The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,758 Arthur’s Growth

When the wizard civilization army led by Thane moved towards the sea planet, Thain himself first called Arthur in front of him.

After Thane's inquiry, as expected, Arthur has reached a consensus with the Sea Tribe of the Wizarding World represented by White Star.

On the condition of giving up half of the output of the Sea Star Territory in the next five thousand years, Arthur persuaded Bai Xing to lead the Sea Legion to set out for this medium-sized star territory in advance.

"Half of the output? Do you know that if your Sea Star Territory joins the Wizards Alliance in the future, you will have to pay a certain amount of resources to the Wizards Alliance every hundred years?" Thain said looking at Arthur in front of him.

"I know, but I'm more worried that Orm, in a desperate mood, will do unforgivable stupid things to the Sea Star Territory." 🄼

"Our sea planet itself is extremely rich, and the resources it has produced in the past few years are even richer than those of the Black Bat civilization."

"The number of creatures above level 4 on our sea planet is more than that of the Black Bat civilization. This is the most intuitive manifestation."

"If Orm can be intercepted in time and most of the wealth of the sea planet can be prevented from being leaked, I will not only pay for all the resources and wealth promised to the Wizards Alliance and White Star and other sea tribes, but also Master Thain and other wizard civilizations. I will also ensure that the war reward for the strong is sufficient!" Arthur said decisively.

After hearing Arthur's answer, Thane couldn't help but turn around and look at this big boss a few more times.

It’s been a while since we last seen each other, and Arthur’s changes have been earth-shaking.

Could it be that what he said last time made this guy enlightened?

With resources and pure interests, we established contacts with many powerful wizard civilizations, and obtained the willingness of the Sea Tribe and Thane headquarters to send troops in advance.

If Arthur really proceeds according to his idea and successfully intercepts Orm and most of the wealth of the sea planet, then the development of the situation will indeed be several times better than doing nothing.

What Arthur is most worried about now is that Orm will destroy the family fortune accumulated by more than ten generations of Sea Kings on the Planet of the Sea, exploit all the planes of the Star of the Sea region in retaliation, and finally pack up all these resources. Walk.

At that time, Arthur will be left with a mess in the end, even if he becomes the new Sea King of the Sea Star Territory with the help of the wizard civilization.

But the heavy levies and miscellaneous taxes, as well as the plunder and plunder of the Wizards Alliance, were enough to bend Arthur's spine.

Thain looked at the much mature Arthur in front of him and couldn't help but nodded and praised, "Not bad, he has made a lot of progress."

"Who taught you this? Also, how did you meet Bai Xing? Could it be that Bai Xing treats you..." Thain asked with rare gossip.

There was a wry smile on Arthur's lips, and he replied, "Aren't these all what you taught me, Master Thane?"

"As for Bai Xing..." Arthur shook his head and said, "She doesn't look down on me. I didn't see her when I went to the subspace this time. I contacted her through a fifth-level sea creature in the wizarding world. "

"That level five sea creature in the wizarding world has some friendship with me. I helped him in a previous war in the subspace, and we also cooperated several times later." Arthur answered honestly. But he didn't hide anything from Thain.

"So that's it." Thain suddenly said, and he then said, "Although the Sea Tribe of the Wizarding World does not have as much say as knights and magicians of the same level, they are native creatures of the Wizarding World after all. They also have their own masters, who are more powerful than ordinary people. Alliance creatures are more reliable."

"Build a good relationship with the other party. The more friends you have, the better you can do in the Wizards League." Thain patted Arthur on the shoulder and said. This guy is stronger than Thain. If it weren't for physical training, It was difficult for Thane to look at each other.

Arthur smiled bitterly and said, "I'm very happy to make friends, but it always involves interests, so I don't feel right."

"Maybe I am not suitable to be a Sea King myself, but for the sake of my father and my people, I will try my best to be a Sea King." Arthur said.

Thain nodded and patted the other party hard twice without saying anything more.

Bai Xing and others attacked from the battlefield of the wonderful plane, while Thane and others sent troops from the border star field of Black Bat Civilization.

Under attack from both sides, one can imagine how much pressure Orm and others, who had just returned from the subspace battlefield, were under.

At this time, the largest proportion of the Planet of the Sea is the local legion in the star field, about two-thirds of which are the defeated soldiers brought back by Orm.

This guy's escape movements are quite slippery.

Marshal Rommel and many generals of the Gallente Federation originally planned to use the Sea Planet Legion as the rear troops, allowing them to spread their last brilliance on the subspace battlefield.

But I don’t know how Orm and other sea creatures actually operate. Without violating the Gallente Federation’s military orders, they followed the last group of Federation retreating troops and escaped from the subspace battlefield in time, far away from the Gallente Federation. That vortex of war.

However, Orm, who escaped back to the sea planet, did not feel relieved for long.

In just a few years, the Wizard Civilized Legion has been conquering the north and south, becoming invincible and sweeping across the surrounding star fields.

Not only did the remaining Gallente Federation forces in the subspace be wiped out quickly, but the Black Bat Star Territory also regained its entire territory in about two years.

The next war will be aimed directly at the Star Region of the Sea!

Several federal generals who have been close to Orm over the years have suggested that Orm abandon the Sea Star Territory and retreat with them to the ancient desert wasteland world group.

There, the Gallente Federation and the Apocalypse World have prepared various war fortifications. This is also the instruction they received from the Federal Military Department.

As for the family property on the Planet of the Sea, of course they will all be taken away!

Those special warships of the federal military are even contracted to excavate plane star cores.

As long as Orm can leave with this massive wealth, where can he not make a comeback? These are the exact words of those federal generals.

However, for Orm himself, giving up the ocean planet where he was born and raised, and heading to the ancient desert wasteland world group with an unknown future?

This is obviously not the optimal solution that Aum thinks.

The abundant water element atmosphere in the Sea Star Territory breeds a large number of marine life here, including more than 90% of the regular and complete planes in this star territory, which are all water planes.

There are even more water-attributed demiplanes and broken planes.

Leaving the familiar water environment and heading to the ancient desert wasteland world group dominated by deserts and dry climates?

Even if Orm is willing, will his group of fourth- and fifth-level creatures from the sea planet be willing?

What to do with the trillions of marine life in the Sea Star Domain?

Could it be that these defeated troops of the sea planet under Orm are willing to leave their homes, abandon their own people, and follow Orm, the King of the Sea, on a journey to unknown alien stars?

This is a very real problem, but unfortunately the Gallente Federation obviously will not stand in the perspective of Orm and the Planet of the Sea and think too much for them.

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