The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,771 Holy Fruit

"Thank you Knight Klopp for your kindness!" Thain thanked the dominant knight in front of him.

Just now, he received a commendation from Knight Klopp, and the resources of the Wizards Alliance allocated to Thain through Knight Klopp were also astronomical.

Coupled with Thain's gains during the civilized wars in recent years, maybe Thain will not need to worry about the cost of purchasing training resources and rare magic materials for thousands of years to come.

"Haha, you deserve this."

"I also feel that there are too few rewards for you. Regarding the scientific and technological achievements achieved by the Ai Youlan Die civilization and the discovery of a large number of inert crystals, the top leaders of our wizard civilization still attach great importance to it."

"As for the golden apple you mentioned, I need to discuss it with other people first."

"Even if there are no extra golden apples to allocate to you, I will try my best to award you with another type of treasure of the same level." Klopp said with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Klopp!" Thain thanked him again.

Among the masters of the wizard civilization, Thane had the most conversations with Knight Klopp, and Knight Klopp also took good care of him.

It can be seen that Klopp attaches great importance to young juniors with great potential like Thain.

As for the "other types of treasures at the same level as golden apples" mentioned by Knight Klopp, when Thain said goodbye to the dominant knight, the other party seemed to ask casually, "Have you heard of Baili Dianhua?" The 'holy fruit' produced in the world?"

"I have vaguely heard of the world of Baili Dazzling Flowers, but I don't know what the 'Holy Fruit' is." Thain said truthfully.

The Baili Dazzling World... seems to be a medium-sized plane in the Wizards Alliance.

The reason why Thane had heard of this world was because in the historical records of Sky City, he seemed to have seen that the wizarding civilization tried to help this alliance plane rise to the level of a large world in history, but later failed.

In Thain's view, the reason why Baili Diaohua World failed to advance may be that the wizard civilization does not want to see this plane grow into a large world, or perhaps Baili Diaohua World itself does not have the qualifications to impact a large world. Or maybe there are other factors interfering, who knows?

Anyway, the Wizards Union does not have many descriptions of the world of Baili Dazzling Flowers. During the last Wizards Alliance Conference, Thain had no impression of having come into contact with the powerful people of the Baili Dazzling Flowers World.

As for what the holy fruit produced in Baili Diaohua World is, he has no idea.

After hearing Thain's answer, Klopp nodded and said, "I understand."

"You go back and wait for the news. The resource rewards promised to you by the Wizards Alliance will be sent to you one after another in the next period of time."

"Of course, the time and quantity may not be unified. After all, we have to take care of the wizard civilization legions on the frontline battlefield first, but the total number will definitely not be bad." Klopp smiled at Thain.

Thain also nodded in understanding.

Thanking Knight Klopp again, Thain left the wizard civilization command center.

After leaving the Wizarding Civilization Command Center in Portman's world, Thane received a message from brothers Thor and Loki.

Loki sent the most summons to Thane, seven in total, and Thor also had two.

These two brothers look anxious?

Not knowing what was going on, Thane flew to the place agreed upon with the two brothers.

This is a deep cave under the iceberg in the western part of Portman's world. Although the interior is very wide and there are some lower creatures living in it, the overall dark and cold atmosphere makes Thain always feel like he is following Thor and Loki and others seemed to be doing something shameful.

Thane was not a very picky magician about the environment, but he was still quite dissatisfied with the place chosen by the Thor brothers.

When Thane arrived at the iceberg cave as quickly as possible, Loki had been waiting here for a long time.

We haven’t seen each other for a few years, but Loki is already at level five!

I still remember that when the Wizards Alliance Conference was just held, Loki was still a fourth-level Titan god with a not very outstanding aura.

Could it be that he has also experienced adventures comparable to Thain's wars in recent years? Or is his bloodline too special?

Seeing Loki emerge from the darkness, Thane couldn't help but sigh.

"Have you brought all the magic coins?" Loki asked eagerly as soon as they met.

Seeing this, Thain raised his eyebrows and replied, "Where can I get so many magic coins in such a short time?"

"Didn't I already mention it to Thor? You can use some of the trophies and treasures I captured on the civilized battlefield to deduct it," Thain said.

"Do you really have trophies or treasures worth hundreds of millions of magic coins? If not, you can give me your mask as a deduction." Loki muttered in disbelief.

If he hadn't already cooperated with Thain once, he would definitely have doubts about the purchasing power of Thain, a fifth-level magician.

Without talking too much to Loki, Thane asked while taking things from the space equipment, "Where is my stuff?"

Seeing that Thain actually took out a few pieces of technological secret treasures that were obviously valuable, Loki's eyes lit up and he immediately took out the golden apple from his arms.

Thane had come into contact with two golden apples before and after, so he naturally recognized the genuine one that Loki took out.

But before Thain could express satisfaction with the deal in front of him, he immediately saw a tooth mark on the surface of the golden apple, and it had been bitten off!

Can a golden apple that has been bitten by someone still be sold?

Thain froze on the spot for a moment, and even stopped taking out things from the space equipment.

Loki was a little embarrassed when he saw this. Of course he knew the reason why Thane was stunned.

Before Thain could ask what was going on, Thor, wearing a suit of armor, rushed to the trading place in a hurry.

I haven’t seen him for a while. It turns out that not only Loki has advanced, but Thor has also reached level six!

Some time ago, I just witnessed Bai Xing's promotion to the sixth level, and now I see Thor possessing the sixth level.

Although Thain is still extremely young and has just received recognition from Klopp's Knights, he still inevitably feels a sense of urgency and pressure.

Others are so strong, so you have to work harder.

Seeing Thor arriving, Thain was about to say hello, but even Thor's loud voice said straight to the point, "It seems that Master Thain has made a fortune in recent years. There are so many secret treasure fragments..."

Loki pulled Thor in front of him. He didn't know what he asked specifically, and even Thor's greetings stopped abruptly.

"Where is my sister? Didn't I ask you to drag her?" Loki asked via voice transmission.

"I can't hold it off any longer. I have nothing serious to do with her in the first place." Thor said with his hands spread out. This guy seemed honest and honest, but in fact he was worried that Loki would be able to live alone.

Loki has tricked him like this more than once, and Thor has been tricked out of experience.

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