The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,773 Dominate the Liquid

hide? Is there anywhere in the world where I can hide?

Thain knew that Thor and Loki were the sons of the God King of the Titan world, so he did not have much doubt about the transaction.

They have also had successful collaborations before.

What are the specific risks? If even the son of the God King is so scared, how can Thane have the strength to resist?

So after leaving Portman's world, Thain did not hide deliberately, but returned to the wizarding world very freely and normally.

If he is really guilty of any crime, Thane will sell the two brothers Thor and Loki without hesitation.

Anyway, Thain bought the golden apple from them. If there is any problem, it is also their fault, and Thain is also the victim.

He didn't steal or rob, he was just a normal consumer.

The only possible doubt about Thane is that the golden apple may be forcibly taken back by the wizarding civilization.

Then the more than 100 million magic coins paid by Thane are equivalent to wasting money.

If this is the case, Thain will definitely talk to Thor next time he sees him.

But what makes Thain a little strange is that until he was about to arrive in the wizarding world, Thain did not receive any abnormality, and at the same time, no one came to him to trouble him, or to take back this world-class secret treasure.

In the Titan Fortress outside Portman's world, Hela returned to her room after finishing her conversation with the Sky God.

The golden apple that was originally placed on the plate and had a bite taken out of it has long since disappeared.

Thinking that it was his brother Thor who had called him out without any reason, Hela's complexion suddenly turned green and white.

"These two brats!" Hela cursed.

Stealing is not Thor's specialty, Loki is more suitable for this.

Hela could guess by closing her eyes that when Thor called her out, Loki sneaked in and took away the golden apple.

I thought my two younger brothers were more sensible, but I didn't expect that they would still make me angry.

Hela clenched her fists and immediately looked for the location of Thor and Loki.

Sure enough, these two brats had already run away.

There are extremely abundant space teleportation arrays inside and outside Portman's world. According to the usage records of the teleportation arrays, Thor went to the front line of the civilized battlefield in the direction of the Gallente Federation, which was also the war zone that God King Odin was responsible for.

Loki went to the war zone where the Great Elf World was located.

The two brats moved separately, probably because they were afraid of being blamed by their sister.

Taking a deep breath, Hela has many means and will slowly control these two guys in the future.

There is a reason why Thor and Loki remember a deep fear of their sister.

It's strange to say that these two guys always mess with Hela even though they are very scared of their sister.

What kind of psychology is this?

In addition to Thor and Loki, Hela is still exploring where the golden apple went.

Anyway, I also took a bite of this golden apple.

If someone eats it on the original mark... Thinking of this, Hela couldn't help but get goosebumps all over her body, and she cursed her two younger brothers even more.

Although he is the master of the Titan system, Hela has many methods at his disposal.

He even knows a little bit about divination and prophecy, and there is also a so-called "god of foreknowledge" in the Titan world.

A mirror like water waves appeared in front of Hela soon.

What appears in the mirror is the owner who is holding the golden apple.

The appearance of Thain on the screen made Hela look astonished.

"It turns out it's him." Unknowingly, Hela's anger also subsided a bit.

When Hela was a child, she had "Grandpa Joes" who clung to her, so she was naturally somewhat close to Thane, the successor to the Maskless Mask.

Those who are familiar with Formless Mask are not only Hela, but also Ba Xia, who just met Thain some time ago.

Although Thain had no actual conversation with Bixi's father, Baxia actually remembered Thain in his heart.

Thain is still a little worried that his Rubik's Cube will be spied by others, but he is overthinking it.

At least within the wizarding civilization, no one would rob him of his treasures.

Seeing Thain, Hela couldn't help but think of Grandpa Jos and certain things in the past.

Recalling the past made Hela sigh.

Of course, Hela had no intention of retaliating against Thain. Since Thain got the golden apple, let’s just give it to him.

But thinking about taking a bite of the golden apple, Hela, who is a seventh-level master and has a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years, couldn't help but turn red.

Hela didn't have any hostility toward Thain, but her shame and anger eventually turned into dissatisfaction with her two bratty brothers.

"Inform the God of the Sky to set out in advance and go to the Philob star field in the Gallente Federation!" Hela ordered.

On the eve of his return to the wizarding world, Thain did feel something unusual and a bit like an uncomfortable feeling of being spied on by a domineering being.

This feeling is conveyed to Thane through the Mask of Formless Amplification.

If Thain was allowed to sense it by himself, he might not even know that someone was spying on him.

However, the uncomfortable feeling only appeared for a short while and then disappeared.

And after that, Thain didn't encounter anything unusual.

He worried for a long time in vain.

The extremely friendly and vast picture of the wizarding world made Thain put aside some of his doubts.

The longer you leave the wizarding world, the more you feel the warmth and attachment from the mother plane.

No wonder so many powerful wizards and civilizations continue to work hard to contribute to the prosperity of the wizarding world.

During the Civilization War, Thane saw more than one alien plane that was severely damaged.

If that kind of tragedy happened to the wizarding world, I believe that every strong wizard in the wizarding civilization, including Thane, would find it difficult to accept it and would make the enemy pay the price!

Fortunately, the Gallente Federation has shown no signs of threatening the hinterland of wizard civilization. On the contrary, in recent years, the federal star field has been frequently conquered by the armies of wizard civilization.

After all, this is a star realm where the weak prey on the strong. Thain is proud of the strength and prosperity of the wizard civilization.

After returning to the wizarding world, Thane returned directly to the Holy Tower of Ashes in the south of the main continent.

Dragon Turtle Tourmaline has not returned yet, and most of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion has not returned to the Wizarding World for rest.

Thain didn't even meet him. The acting dean of the Holy Tower of Ashes who stayed in the Wizarding World, including the academic magicians and the battle mages who stayed in the Wizarding World, probably didn't know about their tower either. A situation where the Lord has returned.

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thain immediately used his authority to enter the tower owner's private experimental base at the deepest part of the Holy Tower.

Thane did not immediately devote himself to the Ember Fire or the process of body refining experiments, but instead entered the pharmacy laboratory first, which was rare.

This is because the vitality of a golden apple that has been bitten is definitely not as perfect as that of a intact golden apple.

Even though Thain had used all means to minimize the loss of activity of the golden apple, there was not enough time.

Thain probably couldn't wait until his mentor Lu Lianman returned to the wizarding world to deal with this golden apple, and this golden apple could not withstand the loss of space transmission.

This time the golden apple potion can only be made by Thain himself!

During the hurried preparation process, Thain first discovered some special liquid combined with the golden apple juice on the surface of the bite marks of the golden apple.

"Dominate saliva?" In the laboratory, Thain frowned slightly and looked uncertainly at a trace of translucent liquid on the tweezers in front of him.

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