The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,783 Desire

The first thing Thane was waiting for was the reply from his mentor.

In fact, Lu Lianman's reply speed was already very fast. The reason why Thain felt that he could not wait for the news for a long time was actually because he was too impatient.

In Lu Lianman's reply, she told Thain that she already knew the situation and told her master Cuilis about the situation.

Lu Lianman knew a little bit about Thane and Lina. Back then, she even got an identity badge for the Holy Tower of Blue Origin for Lina.

They are both mentors, so why is there such a big gap between Lu Lianman and Mei Kaili?

One is to sacrifice everything for his disciples, but the other is to kill the disciples who rescue him.

In Lu Lianman's reply, Thain also learned good news - his master Cuilisi has successfully promoted to the peak of level six!

Lu Lianman did not reply to Thain immediately because Cuilisi had just reached the peak of level six, and Lu Lianman went to help make some potions for recuperation and stabilization.

One is his most outstanding disciple, and the other is his most beloved disciple.

When these two people beg for help, Trilis will certainly not sit idly by!

Triris has already gone to investigate the fourth-level peak magician named Jerry.

According to Lu Lianman, as long as she can get through the work of the magician Jerry, and Lina's previous contributions on the front lines of the civilized battlefield are used as a foreshadowing, there is a high chance that she can be rescued safely.

Being able to get a reply from his mentor, Thain naturally let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he has met many people on the frontline battlefields over the years, his qualifications are still too young. For example, in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, Thain has no strong people who can speak to him.

Neither Warden Norton nor the two deputy wardens were known to Thane.

Although the relationship with the fourth-level knight Byron has been good recently, he is just an ordinary garrison knight. He can take care of the prisoners inside, but he has no right to release them directly.

Because I am more anxious about Lina


Due to his physical condition, not long after Thain arrived at the interstellar prison, he found a way to proactively contact Klopp, the dominant knight of the Western Islands.

Klopp, a busy man like Knight, actually answered Thain's message.

However, after listening to Thain's statement, Klopp did not immediately give him any reply. After a moment of silence, he just said, "I know."

Thain once said that he was willing to give up the mission rewards he had previously obtained on the front lines of the civilized battlefield, just to forgive Lina's guilt.

And Thain is also willing to accept any orders given to him by the wizard civilization.

Klopp didn't say anything about this, and his silent statement made Thain even more unsure.

The days of waiting are painful.

Unknowingly, it has been half a year since Thane came to this Atlanta interstellar prison.

In the past year and a half, no matter what experiments Thain did, he was a little unmotivated.

Including the "disturbance" and "low magic" characteristics unique to the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, they did not attract much research interest from Thain.

The happiest time during this period was the brief meeting with Lina every three months.

Although there was always Mekelly interrupting, in front of Lina, Thain could always feel the peace of mind.

"Actually, I always missed you on the frontline battlefield." Thain said.

"Me too." Lina lowered her head and said shyly.

"I have prepared many gifts for you, as well as some collections from the distant Mingha Empire and the civilization of the Kingdom of Light. I will show them to you when you come out," Thain said.

"Yeah." Lina replied with a slight blush.

At this time, Mei Kai

Li would always jump out and say, "The treasures of the Minghe Empire?! Where did you get so many good things!"

"And can you get us both out quickly? It's not peaceful here. Do you still remember that you once brought a fourth-level black magician to this interstellar prison?" Mei Kelly asked.

"That fourth-level black magician Bone Tower Master? Does he dare to target you?" Thain asked with a frown.

Of course, he has not forgotten that he once used the power of Tourmaline and White Star to get a fourth-level black magician from the Black Domain to the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

Unexpectedly, the other party is still here.

"With my protection for the time being, of course I won't dare, but as time goes by, it will be hard to say."

"That guy has met many fourth- and fifth-level prisoners from other worlds in the interstellar prison. The Byron Knight you know may not be able to protect us all the time." Meili replied.

No matter how much Meikali pressed, Thain couldn't get them out immediately. 🅆

After frowning slightly and pondering for a moment, Thain couldn't help but ask, "What is the specific use of the black fluorite you asked me to give away three months ago?"

As an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, Mei Kaili also has certain connections in the dark realm and the wizarding world.

The black fluorite she asked Thane to send out was also a way to save herself.

At that time, Thain helped her send it out with the mentality that he should not miss it even if he gave it a try.

However, Thain didn't know where Fluorite's final teleportation target was.

"You have so many things to do, I can't rely on you anymore, why can't I rely on me to figure it out on my own?"

"Don't you have contact with Rose in the Black Realm? If Rose takes action, she might be able to get us out without alerting the Lord. Why haven't we done anything yet?" Mei Kelly couldn't help but ask.

Thane is too lazy to talk to this man who is covered in mud and will never


The fifth-level female black mage who can't clean herself is wasting her breath.

After glaring at the other party, Thain said, "Can you go back first? There are only 13 hourglasses left in this visitation time. Let Lina and I stay warm for a while."

Thain is also a fifth-level magician and doesn't give Mekelly face at all.

After being choked by Thain, Meili didn't even refute. She used Lina's body to roll her eyes and disappeared.

Thain discovered that Mekelly actually had very limited control over Lina's body.

Lina also said that most of the control over her body now lies with her.

It seems that the damage to Mei Kaili's soul is very serious.

From Mei Kaili’s personal perspective, I can’t say that she was wrong.

After all, she only had one breath left at that time, and in front of her was a fourth-level disciple whom she had cultivated for many years. Lina also had the Cangshu Fire that inherited her lineage.

Instead of occupying Lina's body and occupying the bird's holes, could it be possible to stage a drama where all the savings and the last soul power are given to Lina?

How can this be!

Mei Kelly is a fifth-level black magician with a good reputation. Everything she does is based on her own interests.

Lina was influenced by Thane, and as expected she still hadn't transformed into a pure black magician.

Otherwise, when she was in the Gallente Federation and learned that her mentor Meikali was surrounded and injured, she would have been more indifferent and shouldn't have rescued people!

The tenderness of Thane and Lina, as well as the sincere emotions revealed between the two, made an old monster who had been in Lina's body and had not experienced emotional nourishment for tens of thousands of years feel an inexplicable feeling.

Black magicians are more extreme than normal magicians in the wizarding world.

Behind their twisted and perverted psychology, they may also represent a lack of emotions and desires.

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