The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,785: Revenge must be made (additional update)

No matter how complicated the matter is, as long as there is someone above it, no matter how cumbersome or difficult the process is, it will be solved in a short time.

This law is common in many worlds, including wizard civilization.

With Knight Klopp saying hello, Lina was released smoothly.

When Lina put her hand on Thain's palm again, feeling the cold little hand in the palm, Thain felt an unprecedented warmth.

It's just that this guy was so focused on his wife Lina that he completely forgot that there was a mentor next to him.

In this form, Lina is about the same height as Lu Lianman.

One of them has black hair and the other has green hair.

One has a cold temperament, while the other has a gentle temperament.

When Thain and Lina's hands came together, Lu Lianman, who should have been quite relieved, unexpectedly pursed her lips a little.

Even Lu Lianman himself didn't realize this.

Fortunately, no one present paid attention to this detail.

Although it is gratifying that Lena has regained her freedom, many people can guess that this is not the end of the story.

First of all, the soul of Mekaili in Lina must be resolved.

Secondly, the conflict between Thane and Master Jerry cannot be settled just like that!

This time, with Knight Klopp and Master Cuilis as backers, the matter was resolved.

Without the two of them, how would Thane himself solve the problem?

Growing up to this day, Thain is not a magician who only relies on others. In addition to his crazy energy to explore the truth, Thain is also a master who must retaliate for his anger.

Can you still get away with someone who offended you?

If this incident is treated as if it didn't happen, it is estimated that Thain's mentality will be affected when he conducts magic experiments in the future.

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it you will die!

Lina, who has a deep emotional bond with Thane, is his reverse scale.

Although the two have not been together for a long time, each separation makes them miss each other more and their feelings for each other become more profound and sincere.

To put it inappropriately, when Natalya had an accident, she


Well, I'm not so irritable today.

It cannot be said that Thain does not love Natalya, it can only be said that he got acquainted with Lina earlier and his feelings for Lina are deeper.

Everything went smoothly.

When Lina put her hand in Thane's palm, they could actually leave here.

Deputy Warden Barami was very business-like. He briefly persuaded Triris and another sixth-level magician named Tomk and invited them to sit in the Deputy Warden's office.

As expected, Triris did not embarrass Barami and politely declined his invitation.

"There are still a lot of things on the frontline battlefield. I'll go back to the wizarding world to deal with it a little bit, and then I have to go back there again. I won't bother you this time." Cuilis said with a smile.

Master Balami smiled and said, "That's a pity. I just received a piece of fairy tea from the fairyland civilization. I originally wanted to invite two old friends to taste it."

Although the wizarding world is a top-level civilization, there are only so many sixth-level creatures, and there are even fewer sixth-level magicians compared to knights of the same level.

Trilis and these two people don't usually interact much, but they can be regarded as acquaintances. They have participated in more than ten Wizards Alliance conferences.

But before leaving, Triris still said harsh words to Master Tomke, "Master Tomke, if you don't know how to teach your disciples, I can help you with this in the future!"

"The civilized battlefield is in full swing on the front line, but someone dares to stab someone in the rear?"

"Isn't the black magician a part of our wizarding world?!" Triris snorted to the blue-robed magician in front of her. This time she stood firmly behind Thane.

The sixth-level magician Tomke obviously had something to say, after all, it was Lina who "went crazy" first.

But thinking that Knight Klopp had already spoken out, and that Triris in front of him was half a level higher than him, the middle-aged magician finally sighed.

The middle-aged magician sighed, making Master Jerry next to him blush.

Not only did he not get a single hair this time, but he also made his mentor unable to hold his head high in front of other powerful wizards and civilizations of the same level.

What made Jerry even more angry was that Thain stepped on him from behind.

I saw Thain pulling Lina to the front of Master Jerry. With a condescending attitude, he looked down at Jerry in front of him and said, "Master, why do you need to teach me personally? If Master Jerry has other opinions, I am willing to tell you." He begs for advice!”

After that, Thane used his mental power to transmit sound and said coldly to Jerry in front of him, "This is not over yet! Little dwarf!"

Thain's echo, especially the mental sound transmission sentence he followed, directly made Master Jerry spit out his blood. 🄲

This time, Thain did not use any mental pressure to suppress him. It was his words that made Master Jerry angry and bleeding.

In Thane's words, the word "dwarf" was emphasized, which undoubtedly revealed Jerry's scars.

The last time anyone dared to laugh at Jerry's height was probably twenty thousand years ago, when he was still a magic apprentice.

Since he was promoted to a first-level magician, he has been surrounded by people with status, cultivation, and knowledge, and no one will use his height as an issue.

Moreover, magicians have endless methods, so it is normal for them to change their appearance.

The reason why Master Jerry is so short is probably because he is always like this and doesn't bother to replace his skin.

I have to admit that although Master Jerry is very short, the tuft of yellow hair on his forehead does have quite a personality.

Thain's direct words made Jerry furious and attracted the attention of others present.

Triris and others should also know what Thain said to Jerry, but no one will pursue this matter against him now.

Mr. and Mrs. Thain have suffered such a big loss, why can't they tolerate losing their temper anymore?

What Thain didn't realize for the time being was that his vengeful character was in line with the tradition of the Jade Burning Fire Master sect.

Are you kidding me, from Cuilis to Gargaru and Penas, which one seems to be the one who can suffer the loss?


When Gargaru became famous in the wizarding world, he often fought with knights and magicians of the same level.

Penas also had conflicts with several fourth-level knights.

Trilis handled matters for Thain this time, which can be considered as her previous experience of "wiping the butt" of her disciples.

No one in the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect within a certain range of the wizarding world dares to earn the title. It is not just a boast, but a real one.

We can't blame Gargaru, Thane and other members of the division for always causing trouble for Triris.

The truth is that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Cuilisi was not a good master back then!

In other words, Lu Lianman is a good girl and has never caused any trouble to Cuilis. Instead, she is like a little cotton-padded jacket and is cared for by the entire sect members.

Thane took Lina and followed Triris and others out of the subspace of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

Deputy Warden Barami arrived at the top of the interstellar prison and met Warden Norton.

"Is the person gone?" Norton asked.

"Gone," Barami replied.

Norton breathed a sigh of relief this time and said with a smile, "I knew Cuilis more than 100,000 years ago. At that time, she was only at level four, and she had a hot temper. None of the magicians around the Flame Conclave were willing to provoke her. she."

"Now that I'm promoted to the sixth level, even I don't want to face her directly. It's such a headache." Norton smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Next time, warden, don't leave this kind of job to me. I think Sekelila is more suitable for this kind of thing." Barami said with a smile.

"I just didn't expect that this time it would involve Knight Klopp from the Western Islands... Is it the magician named Thain, is he special?" Balami pondered.

Norton also suppressed his smile at this time. He said, "Although your thunder magic is powerful and domineering, your perception is weak."

"Didn't you notice that the mask worn by Master Thain is very special?" Warden Norton said, touching his chin.

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