The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,759 The End of the Battle

At this time, about one-third of the legion in the Star of the Sea region belongs to the federal fleet.

In fact, the current combat effectiveness of the Star of the Sea is quite good.

In addition to Orm himself, the sixth-level creatures also have a Gallente Federation fleet that is comparable to the sixth-level combat power, but does not carry doomsday weapons.

Fighting in this ocean environment, the combat power of Orm's Sea Planet Legion can be at least 30% higher than that of the space battlefield!

It was a desert environment at that time, and many marine creatures were unable to use it.

And in this combat environment with rich water vapor, the power of law triggered by the powerful people on the planet above level 4 will become even more powerful.

Not to mention anything else, just because these sea planet creatures stick to their home plane and cannot leave, they will bring great trouble to the wizard civilization army.

At that time, except for the wizard world's Sea Legion led by Bai Xing, who will be at ease on this battlefield, most of the wizard civilization legions, including Thane, will be the ones who suffer.

In particular, Thain himself mastered the fire-based Ashes Law. If he were to enter a deep-sea environment to fight, his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

It would be great if it was a fire plane. Thain and the Ashes Holy Tower Legion, which had many fire magicians, liked that kind of environment the most.

What is beneficial to Thane and others is that the Gallente Federation has no intention of clinging to this star field.

For the Federation, the Sea Star Territory is like a rootless duckweed. They invest more efforts in the ancient desert wasteland world group.

In fact, even in the ancient desert wasteland world group, the Gallente Federation has not invested much legion force. They are mainly responsible for the construction of fortifications and the assistance of war equipment. At that time, they will mainly be in the ancient desert wasteland world group with The wizard civilization is fighting against the Great World Legion of Apocalypse.

Because Apocalypse World already has many vested interests in the ancient desert wasteland world group.

The main army of the Gallente Federation will still retreat to its home star field.

The Federation Combat Corps, which was still in the Sea Star Territory at this time, did not withdraw immediately. On the one hand, it was trying to persuade Orm to leave with them. On the other hand, it was also somewhat reluctant to part with the abundant star core resources in the Sea Star Territory.

At the beginning, these Federation fleets only mined the star cores bred in the demiplane.

However, when they heard the news that the wizard civilization army was attacking the Sea Star Territory from two fronts, the federal fleet stopped pretending and directly used a semi-tough nature to forcibly attack many rules-complete planes of the Sea Planet. Nuclear mining matters.

Orm wanted to, but he couldn't control the actions of those federal fleets.

Even because of his disastrous defeat and the damage caused by the federal fleet group to many planets with complete rules in the Star of the Sea region, Orm's reputation and the centripetal force of the group suddenly fell.

Many fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the Sea Star Region have already planned to overthrow Orm's rule and join Arthur, who has better prospects for future development.

Under such internal and external difficulties, Thain and others' expedition to the sea planet went particularly smoothly.

In just a few years, Thane and Bai Xing made great progress in two different battlefields, conquering the territory of the Star of the Sea at an extremely exaggerated speed.

On Thain's side, Arthur, who has the title of "Sea King", is leading the charge. Often when he appears in front of a plane, the plane barrier of that planet will be automatically unlocked, and a large number of sea planet legions will rebel.

On the side of White Star is the most elite sea army in the wizarding world.

Even if some creatures from the sea planet have war intentions, they are definitely no match for the Sea Legion under Bai Xing.

In particular, the Neptune Legion, which is Shirahoshi's trump card, showed great power in the Star of the Sea War.

Neither the federal fleet nor the creatures of the sea planet can withstand the frontal charge of the Neptune-like legions.

The huge size of the Neptune species has caused turmoil in many places in the Star of the Sea region.

And after Orm lost half of the Sea Star Territory in just a few years, he finally found that the unstoppable trend was unstoppable.

Finally agreed to follow the federal fleet group to evacuate the home star field and go to the ancient desert wasteland world group.

This guy really doesn't deserve to be called "Sea King". He obviously occupies the medium-sized plane of the sea planet. Relying on the sea planet's plane background, it's not a bad idea to have a chance with Thain, Bai Xing and others.

But this guy was so frightened that he gave up his mother plane, the planet facing the sea, and led his followers to flee to the ancient desert world group before Thane and others reached the sea planet.

After all, Orm still has a little bit of conscience, or in other words, he doesn't dare to do anything to his mother plane when everyone is betrayed and separated.

When the federal fleet left, they did not violently mine the star core of the sea planet.

It just took away the huge wealth accumulated by the Sea Kings in the deepest part of the sea planet.

This wealth cannot be said to have been completely taken away, because after Orm led his troops to evacuate the sea planet, every once in a while, a large number of his legions would break away and fall behind.

These legions took the wealth they had brought from the Sea Star Territory and turned around to surrender to the wizard civilization and Arthur.

The Gallente Federation did not control the technology of the powerful people of the Planet of the Sea, which was a major mistake on their part.

During the subsequent retreat of Orm and others, there was even an incident in which a fifth-level creature led a team to jump back and led its legion to attack the Gallente Federation fleet, causing the loss of most of a federal fourth-level war fleet group.

The level five creature that was the instigator, after being severely damaged by the federal fleet that reacted later, escaped into the depths of the starry sky with great difficulty.

But after this incident, everyone knew that Om was doomed.

From the initial high-spirited expedition to the mysterious plane, to now fleeing the ancient desert wasteland world like a bereaved dog, in just a few decades, Orm's level 4 and above combat power is less than one-fifth of the original.

There are also a small number of fourth- and fifth-level creatures that still follow Orm, not that they still have confidence in him, but that they have nowhere to go.

These creatures were all involved in Orm's action of killing their fathers and brothers, and they had the blood of powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization on their hands.

They have no other choice but to follow Orm's path to darkness.

Taking one last look in the starry sky in the direction of the Planet of the Sea, Orm sighed, and then led his army into the space wormhole opened by the Gallente Federation fleet.

It was also the time when Thane and Shirahoshi were about to meet victoriously on the planet of the sea.

The battle for domination at the border of the Beholder World's Star Territory is finally coming to an end.

The seventh-level dominator, the evil-eyed tyrant, had now turned into a lifeless, empty shell.

The look in the pupils was gone, including a black spear stuck in the center of its eyeball, which had not been pulled out.

The eighth-level master Pharaoh on the other side also breathed his last breath at this time.

When Abadan's dark blade pierced his heart again and frantically devoured and absorbed its flesh and blood factors, the eighth Pharaoh's ferocious palms covered with scars firmly grasped the darkness against his chest. The blade roared in a hysterical voice, "The Third Pharaoh and the others will avenge me!"

"Wait for the monster army of the Hades Empire to come, the insidious wizard civilization!" The long roar of the Eighth Pharaoh seemed to penetrate the surrounding star field.

It is clear that Bev and others have covered the starry sky with multiple layers of regular barriers or domain powers, but those special barriers and domains still can't help but cause waves.

I don’t know if the eighth Pharaoh’s last desperate voice was passed on.

At the same time, the Minghe Empire was far away in the distant alien space.

In the Pharaoh's temple, the second Pharaoh, who was in a dark secret room, suddenly opened his cloudy eyes.

With a slight feeling, he looked at the blue candlelight in front of him and sighed.

A white, simple book was turning without wind in front of the second pharaoh.

The sound of turning pages "clattering" adds to the mystery in this silent environment.

After a long time, the second pharaoh said to the dark space around him, "Call the fourth, fifth, seventh, and ninth pharaohs. I will hold a pharaoh temple meeting."

A small voice of "Hululu" sounded, and something seemed to leave in the darkness.

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