The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,770 The golden apple with a bite

Money is not the problem, the problem is whether you can really get the golden apple.

Before the outbreak of the Civilized War, the market price of golden apples in the Wizards' Union was 100 million magic coins.

Please note that this is only a market quotation. In fact, golden apples have always had a price but no market within the alliance.

As long as a golden apple leaks out, it will be dropped almost instantly.

One hundred million magic coins may seem like a lot, but this is only for creatures below level six.

For those dominant-level creatures, I am afraid no one would think that they have too many treasures of this type.

And with the outbreak of civilized war to this day, the price of golden apples will only rise, not fall.

Thor's offer of 300 million magic coins to Thain shows that his heart is not dark, and he also recognizes Thain, a wizard friend from the Wizarding World who has collaborated with him many times.

Sol did not ask Thain to pay a deposit. When the time comes, he will pay the money and deliver the goods.

Thain feels that this price can be further reduced.

Maybe Thor can accept 200 million magic coins.

Of course, this huge amount of magic coins does not need to be borne by Thain alone.

After he sends the news back, the members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect will piece it together for him.

Or maybe Thain gave Thor some of the blank technological treasure fragments that he couldn't use.

It's enough to pay the price.

After negotiating the deal with Thor through the crystal ball, Thain first went to report to the top powerful people in the wizarding world.

Because the tasks that Thain has completed in recent years are really good, and the rewards given to him are also very rich, maybe the person responsible for receiving him this time will not only be a sixth-level or sixth-level peak magician, but maybe a A dominant existence.

Who is the one?

With some anxiety and a touch of excitement, Thain stepped into the Wizarding World Local War Zone Command Center in Portman's world.

Here, he indeed saw a master, and he was an acquaintance.

"Hello, dear Knight Klopp." Thain greeted the black-armored knight who appeared in the command center with a smile.

"So it's Thain. I've also heard about how you've completed your tasks over the years. You've done a good job." Klopp praised Thain with a kind smile.

In recent times, Klopp is not the only master of wizarding civilization that has appeared around Portman's world.

After encircling and killing the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire, except for Ba Xia, who went to the sea planet, Dark Knight Lord Aibadang, who went straight back to the border of the world, and Fire Phoenix flew to visit his sister, other wizard civilization rulers, More or less, there is a way to pass through the world of Portman and make a short stay.

Ms. Bev had just left not long ago. She returned to the front lines of the civilized battlefield to supervise operations. The war zone she was mainly concerned about was the part that had penetrated into the Gallente Federation star field.

Although the masters of the wizarding civilization, including Ms. Bev, Master Saneses, Knight Kesada and others, have left, there are still several masters temporarily stationed inside and outside Portman's world.

For example, Hela, the seventh-level Titan world ruler, had just finished a domination melee and was still relatively tired.

Like Thain, Hela has hardly taken a break over the years. She is even busier than Thain.

At first, he participated in the Underworld Star Territory War, and later went to the Federation Star Territory. More than a hundred years ago, he was transferred to the Beholder World Battlefield, and had just ended another siege battle against two masters.

In terms of fatigue level, Hela was much more tired than Thane. At the same time, she also received an order from her aunt Bev to allow her to rest.

Hela has always admired her aunt the most.

In terms of pressure, Bev is far more stressed than Hela, but she can still lead all aspects of affairs on the front line of the civilized battlefield, so why should Hela be pretentious.

She has decided that after taking a short rest, she will lead her elite Titan World troops back to the front lines of the federal battlefield to assist her father Odin and others there.

Rest is impossible, and she does not need to indulge in the laboratory to explore the truth like the magicians in the wizarding world.

On the contrary, killing and fighting are what she is good at, otherwise she would not have the title of "Goddess of Death".

On this day, Hela returned to Titan Fortress and just took a bite of the golden apple when she received a message from her brother Thor.

"This brat, why are you looking for me again?" Hella raised an eyebrow, but after thinking about it, she put down the golden apple in her hand and went to see Thor first.

Thor and Loki have performed well over the years.

Thor successfully promoted to level six during the Beholder World War.

Loki was also promoted to level five not long ago.

When Hela left the world of Titan, her mother plane, she received repeated instructions from her mother Andel to take good care of her two younger brothers.

Fortunately, Thor and Loki have not caused trouble to Hela in recent years.

On the battlefield, Thor was still as unyielding and brave as ever. Many alliance gods who liked to flatter him praised Thor for having some of the heroic demeanor of God King Odin.

Loki has become more sensible in recent years than before, but his god's name has changed from the "God of Mischief" to the "God of Lies and Trickery" today.

Maybe this means Loki is more mature?

Not long after Hela left, a black shadow slowly appeared in the originally silent fortress room.

This black shadow finally took the form of Loki.

Someone dares to break into the room of a master without permission?

That is to say, Hela left a little suddenly just now and didn't bother to set up a restriction. Moreover, there were no secrets or valuable things in this room... except for the golden apple that had been bitten.

Loki, who appeared in Hela's room at this time, also had a pained expression.

A bitten golden apple?

Will the value of this thing be greatly reduced as a result?

And anyway, he was bitten by his sister. If he took this thing out and sold it, would his sister cause trouble for him?

Thinking of his sister's majesty, Loki shuddered suddenly.

Before Loki could hesitate for too long, Thor sent him a special signal, reminding him that he couldn't delay for too long.

Seeing this, Loki gritted his teeth and took the golden apple from the disk in front of him.

Anyway, with my sister's ability, she can quickly find her golden apple when she finds it is lost.

It was the unlucky wizard from the Wizarding World. Loki had already made up his mind to leave Portman's world as soon as the deal was completed.

Stay away from this stormy land.

As for those who will bear the wrath of Hela, it will naturally be the wizard of the wizarding world and his stupid brother Thor.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, Loki, who got the golden apple, quickly left the place.

After getting the golden apple, he flew straight towards the place agreed with Thain.

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