The Lord of Ashes

West Chapter 1,784 Solution (Additional update)

Three months later.

When the next visit was about to come, Thain was waiting for his master, Cuilis.

Triris did not come alone. In addition to Thain's mentor Lu Lianman, Thain also met two other male magicians.

The arrival of a sixth-level peak magician attracted the deputy warden of Atlanta Interstellar Prison, Barami, to appear in person.

After appearing, he smiled and said to Triris, "I haven't seen you for nearly a thousand years. I didn't expect you to have been promoted to the sixth level. Congratulations!"

"The warden is out on business, and I will be responsible for your affairs this time." Deputy Warden Barami said.

This is a relatively thin sixth-level magician with very sharp eyes. The vague elemental fluctuations show that he seems to be a thunder elementalist.

"Haha, I believe you have also received the amnesty order from Lord Knight Klopp."

"There are just some misunderstandings between the fourth-level black magician Lina who was arrested this time and the magician Jerry." Triris said with a smile and pointed to the man standing not far from her. Two high and low magicians.

Thain also looked over, and then he learned that one of the two magicians opposite was the person responsible for Lina's arrest.

At this time, Cuilis was surrounded by a fourth-level magician wearing a yellow robe and a sixth-level magician with a deeper aura.

What Thain focused on was the fourth-level magician.

Not only was this guy wearing a yellow robe, he also had yellow hair on his forehead.

According to the information collected by Thane, this magician named Jerry is a fourth-level peak earth elementalist who also specializes in soul magic and other side fields.

But when Thane looked over, he found that this guy's aura was not outstanding. I wonder if it was because the injury caused to him by Lina had not yet allowed this guy to recover.

After all, Lina’s body at this time is equivalent to possessing


The sum of the souls of a fourth-level creature and a fifth-level creature.

If she and Mei Kelly cooperate sincerely, they can theoretically face level five creatures.

When Thain's attention came over, a fourth-level earth magician named Jerry also looked up at Thain.

There is Thain who is refining his body. In his normal form, he is nearly two meters tall.

But Master Jerry is an out-and-out dwarf, only a little over one and a half meters tall, and he looks even shorter than Lu Lianman.

After being glared at by Thain, a fifth-level magician, and coupled with the power bonus of Wuxiang Mask, the invisible mental pressure swept towards Master Jerry like a tide!

Master Jerry immediately let out a "snort", and there was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

It seems like this guy was really badly injured! Being hurt by Thain's momentum so easily.

The Wizarding Civilization directly arrested and detained Lina on the frontline battlefield. From a certain perspective, it was not an injustice to Lina.

The worry over the past two years, as well as the uncontrollable hostility and murderous intention towards those who harmed Lena, made Thane ignore for a while that this Master Jerry was a powerful wizard in the same camp as him.

They are not the kind of hostile civilized creatures that can be killed at will.

And Thain's attack directly in the conference hall of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison was beyond the expectations of others present.

At this time, the performance of everyone in the hall was worth pondering.

Lu Lianman took a step forward and held Thain's arm. The gentle look from her mentor made Thain's originally furious emotions finally slowly suppressed.

Master Cuilisi held her arms with both hands

He looked at Master Jerry and the two opposite him with a sneer.

Thain, the master, is quite interesting. When his disciple gets into trouble, not only does he not mean to reprimand him, but he actually wants to help his disciple fight?

As the deputy warden of this interstellar prison, Master Balami seemed to be temporarily blind when faced with this situation. He looked elsewhere and looked completely uninvolved.

Finally, the tall magician who was standing next to Master Jerry finally took a step forward.

For Master Jerry, he blocked the subsequent mental pressure and momentum impact from Thain.

"This incident is indeed a misunderstanding."

"You see, even Jerry was seriously injured. Otherwise, let's forget about it." The middle-aged magician wearing a blue magic long-distance running voice said.

This middle-aged magician obviously knew Trilis.

Although his temperament is not as strong and fierce as Cuilis, it is also very deep. Among sixth-level magicians, he is definitely considered a strong one.

"Humph, I have found out the whole story of this incident. I even asked Master Ptolemy from the Eastern Astrology Highland to restore part of the scene at that time."

"You should probably know the specific situation from your good disciple, right?"

"However, since Klopp Knight has determined that this incident is a 'misunderstanding,' then we will follow the misunderstanding process."

"Don't cause any trouble to us. Drop the charges against Master Lina immediately!" Triris said to the two people in front of her with an aggressive aura.

The blue-robed sixth-level magician sighed, and turned to look at the disciple beside him.

Frustrated, dissatisfied, angry, but helpless, Master Jerry finally took out a spell sheet that had been written long ago.


The contract was handed over to Deputy Warden Barami.

Master Balami seemed to have come back to his senses this time. He immediately formed an elemental quill between his fingers and signed his name.

Not long after, Lina was also brought to this hall.

After Lina also signs her name with her own elemental imprint, she can leave this place legitimately.

The smoothness of things was a bit beyond Thain's expectations.

Didn't expect that this matter would be solved as soon as the master came?

However, considering that the master's words just now mentioned the dominant knight Klopp, and also mentioned a certain astrologer from the Eastern Astrology Highlands.

Obviously, Master and the others have done a lot of things during the last two years of waiting.

When Lina appeared in front of him again, Thain could finally let go of his heart.

This time, Lina's performance was very natural, and there was no trace of Mei Kelly in her body.

Mei Kaili, an old witch, obviously also knows that there are too many people out there that she can't afford to offend.

Warden Barami, the sixth-level peak magician Trilis, and the tall magician in blue robes, no matter which one she picked, they were all existences that she could not compete with even at her peak.

Especially Cuilis, the fierce and powerful aura of green fire almost rose from her body surface.

Triris has been the center of attention ever since she appeared here.

In fact, the deputy warden's strength is not necessarily inferior to Trilis.

But the deputy warden of the interstellar prison has behaved extremely low-key since his appearance.

And what Trilis said just now also involved a master-level knight... Now if Meikali is given a hundred courages, she won't dare to take the lead!

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