The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,767 White Star Advances

The white figure that appeared was naturally Bai Xing.

Thain heard that Bai Xing had rarely appeared in recent years, including during the expedition to the Sea Star Territory. Those fighting on the front lines were basically Neptunes and level 4 or above Sea Clan powerhouses. Bai Xing did not personally take action.

Including this time when she came to the Planet of the Sea, even Arthur was about to inherit the position of King of the Sea, and Thain had never seen her again.

It is obvious that Bai Xing is in an extremely critical state at this time.

But the arrival of his father made Bai Xing choose to break away from this state.

After all, Bai Xing hasn't seen his father for several years.

Members of the Tourmaline family have this common problem.

Bixi's father, eldest brother, second brother and Bixi himself are all very good sleepers. 🄲

It has been several times. Bixi just took a nap. As soon as he opened his eyes, Thain ran away without knowing where he was.

It can’t be said that Tourmaline’s habit is bad.

It can only be said that this is a way for their family to increase their heritage and grow their strength.

Without doing anything, just sleeping, you can steadily gain strength and life thickness.

And while sleeping, he can help the Wizarding World suppress Haiyan, and gain the favor of the Wizarding World's will.

Where can one find such a good thing?

After not seeing him for a while, Bai Xing seemed to be a little bigger and majestic to Thane.

It seems that the standard for judging the strength of Tourmaline family members is their size.

Before the fourth level of tourmaline and after the fourth level, the difference in body is quite obvious.

As for the giant mermaid Shirahoshi, in Thain's eyes, she was already very majestic and tall, but against the background of their father, Shirahoshi actually looked a bit "petite".

"What a terrifying physique." Thain couldn't help but sigh.

A fifth-level creature like him might not be able to break Bixi's father's defense even if he attacks with all his strength.

So what is this, tickling Bixi's father?

The scene of the father-daughter meeting did not make Ba Xia pay attention to Thain for too long.

Strangely enough, the last time he was glanced at by the master-level thinker of the Rose Dynasty civilization on the battlefield, Thain felt sincere pressure and a heavy aura.

But at this time, when he came into contact with this dominant dragon turtle at a relatively close distance, Thain had no feelings at all.

Thain had never heard of restraining his breath to this extent before.

After Bixi and Baixing, Mo Yan also appeared in front of the giant dragon turtle with his two cousins.

During the war in the Sea Star Territory, the three Mo Yan brothers did not go with Thane and others. Instead, they followed their sister Bai Xing and the Sea Legion.

It can be expected that these three brothers must be making a lot of money on the battlefield in the Sea Star Territory.

From the perspective of body shape, Mo Yan is an alternative to the Tourmaline family. Although his real body is very long, he is very thin, which is completely different from the fleshy appearance of Tourmaline and Baixing.

When this family is together, they have nothing to do with outsiders.

Just when Thane thought that this Sea King enthronement ceremony that belonged to Arthur was interrupted and ended, Bai Xing, who got an eyeball from his father, jumped up and reached the highest point of the sea planet.

Bai Xing, who was originally in a state of suppressed qualitative change, suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful aura of power.

The intensity of this aura has far exceeded the scope of level five creatures, reaching level six!

In the sight of Thane and the surrounding creatures, White Star began to grow in size.

Large-area waves tended to gradually rise, but Tourmaline's father just pressed his paw downwards, and these tides caused by the turbulence of the power of the law receded.

On the other hand, Bai Xing himself, after expanding his size to a certain extent, slammed the sea surface with his fish tail.

Tens of thousands of feet of turbulent waves rolled up, and bits of rain and dew began to fall in the center of the sea planet. A rainbow of seven colors appeared on the shoulder and collarbone of the white star after it became huge.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Thain was stunned for a while, then turned around and asked, "Is this level six?"

At this time, standing next to Thane and relatively close to him was his master Bo Jiagaru.

Penas, Lu Lianman and others are also here. Lu Lianman just arrived not long ago.

Gargaru picked at his scalp with his thick fingers, then nodded and said, "It seems that he has been promoted to level six."

After saying that, the pair of uncle and nephew looked at each other speechlessly for a moment.

Both Thain and Gargaru are fifth-level magicians, and they know how difficult it is for strong people of this level to cross the level.

Thane is better, he has not been promoted to level five for a long time, but Gargaru has been at this stage for tens of thousands of years.

The biggest difference between the low-level plane and the medium-sized world is that it has its own sixth-level creature sitting there.

Level six creatures are considered to be in the upper-middle class among top civilizations.

Just like Cuilisi and others, they were originally able to take charge of a less important local war zone.

In recent years, Thain has grown rapidly and gained many opportunities and benefits.

But he dare not say now when he can reach level six.

Thain is still far away from level six.

The promotion of a magician requires the accumulation of knowledge.

Thain's current assessment of himself is that his realm is still around the early to mid-level fifth level, but with the blessing of the Phaseless Mask and the Rubik's Cube, his actual combat effectiveness can reach around the late fifth level.

Of course, this is just Thain's physical strength, and the situation in actual combat is different.

For example, he created the super magic bomb that can threaten level six creatures, and the eight-winged angel Fumila who has come under his command, as well as other powerful wizards and civilizations who can support Thane on the battlefield.

The white star in front of him has been promoted to level six, which is also a good thing for Thane.

With Tourmaline's relationship, coupled with the previous experience of good war cooperation in the Starfield of the Sea, Thane will have many opportunities to fight hand in hand with the Gallente Federation on the civilized battlefield in the future.

In addition to being extremely surprised that Shirahoshi was promoted to level six so easily, Thane was also curious about the eyeball-like thing she just got from her father.

Not many people should have seen that eyeball.

Thane was able to capture this scene with the support of the Vision of the Maskless Persona.

Looking at the happy family again, Thain was filled with emotion.


After White Star is promoted, it will also be a good thing for the creatures of the sea planet.

As a water creature, the Planet of the Sea can also gain some benefits from White Star's promotion process.

It's just that the amount of resources that the Planet of the Sea needs to hand over to the Wizards Alliance and the Wizard World Sea Clan will not be reduced by half.

Regarding this situation, in addition to tightening his belt and living with his tribe and civilization, Arthur also has another appeal, which is to lead his army to the ancient desert wasteland world group as soon as possible.

The legions led by Arthur have gained considerable wealth in past wars, and the wizarding civilization will also reward alliance planes that have accomplished outstanding missions.

Arthur leads the Sea Planet Legion in the name of conquering the ancient desert wasteland world group in order to regain the crown of Sea King and severely punish his brother and the Sea Planet rebels.

However, as Arthur's backer and direct leader, Thain has not been very enthusiastic about war recently, and he has repeatedly rejected Arthur's application to fight.

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