The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,768 Rest and Rewards

On this day, Thane, who was finishing a body refining experiment in the laboratory, received a report from the little fox girl.

The new Sea King Arthur had just left Thain's Ash Fortress. As expected, he hit a wall again and didn't even see Thain himself.

Of course, Thain knew Arthur's purpose.

That's why he avoids it.

It's not that Thain himself insists on going his own way and is unwilling to go to the ancient desert wasteland world group, but the sixth-level magician Trilis behind him has no such idea for the time being.

Thane had not seen Triris for some time, since the end of the Warp War.

Master, she should still be seeking to break through to the peak level six.

Unlike Bai Xing who has a good father, if Trilis wants to reach the peak of level six, it won't be accomplished in the blink of an eye.

This time span may range from ten to several decades.

Fortunately, the war in subspace and surrounding star fields has basically ended, and the top leaders of the Wizards Alliance are unlikely to assign any hard tasks to Trilis in the near future.

In addition to the master's promotion and temporary inability to deal with new battlefield situations, the anxious war that has currently broken out in the ancient desert wasteland world group is another factor that prevents Thain from falling into the muddy water.

Thain and others have indeed been responsible for the Sea Star Territory War in recent years, and have not participated in the ancient desert wasteland world group battle.

But those wizard civilization legions that bulldozed and ended the battle in the Black Bat Star Territory have recently begun to frequently send troops to the ancient desert wasteland world group.

The war situation there is, how should I put it, there are winners and losers.

The local legions of the ancient desert wasteland world group are indeed vulnerable and have no intention of fighting.

However, the Gallente Federation has deployed a large number of defense lines in that star field. More importantly, the Apocalypse World has added nearly ten million troops to the ancient desert wasteland world group.

Apocalypse World has made it clear that they will stick to their vested interests in the ancient desert wasteland world group.

Going head-to-head with such a large plane on the battlefield is not necessarily a good thing.

Thain still remembers that when he participated in the war in the Beholder World Star Territory, he was stuck in a radiation plane for more than ten years.

The wizard civilization has indeed achieved great victory and initiative on the battlefield, but as an independent fifth-level creature, Thane cannot help being too arrogant on the civilized battlefield.

No matter how useless the Apocalypse World is, it still has the ability to crush him to death.

On the civilized battlefield, only by always maintaining a humble, low-key, and respectful mentality can you go far.

And Thane is not completely uninterested in the war in the ancient desert wasteland world group.

In his opinion, even if he wants to send troops to the ancient desert wasteland world group, he has to wait for an opportunity - that is, the master-class thinker of the Rose Dynasty civilization will lead his main army to attack the ancient desert wasteland world group, or the planet of the sea. Bian's tyrants took action.

But unfortunately, there is no sign of either moving at the moment.

Thain has a relatively good relationship with Mo Yan and Bixi, so he has already heard that the Sea Legion in the Wizarding World will not get involved in the war in the ancient desert world group.

Are you kidding me? Almost all sea tribes in the wizarding world are water-type creatures. Going to a world community full of deserts, gobis, and dust to join the war, isn't this using one's own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths?

When the time comes, how much combat power will the Neptune-like legion under Bai Xing's command be able to exert?

The Planet of the Sea Legion under Arthur himself is not very adaptable to the plane environment of the star field over there.

The reason why he was so anxious was because Arthur was confused.

Thane was not confused, so he left Arthur alone and asked him to calm down.

The war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation is still in full swing. Will there be less places for him to participate in the war?

They have not been dispatched for the time being. It can only be said that the wizard civilization command has other considerations.

Anyway, these alliance combat legions will definitely not be left idle.

Thain, who had just completed his body-training experiment, looked healthy and beautiful all over his body.

The little fox girl hadn't been in contact with her master for some years, and her whole face turned red when she was smelled by Thain's body.

The little fox girl really doesn't have to worry about Thane. She hasn't seen her for a while and she's already half-conscious.

Thain doesn't know whether the little fox girl is really talented in cultivation, or whether Bixi has fed her some delicious food. In short, these playmates who often accompany Bixi, in terms of the progress of cultivation and improvement of life level, Faster than Selena and Erin from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Owl Xiaoqi has now reached the third level of life.

It is still the less talented among the few little guys, and now it can no longer beat Sha'er and the half-undead girl Luo.

Thain is usually obsessed with experiments and doesn't care much about them. They say that magicians are lonely seekers of truth. This is true.

Thanks to the tourmaline that always looks after them, Thain can also feel the joy of life and the special sense of family warmth in his spare time.

"Call Fumila here for me. Next we need to conduct mechanical research."

"Also inform Wall-E to tidy up the central laboratory. The work of carving elemental magic patterns on the Rubik's Cube is also coming to a close." Thain ordered the little fox girl.

"Yes, Master." The little fox girl replied obediently.

She is more suitable to be Thane's life steward than Yuri.

Because Yuli sometimes gets a little bit angry, but the little fox girl never fights for anything, and she gets along well with the new members of the laboratory such as Walli and Fumila.

Only Wall-E's pet, the electronic cockroach Hal, was a little scared when the little fox girl saw it.

On the contrary, Hal likes to stick to the little fox girl. In the laboratory, you can often see the little fox girl sweeping with a magic broom in front, and there is an interesting scene of a little black dot jumping around in the back.

After the little fox girl left respectfully, Thain looked at the fiery red tail of the other party's maid costume and her round and perky little butt, and took a sip of the body-refining potion placed next to the experimental table.

Thane stayed on the Planet of the Sea for about seven years.

In the end, he did not wait for the war order to go to the ancient desert wasteland world group, but he first waited for the reply to the leave application he submitted to the wizard civilization.

After experiencing the war around Blue Star, the war on the fantastic plane, the war in subspace, the war in the black bat star field and the war in the star field of the sea, the wizard civilization finally agreed to give Thane a two-hundred-and-twenty-year leave and allowed Thain to return. The wizarding world takes a break.

It is not easy to get more than two hundred years of leave during the war.

Moreover, Thain's vacation period is only the part of the time he initially applied to the Wizarding Civilization. If there is not enough time by then, he can continue to try to apply.

After being promoted to level five, Thain finally had some time to breathe.

Even before he returned to the Wizarding World, Thain had already made various arrangements for his upcoming vacation.

Before returning directly to the Wizarding World to rest, Thain had to go to a medium-sized plane called Portman's World on the border of the Underworld Star Territory to report.

That world is located in a relatively independent medium-sized star field. It is not only located on the border of the underworld star field, but also not far from the beholder world that Thain is familiar with.

I wonder what the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization wanted to do by asking him to make a special trip there?

However, Lu Lianman, who learned that Thain was about to return to the Wizarding World to rest, told Thain that it might be related to the reward he would receive next.

Thane attracted the Black Bat civilization, Kryptonians, Blue Star creatures, sea planets, wonderful planes, etc. to join the Wizards Alliance. Cuillis reported these achievements on his behalf.

Including Thain's performance in the subspace battlefield and obtaining a lot of information about the ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization, these contributions are definitely not small.

The higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization have never issued any rewards to him, and they probably don’t know what kind of rewards to give him.

"You're not going to give me another world-class secret treasure, are you?" Thain joked to his mentor.

Lu Lianman knew that Thain already had two world-class secret treasures, so she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

When Thain saw this, he smiled and said, "If there is a world-class secret treasure as a reward, I will give it to you, mentor."

When Lu Lianman heard this, her face turned red, and she replied, "What do you think? Are there so many world-class secret treasures? And I can reward you at will."

"Even if it's really a treasure of that level, it's useless for you to give it to me. How much power can I, a fourth-level plant magician, exert?"

"If the wizard civilization wants to reward you, it must also give you fire-related treasures, or rewards related to mechanics?" Lu Lianman pondered.

"Then I don't want anything else. It would be nice to have another golden apple."

"During the civilized war, treasures of this level were the hard currency." Thain said with a smile.

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