The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,762 The Tenth Pharaoh

Both of the two suggestions given by the Fourth Pharaoh have some flaws.

Attacking the world of Huanyu actually involves a lot.

As a large-scale world civilization, the Great World of Huanyu is not very powerful, but it is a world civilization with extremely prosperous economic development. It is comparable to many large and medium-sized world civilizations in the surrounding star fields and some top-level civilizations deep in the distant starry sky. There is a connection.

Including the huge amount of resources that the world of Huanyu transports and pays tribute to the Minghe Empire every hundred years, it is also an astronomical figure.

Until now, the Minghe Empire has not killed the great world of Huanyu. This is also because many aristocratic families in the Minghe Empire are too deeply involved with the great world of Huanyu.

If the opponent is really defeated in one go, let alone whether the final war benefits will meet everyone's expectations, it is certain that the interests of many powerful people in the Minghe Empire will be damaged.

In the eyes of many powerful people in the Minghe Empire, keeping the world of Huanyu is more profitable than erasing them directly.

This is a chicken that lays golden eggs. 🄼🄼

The second suggestion proposed by the Fourth Pharaoh - to attack the master of wizard civilization in the form of an assassination team, is not very perfect either.

The Wizarding Star Territory is, after all, the home of the Wizarding Civilization.

Where does the Minghe Empire want to send the masters? If they send too few, they may not be able to achieve the expected goal. If they send too many, the cost of just sending these masters back and forth is an astonishing figure.

Do you really treat wizard civilization as a soft persimmon?

Since the wizard civilization can attack and kill an eighth-level master of the Minghe Empire, as a stronger top civilization, the Minghe Empire must kill at least an eighth-level master of the opponent in order to maintain its majesty.

One person may not be enough, but two are needed!

Since the goal is to kill two eighth-level creatures from the wizard civilization, how many master-level powerhouses will the Mingha Empire send across the star field?

Can't all members of the Pharaoh Temple be mobilized, right? Bring some seventh-level masters and monster legions with them?

Then it would be better to directly declare war on the wizarding civilization and launch a cross-star expedition!

There is no perfect advice in the world, and the advice of the Fourth Pharaoh is just to follow the "golden mean".

Moreover, in the final analysis of this matter, the eighth pharaoh was stupid, put himself in danger, and finally died.

The Minghe Empire still had to find a way to avenge him.

That’s why the tenth Pharaoh just scolded him, “What a waste! He can’t even do such a small thing!”

She was actually scolding the eighth pharaoh.

As a young junior who has just been promoted to the eighth level, he scolds a senior who is stronger than himself, even if the opponent is dead, but in the Hades Empire with strict hierarchical concepts, there is only one such eccentric person like the Tenth Pharaoh. Only people can do it.

Of course, the tenth pharaoh did not say that he was criticizing the eighth pharaoh.

Everyone saw it just now. She conveniently erased the soul of a sixth-level peak creature.

At the stage of its realization, it would be unwise to start a war with the wizarding civilization from any point of view.

Whether it is sending an assassination team to attack the opponent's leader or a large-scale expedition, it is not in line with the current interests of the Minghe Empire.

But the Hades Empire could not sit idly by and ignore this matter. The Ninth Pharaoh, who had never spoken in the end, said, "I agree with the Fourth Pharaoh. Fighting on two fronts is not good for us. Our biggest enemy at this stage is still The attributes are extremely restrained by our civilization of the Kingdom of Light."

"Sending troops to the world, or using a 'tit for tat' method to retaliate and kill one or two masters of the wizarding civilization may be the best option at this stage."

"As for the total annihilation of wizard civilization, it would be most appropriate to wait until the First Pharaoh comes out of seclusion to conduct an expedition." The Ninth Pharaoh said.

The ninth pharaoh's speech aroused the nods of approval from all the pharaohs present.

The group of people who can enter the highest decision-making level of the Pharaoh Temple all take the development of civilization as their own responsibility, and worldly interests have little to do with them.

So they will try their best to do things that are beneficial to civilization, not for their own selfish desires.

Just when the ninth pharaoh finished speaking and the second pharaoh was about to put the matter to rest, the tenth pharaoh said with a smile, "I have one more suggestion."

The second pharaoh paused his movements, and several other pharaohs also looked at "Little Ten" curiously.

"I heard that the wizarding civilization is at war with the Gallente Federation?"

"It seems... the Gallente Federation is probably in a weak position now." The Tenth Pharaoh tilted his head in thought.

"How about finding a way to contact the Gallente Federation? We can agree to dispatch limited troops to assist them, but the prerequisite is that the Gallente Federation needs to provide military expenses and teleportation array energy for our expedition." The Tenth Pharaoh said.

The Tenth Pharaoh's speech made the Fifth Pharaoh frown slightly under the bandage. She retorted in a deep voice, "We in the Pluto Empire have never had a tradition of cooperating with others."

"What civilization is worthy of cooperating with us?"

"A civilization that has just emerged only about 200,000 years ago has been beaten like a lost dog. What should we care about such a weak civilization?" said the fifth pharaoh.

Powerful, arrogant, indifferent, and cruel, this is the attitude of the Minghe Empire towards many surrounding civilizations.

As the Fifth Pharaoh said, the Hades Empire has never had a precedent of cooperation with other civilizations in its history.

The Minghe Empire has always bullied the opponent with an almost overwhelming advantage, either surrendering or being destroyed, there are only two ways.

Perhaps before the Ming He Empire became a giant, that is, at the level of large and medium-sized worlds, it was not as unscrupulous as it is now.

But that time was so long ago that not many historical materials have been passed down.

In the official records of the Minghe Empire, they have always been so "invincible".

The fifth pharaoh's speech aroused the recognition of several other pharaohs present.

None of them think much of the Gallente Federation. The wizarding civilization has indeed only risen for about 200,000 years, but the Gallente Federation has risen much later and is worse than the wizarding civilization! That’s why he was beaten so hard by the wizarding civilization that he couldn’t hold his head high!

In the plan of the Hades Empire, whether it is the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, the wizard civilization, or the Gallente Federation and other world civilizations that have been discovered in the surrounding star fields, they are all nutrients for their future development and annexation.

The First Pharaoh once told the Second Pharaoh that he had no intention of starting a dimensional hegemony now. If he wanted to lead the creatures of the Hades Empire to increase their dimensions, that was something that the next generation of supreme power should consider.

In the eyes of many pharaohs with ancient ideas, it is a shame to cooperate with a world civilization that will inevitably become servants and slaves in the future.

The Tenth Pharaoh obviously did not have the rigid ideas of these old guys. She smiled and said, "Cooperating with the Gallente Federation is beneficial to us at this stage. Why can't we do this?"

"You can also take revenge on the wizarding civilization. This is more cost-effective than the two revenge actions you agreed on before." The Tenth Pharaoh said.

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