The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,769 Goodbye Thor (Additional update)

After retreating from the frontline battlefield to the rear to rest, Thain still had a lot to do before leaving.

Not all of the Ash Tower Legion will follow Thane back to the Wizarding World.

The wizarding civilization's rest system for low-level knights and magicians below level 4 is different from that for powerful players above level 4 like Thane.

Thane can easily take hundreds of years of rest and recuperation, which is obviously not possible for first- and second-level low-level magicians.

In the same way, Thane often has much more time to perform tasks and responsibilities than those low-level guys.

In addition to making arrangements for the Holy Tower of Ashes, those alliance creatures that are attached to Thane, as well as many wizard civilization legions that already have close cooperative relationships, Thain must also handle the relationship with them before leaving.

Fortunately, Thain is in a group and he is not fighting alone.

Although Thain has temporarily left the frontline battlefield, his mentor, uncle, master, and all the friends he has met will not leave all at once.

The Kryptonian Legion, the Huyan Legion, etc., which are closely related to Thane, will definitely be taken care of by Thain's master, uncle, and others.

In the same way, Thane will also have to take care of some human connections from his master's sect in the future.

Regarding Arthur's Sea Planet Legion, Thane deliberately met with Arthur before leaving, telling him to hold on to the Sea Tribe of the Wizarding World led by Bai Xing for a period of time in the future.

After a period of calmness, Arthur also knew what he should do.

After solemnly accepting Thain's suggestion, he gave Thain a piece of Neptune Shell, a specialty of the Planet of the Sea. This thing is considered a specialty of the Planet of the Sea. It can be used against the water element of a third-level magician in just the raw server. The affinity has been significantly improved.

If it is made into a potion, even a fourth-level magician can benefit a lot.

Although Thane is not a water magician, he also accepted this gift from Arthur.

"I heard that you are going back to the wizarding world. I don't know when we can fight side by side again next time." Arthur said.

"It won't be long, and I won't be able to take a long vacation." Thain shook his head and said.

For fourth- and fifth-level creatures, the time span of several hundred years is indeed not that long.

After settling the matters before leaving, Thane was finally able to return to Portman's world.

This time, Thane did not go there in his own space fortress. Instead, he went alone to the medium-sized world through the remote teleportation arrays set up by the wizard civilization in various surrounding star fields.

Dragon Turtle Tourmaline originally wanted to go with Thain, but under Thain's persuasion, she stayed on the Planet of the Sea temporarily to stay with her father and sister.

Anyway, Thain will return directly to the wizarding world next. With Tourmaline's ability, he is not afraid that Thain will get lost.

Last time, Bixi told Thain that she had a baby she wanted to show him.

But because Thain is very busy recently, he didn't explore the specifics. We will talk about it after returning to the wizarding world.

Thain has long seen that Bai Xing and others do not want Tourma to wander around on the frontline battlefield.

After Thane returned to the wizarding world, Bai Xing happened to have a reason to send Tourmare back.

After saying goodbye to his mentor Lu Lianman and others, Thane set foot on the teleportation array set up on the planet of the sea.

During this period, Thain certainly did not forget to say hello to the Ghost Crow King at the border of the Black Bat Star Territory.

With Thain's request, the Ghost Crow King was able to transfer to a demiplane in a space called "Cleveland" and briefly meet Thain.

"It still doesn't work?" Thain said with regret in a temporarily rented laboratory in the Cleveland demiplane.

"Guagua, I'm really sorry Master Thain, I can't wake up this sleeping soul." At this time, the size of the Ghost Crow King had shrunk to about the same level as Xiao Qi.

Spreading its wings under the laboratory chandelier, it looks a little funny.

In the view of the King of Ghost Crows, the crystal coffin in front of him was not a sleeping soul, but a broken soul that had been barely put together.

Broken souls like this have been devoured by the Ghost Crow King over the years.

Only souls that are complete and at least reach the level of a demigod-level creature can barely meet the consumption standards of the King of Ghost Crows and meet its current status.

The Civilized War has progressed so far, and the Ghost Crow King has devoured several souls of even fourth- and fifth-level creatures.

This is also thanks to the fact that it has a good thigh.

In response to the Ghost Crow King's answer, Thane sighed, then nodded and sent the Ghost Crow King away.

In fact, Thain had been mentally prepared before, but when he actually received this reply, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

After sending away the Ghost Crow King, he returned to the laboratory and looked at the crystal coffin in front of him. Thain fell into calm and silence again.

Affected by Natalya's incident, Thain's originally good mood of being able to return to the wizarding world to rest was also neutralized.

"I haven't contacted the Spider Queen for a while. I wonder if the Spider Queen can help me find a suitable soul-based black magician." Thain suddenly remembered something and sighed.

Leaving the Cleveland demiplane, Thane headed straight towards the direction of Portman's world.

During the war, the wizard civilization built a large number of space transit nodes.

There are at least several special planes like the Cleveland Demiplane in every star field.

The existence of these demiplane transfer points is not only to divert war resources, but also greatly facilitates magicians like Thain.

Even every demiplane has been built into a paramilitary fortress.

When Thain enters and exits these demi-planes, he can always see groups of alliance legions and space fortresses of various types, appearing in and out of the demi-plane, and frequently initiating space jumps to the target star field.

After passing through more than a dozen space transfer points and taking more than half a year, Thane finally arrived at the Portman world on the border of the underworld star field.

It takes such a long time to use the space teleportation array, which shows that the territory of wizard civilization is unprecedentedly vast.

Portman's world is not affiliated with the underworld star field, it is only around the underworld star field. Therefore, the war in the underworld star field more than two thousand years ago did not have much impact on the medium-sized star field where this world is located.

There are many fire, light and plant planes in the Portman Star Field, so this medium-sized star field gives people the feeling of being full of sunshine and vitality, which is completely opposite to the current dark and cold atmosphere of the Underworld Star Field.

Sure enough, in the star realm, luck sometimes conforms to the law of balance.

When Thain first encountered regret and loss regarding Natalya, other good things soon appeared in front of him.

Thor, the God of Thunder, and his brother Loki from the Titan world are also in this star field.

And when Thain first arrived in the star field, he got in touch with these two people.

Thane asked Thor if he had any extra golden apples for sale.

Sol initially said he didn't have one, but after getting in touch with his brother, Sol said it was possible to get him one.

But this time, Thor asked for 300 million magic coins, which was more than four times the last time's price of 70 million magic coins!

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