The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,766: Suppressing the Blue Water Ocean

As a medium-sized plane, the Planet of the Sea can host the arrival of dominant-level creatures.

But obviously the Planet of the Sea has not really ushered in a master before, so Ba Xia's mere approach to this medium-sized plane has put great pressure on the will and rules environment of the Planet of the Sea. .

A green-scaled sea fish with two long white whiskers hovered nervously around the new King of the Sea, Arthur.

At this time, Arthur has already put on the crown of Neptune. There is no doubt that this is a fake.

Apart from the appearance being exactly the same as the Crown of the Sea King, there is no lawful fluctuation on it.

The real world-class secret treasure, the Crown of the Sea King, is still in the hands of Orm who is on the run.

As a result, Arthur is the only modern Sea King whose life level remains at level five after inheriting the throne.

In the eyes of some pessimistic and conservative creatures of the sea planet, this may be a sign of the decline of the sea planet.

This blue-scaled sea fish hovering next to Arthur is the guardian of the sea planet. 🅆🄲

As a guardian, this blue-scaled sea fish has very little experience, only less than a few thousand years.

This is also one of the reasons why Orm was relatively successful in seizing the power of the sea planet in the first place.

Although his qualifications are very low, this blue-scaled sea fish shows great care and love to his mother plane.

Before Orm and others left, they did not wreak havoc on the sea planet, which was the result of this blue-scaled sea fish's efforts.

Orm was already somewhat unpopular in the Sea Star Territory at that time, so he did not dare to harm the guardians at first.

Perhaps in Orm's subconscious, he is still thinking about regaining the power of the sea planet one day in the future with the help of the Gallente Federation.

The anxious cry of the guardian Blue Scale Sea Fish did not produce any useful results.

Arthur also lowered his face slightly at this time.

how? Do they still want to prevent a master from coming to the planet of the sea?

The master was obviously a strong man from the wizarding civilization. Although Arthur didn't know him, he was familiar with the tourmaline on his back.

When he was around Blue Star and the Wonderful Plane, Tourmaline always came to play with Thane, and Arthur had seen him several times.

And he also knew that Bixi was Bai Xing's sister.

A seventh-level master forcibly descends on a medium-sized plane. For some planes, this is a kind of torture and pain.

When Bai Xing squeezed into the wonderful plane, it was very reluctant.

Dominant-level creatures are no longer able to descend to low-level and micro-planes, because their huge legal bodies and energy thickness can burst these planes.

The medium-sized world is the lowest level plane that domination-level creatures can descend to.

And not all planes are suitable for the coming of masters, like the planet of the sea, because in the past generations there was only a single lineage of successive sea kings, too few sixth-level creatures were born, and the plane rules were not expanded enough, which will lead to the current situation.

What is truly suitable for the masters to fight and exert themselves wantonly are those large worlds and the boundless starry sky.

The agitation of the sea planet obviously attracted the attention of the father and daughter outside the plane.

Dominant-level creature Baxia has a calm and honest personality, and Tourmaline is even more lively and loving.

The planet of the sea was devastated and its rules were damaged because of Ba Xia's arrival. This was obviously not what the father and daughter wanted to see.

Maybe Ba Xia doesn't care too much about the life and death of these alien star creatures, but in front of his daughter, Ba Xia is still more willing to show his generous and caring side.

For example, the bloody battle of the Lord that we experienced before. Baxia will not mention it to his youngest daughter Bixi.

"Ouch!" A thick dragon roar came out of Zi Baxia's mouth.

I saw Ba Xia taking one of his dragon claws down steadily.

The mountain-like dragon claws directly touched the surface of the plane barrier of the sea planet.

Don't get me wrong, Ba Xia is not trying to smash the dimensional barriers of the Planet of the Sea. He is helping the Planet of the Sea suppress the turbulent and fierce power of rules.

Even the endless South China Sea in the top level wizard world can be suppressed by Ba Xia! What does a medium-sized ocean planet mean?

Bi Xi also followed suit and clapped her claws down with her father, but Bi Xi's strength was much weaker.

The dragon's roar she made lacked the rough and thick sound of Ba Xia, and was more crisp and sweet.

Under the huge tonnage of the Lord, the power of its palm directly suppressed the storm and tsunami that arose from the planet of the sea.

The will of the sea planet is much more mature than the will of those lower planes.

Although she was also afraid of the majestic domination energy possessed by Ba Xia, due to the innate affinity for water possessed by Ba Xia's lineage, the planar will of the sea planet was vaguely welcoming to the members of Ba Xia's family.

The thin plane barrier quietly opened, and Ba Xia also carried his daughter on his back and slowly entered the sea planet.

Some inexplicable changes seem to be happening quietly in the sea planet.

Although Ba Xia is not the local master of the Planet of the Sea, due to his arrival and the expansion of the plane rules of the Planet of the Sea, the Planet of the Sea will inevitably undergo great changes.

What's even more commendable is that Baxia's expansion did not leave any irreparable heavy impression on the planet of the sea.

As long as Ba Xia has not left the sea planet, the power of ocean rules in this medium-sized world will not be messed up!

Even the ocean of the wizarding world can be suppressed, but a sea planet cannot be suppressed?

The guardian blue-scaled sea fish has a very rich expression at this time.

It is not only afraid of the majestic power possessed by Ba Xia, but also deeply feels some of the changes currently taking place on the planet of the sea.

These changes are definitely beneficial to the Planet of the Sea.

But with such a huge creature squeezing in, the blue-scaled sea fish would not be able to sleep peacefully.

Different from the complex psychology of the creatures on the sea planet, the powerful men in the wizarding world and the foreign gods in the wizarding alliance all responded with the warmest welcome and respect to the arrival of this tyrannical ruler.

The ones who performed the most exaggeratedly were the sea tribes in the wizarding world.

Almost all the sea creatures, from the low-level sea people below the first level to the fourth and fifth-level sea powerhouses, all bowed and knelt down in response to the arrival of the giant dragon turtle, calling them "Poseidon".

Ba Xia, who has contributed to the ocean of the wizarding world for countless years, has a higher prestige among the sea tribe than the mermaid master.

Ba Xia himself has a calm and honest character, and he behaves very indifferently when faced with tens of millions of sea people kneeling down to worship him.

Thain was also quietly sizing up the master. Of course, he said hello to Bixi first.

As another alliance leader that Thain met up close, Thain felt that Bixi's father was easy to get along with.

It's not that Thain has already had conversations or contact with Ba Xia.

But just by the temperament and gentle expression revealed by the other party, Thain knew that this was an existence that was easy to deal with.

It was also when Thain was quietly observing the dragon turtle master that a white figure jumped out from under the sea level not far away.

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