"Actually, merging with Lina's soul is not a good thing for her."

"When the memories mix with each other, will she still be her? Will Lina still be Lina?"

"If it really can't be removed by force, you can try to make a deal with her and see if she is willing to take the initiative to withdraw from Lina's body." Triris sighed and said.

Seeing that more than half a year had passed with no progress in the experiment, Thain said dullly, "I know."

Triris stayed at Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes for another two months, carving many magic chains on Lina's body before she left.

These magic pattern chains were specially designed to target Meikaly's Cang Skeleton Fire.

Triris herself is a master in the field of fire magic. In terms of soul, she cannot restrain Mei Kelly who actively pursues fusion with Lina. How can she not be able to cure her in the field of fire-related magic?

As long as these magic pattern chains exist, it will be difficult for Mei Kaili to mobilize any elemental power of the Cang Skeleton Fire after controlling Lina's body.

This directly leads to Mei

Kelly has become half-disabled and can still be trained and handled by Thain in the future.

This is probably why Cuillis can leave with peace of mind.

Although Cuilisi left, Lu Lianman did not leave.

The holy fruit belonging to Thain had been delivered to Thain two months ago.

To be honest, from the appearance, this white-gold fruit looks really similar to the golden apple in the Titan World.

Except that the fruit body is smaller, thinner, conical, and not as full as a golden apple, other aspects such as the breath and the life energy contained are very similar to the golden apple!

After Lu Lianman completed the collection and testing of preliminary samples of the holy fruit, it was shown that it could indeed be fused with the golden apple original solution to create a reagent that was more precious than the previous golden apple potion.

Lu Lianman also asked Thain if he really wanted to refine this holy fruit into a potion. If eaten alone, the personal growth rate for Thain would definitely exceed that of a potion.

Thain said, "If you swallow it directly, the holy fruit can only be eaten by one person. But if it is made into a potion, the mentor, master, and uncle can all benefit."

"I will not regret my decision." Thain said firmly.

Cuillis is one of the commanders-in-chief on the Black Bat Civilization Front. With her convenience, Lu Lianman can stay in the wizarding world for a while.

In order to refine the mixed potion of golden apples and holy fruits, not only Lu Lianman showed her best, but Cuilis also used her own resources to obtain many rare materials that even Thain had never heard of.

For example, the blood from the body of the sixth-level fairy king in the activated fairy world. Materials of this level are difficult to buy even with money.

Mentioning the blood of the sixth-level activated goblin, Thane couldn't help but think of the tiny amount of domination liquid collected in his laboratory.

After pondering for a long time, Thain still shook his head and did not tell Lu Lianman about it.

That liquid Thain has also studied, and there is not much life force in it. It just has a very special nature, so it was preserved by Thain.


Moreover, it would not be good to tell this thing. I think the Titan Master would not be happy for Thane to use this thing indiscriminately.

Let's just treat it as an extremely precious specimen and put it in Thain's collection room.

Lina's problem has not been solved, and Lulianman's mixed potion has not been completed.

However, two groups of people came back from Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes.

The first one to come back was Dragon Turtle Tourmaline.

She had returned to the wizarding world long ago, and curiously asked Thain where he had been some time ago.

Because she couldn't feel the aura of Thain, Bixi went to the Endless South Sea in the Wizarding World to take a warm bath and take a nap two years ago.

When she felt Thain's breath again, she immediately opened her eyes and swam back along the Bilan Canal.

The second group of people who returned to the Ashes Holy Tower were some of the Holy Tower magicians, including Dean Meili, and two fourth-level female knights, Xia Ya and Lenna, also returned.

They have rest periods ranging from more than ten years to several decades.

Thain had long promised to order a space fortress for Xia Ya and Lenna. At the same time, Xia Ya's knight hall should also start preparations.

The two women returned to the wizarding world this time mainly to do these two things.

Xia Ya rarely takes the initiative to go to Thane's laboratory unless she is undergoing a body refining experiment.

So just after returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, it was Lenna who asked Thain to report.

That day, when Lenna approached Thain's laboratory, she suddenly heard a soul scream coming from inside, making her body tremble.

I don't know what kind of perverted experiment was being conducted inside. Lenna hesitated and slowly opened the door of the laboratory.

The situation inside made her, a battle-experienced female knight, blush.

“There are only three updates today, I hope you’ll forgive me.

I took the bus to Taiyuan in the afternoon and couldn’t update. Xiaodou didn’t have any manuscripts in hand. I’ll have to save the manuscripts as soon as this extra update is finished. qaq~”

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