The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,772: Cut in the middle with a knife

"What should I do if my sister finds out?" Loki asked.

In the family of God-Kings in the Titan world, everyone's favorite is Loki.

But Loki is also quite afraid of his sister.

Although Hela has always cared about Loki, she will not coddle Loki like her mother Andel.

If something really happened, Loki wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

The lightest ones are all being driven back to the Titan world, facing the wall and thinking about it for five hundred years?

Loki's nervous look made Thor laugh secretly in his heart.

He didn't tease his younger brother too much, but explained, "Don't worry, before I left, I saw the God of the Sky looking for her. She should be discussing the next Titan Legion expedition. I won't find out when I go back soon." .”

The God of the Sky is a relatively well-known powerful god in the Titan world. He has peak level 6 strength and is also one of Hela's right-hand men.

When Hela led the elite Titan World Army to conquer the Beholder World, this sky god was the most powerful sixth-level god under her command. 🄳

The two brothers who are most familiar with her sister are Thor and Loki.

They knew that their sister would not rest. After the star field surrounding the Beholder World was reorganized, Hela would once again lead her army to attack the Gallente Federation star field!

The two brothers have also thought about their plans for the future.

Thor will go to his father Odin and join the battle with the Titan Legion under Odin.

As for Loki, he might go to the Elf World, which has a better relationship with the Titan World, or he might stay under the command of his aunt Bev for a while.

Anyway, these two brothers have made up their minds to avoid their sister.

It's just a golden apple. Hela won't do anything to them. They can go back after Hela's anger subsides.

Thor's voiced reply made Loki let out a long sigh of relief.

But before Thor could feel proud for long, Loki pointed at the golden apple in front of him.

The round golden apple with a light platinum luster made Thor a little confused.

He has eaten countless golden apples, so he can naturally tell that they are genuine.

But when Loki's right hand turned, revealing a bite mark, Thor's expression suddenly changed.

"This..." Thor was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

The "sneaky" appearance of Thor and Loki, as well as the surprised look on Thor's face, made Thane look at the two people in front of him suspiciously.

"I think there's something wrong with this transaction..." Thain said, looking at the two people in front of him.

"What's the problem? Master Thain, you're worrying too much. Let's make the deal quickly!" Thor pulled his brother away and stepped forward.

Thain squinted his eyes, looked at Sol in front of him, and said, "I don't think the price can be calculated as before."

"This is an incomplete golden apple, and because the skin has been damaged, the vitality will be greatly reduced. It would be a big loss for me to acquire such a golden apple," Thain said.

Thain's imagination about this golden apple was not so rich that it was bitten by a certain master.

Thane only thought that this golden apple was bitten by Loki or Thor.

It's not like Thain is a germaphobe. Anyway, there is a high probability that it will be made into a potion by then. If it's not perfect, it won't be perfect.

When purchasing this kind of top-quality treasure, sometimes you can't be too picky.

Faced with Thain's request for a price bargain, Thor and Loki did not even refute, but directly asked, "How much can you offer?"

The two brothers seemed eager to get rid of the golden apple. From this point of view, Thain was even less anxious.

He looked at the two of them leisurely, then looked at the golden apple in front of him, and then said, "One hundred and fifty million magic coins?"

It's so cruel, I'll chop him in the waist!

The 300 million magic coins that were originally negotiated turned out to be half the price when it came to Thain.

Originally, Thain's psychological price was 200 million, but someone really took a bite out of this golden apple.

He offered 150 million because he wanted to see Thor and Loki's reaction.

In fact, the part of the golden apple that was bitten off only accounts for less than one-eighth of the total volume of the golden apple.

No matter which way you look at it, Thain is making money.

However, facing Thain's offer, Thor and Loki just looked at each other and accepted the price without much hesitation.

This time, Thain was even more surprised.

Seeing that Thor was about to evaluate the value of the artifact fragments that Thain had taken out, Thain waved his hand to stop him and said, "Wait a minute!"

"I feel like I'm still a little bit shortchanged," Thain said.

The golden apple, originally priced at 300 million magic coins, arrived at Thain and was finally sold for 125 million.

From a price perspective alone, if it were to reach the ears of Lu Lianman, Cuilisi and others, it would probably surprise them again.

What Thain finally paid to the Sol brothers was not energy crystals or magic coins.

Instead, he collected many fragments of technological secret treasures from the secret realm of Aiyou Landie Civilization.

These fragments of secret treasures have been absorbed by the Rubik's Cube and the power of the original laws has been absorbed, leaving only their material value and the value of their technological secrets.

Regarding these secret treasure fragments, Thain's Rubik's Cube already has all-round information recorded about them, so their value here in Thain is not high.

However, if it were put into the Wizards Alliance market, many people would be interested in these secret treasure fragments.

Such as the alchemists and mechanics of the Wizarding World, as well as the technological side civilizations of the Wizarding Alliance, etc.

Thain valued the traded treasure fragments at 125 million magic coins, which actually allowed Thor and Loki to make a profit.

If these two brothers put some thought into reselling these technological secret treasure fragments for 200 million magic coins, it shouldn't be a problem.

Not to mention anything else, the Norman Federation, which is just a civilized member of the Wizards Alliance, is bound to be very interested in these things!

As a large-scale technological civilization, the Norman Federation, which has been a member of the Wizards Alliance for many years and has in-depth cooperation with the Ebalut Empire and other forces in the Wizarding World, found it not difficult to spend 200 million magic coins to purchase technology.

The Norman Federation is much richer than the Orc World.

Both parties are happy with this transaction.

The only thing that made Thane a little strange was that after the transaction was completed, Thor and Loki left the place in a hurry without even having time to say a polite word.

"I look forward to our continued cooperation next time!" Thain said to Thor who was gradually moving away.

Sol, who didn't look back, just waved his hand.

After a long time, the message from this guy arrived: "Ahem, this golden apple actually came from a wrong place."

"I'm not sure if there will be any serious consequences."

"Anyway, if you can, hide first." Thor's voice transmission said.

This guy is quite interesting. At least he revealed some truth to Thain after the transaction was completed.

Thain was left standing there stunned, looking at the golden apple in his hand.

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