The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,760 The future of the Minghe Empire (additional update)

The first authority in the Hades Empire has always been the Pharaoh's Temple.

In the history of the Pharaoh Temple, generally only the top three Pharaohs are qualified to initiate a temple meeting.

Now the First Pharaoh has been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years, and the Third Pharaoh is fighting on the civilized border of the Kingdom of Light. The person responsible for all matters inside and outside the Pharaoh's temple is this Third Pharaoh who is good at divination and the power to spy on the future destiny. The second pharaoh.

The Minghe Empire did not go to war with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light on all fronts, and the third pharaoh only caused trouble on the border every day.

The third pharaoh was the real war madman.

The wars and conflicts in the Hades Empire for at least the past 300,000 years were all caused by the third pharaoh.

This time he went to the border to confront the civilization of the Kingdom of Light. The third pharaoh also brought the sixth pharaoh with him.

So in the end, only the second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth pharaohs came to the Pharaoh Temple to participate in the meeting.

The tenth pharaoh came uninvited, and it was the ninth pharaoh who brought her here by the way. 🄳

Among the top ten pharaohs of the Hades Empire, only the fifth and tenth pharaohs were women.

"It has been thousands of years since Xiao Shi was promoted to the eighth level. I think we should bring her to participate in our decision-making affairs." The Ninth Pharaoh said.

The second pharaoh just glanced at the other party and said nothing more.

The Hades Empire is just a pharaoh temple, and currently has ten pharaohs with level eight strength. It is indeed an unprecedented civilization.

According to the Minghe Empire's understanding of top-level civilizations and its historical understanding, there should not be many top-level civilizations in the star world that have reached the level of the Minghe Empire.

If the top civilizations are also divided into clear grades, then the Minghe Empire at this time must have entered the late stage of the top civilization.

Even if it can't be called the peak of the late stage, it is definitely a rare opponent.

But for the past 100,000 years, the second pharaoh of the Hades Empire has always felt inexplicably uneasy.

In the past, the second pharaoh might have discussed with the first pharaoh.

But since more than 170,000 years ago, the first pharaoh of the Minghe Empire witnessed and came into contact with a ninth-level creature, the supreme power of the Minghe Empire truly began to embark on his own ninth-level journey. road.

And in recent years, the other party seems to be getting closer to that state.

Not only did he give the Holy Book of Hades to the second pharaoh for safekeeping before retreating.

Even the sealing chain, another civilized treasure of the Hades Empire, was given to the third pharaoh for use.

Yes, for a being of the level of the First Pharaoh of the Hades Empire, even the blessings of the most precious treasures of civilization appear to be very limited.

Because the First Pharaoh himself is about to have the power to break the balance of the star world, does he still care about the bonus of the relics left by his predecessors?

Even according to the practice of ninth-level creatures born in the history of the Minghe Empire, when the first pharaoh's transformation reaches that level, he will not only take advantage of the short time he stays in the star world to clear the surrounding obstacles for the Minghe Empire. In addition, he will also leave his own "sacred objects" to the Minghe Empire, which are the treasures of civilization.

As for the future, what will greet the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire may be a broader starry sky, or it may be another mysterious ending.

Who knows?

Regarding the exploration beyond the ninth level, no world civilization or top powerhouse in this star realm can have an accurate understanding.

Everyone has emotions such as curiosity, fear, mystery, anxiety, confusion, etc. about it.

For the Minghe Empire, the current era is the best era, and it is also the most innovative and infinitely possible era.

As long as the first pharaoh of the Hades Empire is promoted to the ninth level, and the Hades Empire takes advantage of the situation to annex several top surrounding civilizations, then the Hades Empire is very likely to start a dimensional hegemony in this era or the next era.

The second Pharaoh thought he would never see that day again.

The consequence of exploring the power of destiny is to eventually be swallowed by it.

The second pharaoh believed that his end would probably come within 100,000 years.

Fortunately, the promotion of the First Pharaoh to the ninth level should be completed within 20,000 years.

Therefore, even if the second pharaoh dies and the first pharaoh is promoted to nine levels and leaves the star realm, the Minghe Empire will not cause a shake in the cornerstone of its rule just because of the separation of two high-ranking powerful men.

So, who has the hope to bring the Minghe Empire to its peak in the future?

The third pharaoh? Probably not, the second pharaoh shook his head inwardly.

Although the Third Pharaoh King has unparalleled combat power, he is now almost unbeatable with the sealing chain in his hand.

But in the eyes of the second pharaoh, the third pharaoh was still too impulsive, and his warlike attributes were contrary to the "self-sealing method" that the Hades Empire had always admired.

Speaking of which, the two top beings of the Minghe Empire are quite strange.

When the First Pharaoh King and the Second Pharaoh King were young, both of them were terrifying beings with great reputations. The killings they caused were often counted in the star field.

The second pharaoh was a little better. The craziness of the first pharaoh back then was even greater than that of the third pharaoh today!

But when the two pharaoh kings reached a certain age, or when their understanding of the origin of the star world and the power of rules reached a deeper level, the two pharaoh kings closed the mountain together and did not even see anyone for hundreds of thousands of years. Extremely low-key.

The hands that were once covered with blood were hidden by them.

Only the thick layer of sealing shackles, made from the skin of their former opponents, seemed to silently tell the story of the two people's prosperous years and endless killing time.

Who is really likely to lead the Mingha Empire to its peak in the future and win the dimensional hegemony?

The second pharaoh looked at the fourth pharaoh first.

The fourth pharaoh was promoted 170,000 years ago. He was originally the fifth pharaoh.

The reason why he was promoted to one rank was simply because the fourth pharaoh of that year was killed by the most powerful knight who had just been promoted to the ninth level in the wizarding civilization.

This was also the reason for the initial conflict between the Hades Empire and the wizarding civilization.

The fourth pharaoh's performance over the years has always been satisfactory. Although the honors achieved by the other party are far less impressive than those of the first and third pharaohs, the second pharaoh has a good sense of him.

Sometimes, the leader of civilization does not necessarily have to be someone with outstanding talents.

Even a mediocre person can lead civilization to glory as long as he completes his tasks conscientiously.

Furthermore, if even late-level eighth-level creatures can be called "mediocre," then there aren't many geniuses in the star world.

Another thing that the Eighth Pharaoh valued about the Fourth Pharaoh was his youth.

The Fourth Pharaoh still has a lot of time to squander, which shows that the opponent is expected to advance to a higher level.

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