The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,761 Revenge (Additional update)

Besides the Fourth Pharaoh, who else could take up the throne of the Hades Empire?

The second pharaoh glanced around and looked at the tenth pharaoh.

This pharaoh, who was called "Little Ten" by the ninth pharaoh, was indeed the most eye-catching genius among the younger generation of the Minghe Empire.

It only took less than a hundred thousand years to reach the eighth level.

This kind of promotion speed is also very rare in the history of the Minghe Empire. 🄲

But the promotion of the tenth pharaoh of the Hades Empire was very tricky.

Many people believe that she was promoted too quickly, resulting in a weak foundation.

Moreover, this tenth pharaoh was also known as a person in the Hades Empire who acted erratically and did not respect ancient laws.

The historical tradition of practicing self-sealing in the Minghe Empire is to peel off the opponent's skin and use it as his own trophy and sealing shackles.

But when the Tenth Pharaoh was young, he felt that the sealing shackles made of the opponent's skin were too ugly, so he rejected this primitive method and instead worked out a set of "Sealing Clothes" refining techniques on his own.

Being able to create the Clothes of Sealing, a special method specifically used to practice self-sealing, has proven the tenth Pharaoh's outstanding talent.

It was also because of this incident that the second Pharaoh took a high look at him.

At this time, in the Pharaoh Temple, the six Pharaohs who arrived here each occupied a corner.

Except for the tenth pharaoh, who was wearing a gray-colored skirt, the other five pharaohs were covered in gray-white "bandages", full of evil aura and the terrifying aura of death.

In fact, the difference in appearance between the creatures of the Hades Empire and the humans in the Wizarding World is not obvious. The creatures of the Hades Empire are a bit taller, and from the aesthetic point of view of the Wizarding World, this tenth pharaoh can definitely be called a "beauty" ".

It's just the unique customs, historical traditions, and cultivation methods of the Minghe Empire that make the creatures in the Minghe Empire become more ferocious and terrifying as they develop.

There were six pharaohs present, and five of them were terrifying monsters.

Only the tenth pharaoh seemed to emerge from the mud unstained, which was indeed strange.

No wonder the Tenth Pharaoh is quite slandered in the Hades Empire. It turns out that she is the most special existence.

This should be the first time for the Tenth Pharaoh to participate in this kind of impromptu Pharaoh Temple meeting. Since all the people present are eighth-level beings, this meeting is almost the highest-level gathering of the Hades Empire. It is very likely to decide the fate of the Hades Empire. National destiny and future development direction.

The five pharaohs present looked solemn at this time. Only the Tenth Pharaoh still had the time to take care of her sharp gray nails.

Several pharaohs were also familiar with the behavior of the tenth pharaoh, and no one scolded him. After the second pharaoh glanced at each other, he said to himself, "The eighth pharaoh has died. He was responsible before. Matters related to wizard civilization."

After the second pharaoh said this, he fell into silence.

The other five pharaohs present were surprised, angry, disbelieving, and so on.

However, no one was sad about the death of the eighth pharaoh. The Hades Empire itself was not a civilization that paid special attention to emotions and would show sadness.

The Tenth Pharaoh was also stunned when he picked at his nails, and a small nick was accidentally made in his long and pointed nails.

"What a waste, he can't even do such a small thing!" The tenth Pharaoh cursed angrily, and actually crushed a scissors-shaped thing in her hand.

A scream came from the bone scissors, which contained the soul of a sixth-level peak creature.

The other party was the Tenth Pharaoh's new favorite in the past hundred years, but she was so easily wiped out.

The master's fingernails can't be broken so easily, let alone a soul whose body no longer exists.

The Tenth Pharaoh was obviously angry for no reason at the unfortunate ghost in the bone scissors. Although he looked very charming and beautiful, the Tenth Pharaoh was also a moody master.

There are no good people in the Minghe Empire. Tyranny and killing are the normal behavior of the top civilization powerhouses in this area.

The erasure of a worthless soul did not affect the meeting at the Pharaoh's temple as usual.

In the end, the fifth pharaoh was the first to speak, and she expressed her intention to take revenge on the wizarding civilization!

Following the fifth pharaoh, the seventh pharaoh also seconded the proposal.

Just being beaten without fighting back is not the character of the Minghe Empire.

Under normal circumstances, the death of a seventh-level pharaoh would be enough to send shockwaves throughout the Minghe Empire, let alone a powerful eighth-level being ranked among the top ten.

How many level eight creatures are there in the Minghe Empire?

Even a top civilization would feel distressed if someone suddenly fell!

The statements of the two pharaohs have actually pointed out the direction of this meeting.

Because no one present raised objections.

The second pharaoh remained silent. After a long time, he turned to look at the fourth pharaoh who had also not spoken.

Under the premise that both the First Pharaoh and the Third Pharaoh were absent, the Second Pharaoh still valued the attitude of the Fourth Pharaoh, and this was a young man he was extremely optimistic about.

The fourth pharaoh did not disappoint the second pharaoh. Under the gaze of the second pharaoh, the fourth pharaoh pondered for a moment and said, "I also agree to retaliate against the wizard civilization, but... I suggest not to War on two fronts.”

"The wizard civilization is extremely far away from our Hades Empire. If we send a large-scale expeditionary army to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization, the journey may take tens of thousands of years."

"Even if we use some space methods to shorten the time as much as possible, it will take at least thousands of years to reach the border of wizard civilization. Moreover, with this method, the number of legions invested will definitely not be too many, and it may not be able to defeat the wizard civilization. It hurts the muscles and bones,” said the Fourth Pharaoh.

"Are we going to sit back and watch the eighth pharaoh fall in the wizarding civilization and remain indifferent? How do we calculate the majesty lost by our Hades Empire?!" The fifth pharaoh raised objections.

Facing the fifth pharaoh's question, the fourth pharaoh was not annoyed. He still said in a calm tone, "So I have two plans here. One is to send troops to the great world of Huanyu, this large world that once surrendered to us. The performance has been getting better and better in recent years.”

"Many aspects show that they are colluding with the wizarding world. There are even many wizarding civilization legions stationed there?"

"The second plan is to send an elite assassination team headed by a master-level strongman and supplemented by sixth-level creatures to carry out equal revenge on the wizard civilization."

"I heard that the wizarding civilization is at war with the Gallente Federation, the top technological civilization? With our strength, we can find an opportunity to kill a dominant creature of the wizarding civilization and escape unscathed." The fourth pharaoh said. .

“21 more chapters need to be added~”

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