The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,757 Uncertain Future

Among the domination melee that has lasted for about ten years, the battle between Klopp Knight and Evil Eye Tyrant is the most intuitive.

Klopp didn't play those weak games. He almost punched to the flesh, exchanging injuries for injuries. He insisted on competing with the evil-eyed tyrant from the front.

The Evil Eye Tyrant used special evil energy rays to pierce Klopp's body or arms, and Klopp used his omnipotent soul to restore them instantly.

With the characteristics of the soul of domination, let alone amputated hands and feet, even if the body has been torn apart, as long as there is enough soul of domination, it can be restored instantly and maintain peak combat power! 🅆

This is the power of domination.

In comparison, the Evil Eye Tyrant, who has run out of Dominant Souls, cannot be as lavish as Klopp.

At this time, this big-eyed monster had not only the huge eye pupil in the center of its body covered with cracks and purple bloodstains, but even the tentacles around its body were completely gone.

The few remaining tentacles are basically in the form of severed limbs.

This guy is still counting on the Eighth Pharaoh to lead him to break out of the encirclement, but judging from the current situation, before the Eighth Pharaoh can break out of the encirclement of Bev and others, this guy will be killed by Klopp first.

On the other side, the outbreak period of the Eighth Pharaoh gradually ended, and his increasingly weakened state was also learned by the Evil Eye Tyrant.

This guy finally knew that it was impossible for the two of them to break out and leave.

The instinct of survival made the Evil Eye Tyrant once again beg for mercy from Klopp, Bev and others without grace.

But both Klopp and Bev were indifferent to this. What is there to pity for a capricious guy?

From his betrayal of wizard civilization to his repeated leaps and bounds, does this guy still have a clear stance?

At the end of the tentacle, a round purple eyeball was exploded by Klopp's punch again.

With the evil eye tyrant's dominating soul remnant condition, even the main body's injuries cannot be recovered, let alone the blasted auxiliary eyes.

Klopp wiped the purple blood from his fist.

The blood of the Evil Eye Tyrant is as dirty as its personality, and it actually contains some negative effects that are difficult to get rid of in the short term.

Seeing that it was still difficult to remove for a while, Klopp did not waste the Soul of Dominance to repair it this time. Instead, he stretched one hand upward, and the world-class secret treasure "Spear of Black Cord" gradually gathered in Klopp's hands.

Seeing the spear appearing in his field of vision again, the Evil Eye Tyrant's body couldn't help but tremble.

At this time, there were five serious injuries in the center of the Evil Eye Tyrant's main eye, three of which were caused by Klopp in the past few years, and each time they were directly penetrated by his Black Cord Spear!

The Evil Eye Tyrant is not sure how many more rounds he can last, two rounds? Or one round?

Feeling the great danger of death, after finding that words could not shake Klopp, Bev and others' determination to kill it, this guy chose to prove his sincerity with practical actions.

A purple beam of light mixed with dirty blood suddenly erupted from the huge broken pupils.

This beam of light was not directed towards Klopp, nor towards Bev and others, but directly hit the eighth Pharaoh who was under siege!

The eighth pharaoh was attacked by the evil-eyed tyrant, and his body couldn't help but staggered. What followed was the fire phoenix grabbing another hand on his chest, Aibadang slashed him with a sword, and Bev Using the Aurora Ritual magic, he penetrated the opponent's shoulder.

This is the miserable situation of being besieged. Every time you take a shot, you have to withstand nearly ten counterattacks from your opponents.

Even if the attacks from seventh-level powerhouses such as Saneses and Keseda were gathered in a certain number, it would be enough to make the eighth pharaoh unable to eat and walk around.

At this time, he was stabbed in the back by the Evil Eye Tyrant again. The Eighth Pharaoh just gave the opponent a cold look and did not make any sign.

The eighth Pharaoh actually knew that anything he did now would be meaningless.

With such a large lineup assembled by the Wizarding Civilization, it is impossible to let him go.

Moreover, as the dominant being of the Hades Empire, the Eighth Pharaoh has his own arrogance and will not be as humble as the Evil Eye Tyrant praying for his life.

Besides, can you survive by being groveling?

The Eighth Pharaoh has long seen the cold and cruel core behind the hypocritical faces of these powerful wizards and civilizations.

Speaking of which, the Minghe Empire was also a top-level civilization with outstanding reputation, but the ferocity and predatory nature displayed by the Minghe Empire were nakedly exposed.

It makes people feel extremely scared just by looking at it, such as the tradition of peeling off the opponent's skin and putting it on one's body.

In this regard, the wizard civilization needs to be more "introverted".

For example, the expansion system of the Wizards Alliance, at first glance, seems to be thought to be good to people.

Even the wizarding civilization will not expose its cruelty and predatory nature casually.

Except for the magicians in the laboratory who will show their crazy nature of perversion and searching for the truth, most of the time, the magicians in the wizarding world are gentle and willing to reason with you.

Of these two civilizational styles, it’s hard to say which one is better.

But at this time, the Eighth Pharaoh felt that the wizarding civilization might be more difficult to deal with in the future than their mortal enemy, the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

The evil-eyed tyrant's "nth" betrayal at this time, in the eyes of the powerful wizard civilization, is completely like a clown.

It is impossible for the wizarding civilization to let it go just because of this performance of the opponent, and the wizarding world does not have enough means to forcibly control a seventh-level existence with the soul of domination.

If the Evil Eye Tyrant really wants to make a contribution to wizarding civilization, then let it die.

Its body material will become a top treasure sought after by many powerful people in the wizarding world.

If the body of the Evil Eye Tyrant is intact and well-preserved, the wizard civilization may also make it into a "dominator-level corpse-refining synthetic beast" so that it can fight for the wizard civilization in another way.

It's just that the strength of the master-level corpse-refining synthetic beast is still far behind the real master-level organisms.

There is no way, the most crucial master omnipotent soul is missing, it is just the master corpse, and the power it can generally exert is relatively limited.

Knight Klopp saw the Evil-Eye Tyrant attacking the Eighth Pharaoh like a madman. He then calmed down and folded his arms. The Black Cord Spear directly above him was still in a suspended state.

Klopp looked like he was watching a show. He was watching a dog-eat-dog show.

The only thing that makes people feel a little regretful is that the Eighth Pharaoh did not take action against the poor guy, the Evil Eye Tyrant, this time.

Knowing that he had no hope of breaking out, even if he died, he still wanted to lose more powerful wizards.

Bev was in the state of casting a spell when a special ripple suddenly appeared around her. The seventh-level astrological true spirit god Ao Nordin, who had never been hiding before, appeared next to her and reported something to her.

"Oh?" Bev looked a little surprised and looked up at the starry sky somewhere.

"Let Kesada, Thaneses and Claire pass. The outbreak period of this eighth pharaoh is basically over, and he will fall into an irreversible period of weakness."

"Even if it is forced into the second unblocked state of its left arm, the weak backlash it will endure will be even stronger. The remaining people of us are enough to continue to suppress and surround it."

"Tell Keseda and the others that they can try to bring in the Federation Dominator-class war fleet group."

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it. Hell has no door but you break in. If we can kill one more federal master-level war fleet group, it will be a good thing for us." Bev said with a smile.

Sinnoh Nordin nodded, and then said, "The control time limit of the Destiny Crystal Ball is about to end. I think we should speed up again."

"In the Minghe Empire, the eighth pharaoh has disappeared for nearly ten years. Maybe there will be some suspicion."

"I can't really see what the future will be like now. Maybe there is no accurate future." Sinnoh Nordin sighed and said.

After hearing this, Bev's smile gradually faded, and then she nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, I understand."

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