The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1756: Expedition to the Planet of the Sea (Additional update)

After the war in the Black Bolt Star Territory ended, Thane did not immediately take any rash action.

At the same time, in the subspace, Thane did not receive much news from his master Cuilis.

Strangely enough, Thain would often report to Trilis the combat trends of him and Gargaru and others, and would also transport some resources and loot from the frontline battlefield to the rear. However, the instructions Thain received from his master, But there are fewer and fewer.

What exactly is going on?

It’s just that the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization no longer pay attention to the situation on the subspace battlefield here. Could it be that the master has also begun to imitate the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization and delegated power to the subordinates? 🄼

Thain's doubts were soon solved by Lu Lianman, who came to the border of the Black Bat Star Realm.

"Your master is currently reaching the peak of level six."

"We have also received information about the situation on the battlefield here, but because we have not yet received instructions from the higher-ups of the wizard civilization, your master is not able to make up his mind whether to march to the ancient desert wasteland world group." Lu Lianman said. .

Thain was stunned when he heard this. He didn't feel strongly about Lu Lianman's last sentence. The important point was Lu Lianman's first sentence, which made Thain slightly surprised, or pleasantly surprised.

There is a hurdle between level six and level seven creatures, just like the one between level three and level four.

The third-level peak realm is called "demigod" in many star realm planes. This realm can actually be divided separately.

The difficulty for a level six creature to attack a level seven master is countless times more difficult than for a level three creature to attack a level four!

A large star field with thousands of planes and trillions of creatures may only give birth to a seventh-level master.

If Trilis wants to cross over to the realm of dominance, she first needs to advance to the sixth level peak.

Level 6 peaks also have many titles in the star realm, such as "Quasi Saint", "High God" and so on.

Only the wizard civilization did not go to such a fancy level and still named it after the level of life, calling it "Level 6 Peak".

Breaking through this realm, although not crossing the level of life, is really difficult.

In the war zone where Thain is currently located, except for the captains of the two royal mecha regiments from the Rose Dynasty civilization, who are said to have peak level 6 combat power, there are no other peak level 6 creatures stationed there.

I don’t know how long it will take for the master to advance.

Presumably, it was precisely because of the delay caused by promotion that Cuilis was not as decisive as she was in the war decision against the ancient desert wasteland world group more than two years ago.

"This is a good thing. Our progress has been very fast recently. It's okay to take a short break and wait for Master to complete her promotion." Thain said to his mentor Lu Lianman.

"Speaking of which, the golden apple potion I have has been used frequently over the years, and now I only have one left. Teacher, do you have any extra ones?" Thain asked.

There is really no politeness to Lu Lianman, and Thain has become accustomed to relying on Lu Lianman for potions in recent years.

This is a good thing. The relationship and communication frequency between master and apprentice are obviously higher than before.

But it is also a bad thing. For example, Thain has neglected his research on pharmacy in recent years. Including the corpse of the sixth-level apocalyptic creature he obtained before, the apocalyptic potion used to develop it was later handed over to his mentor to help him deal with it.

Although Thain also had an excuse. He had to participate in the war and dabble in research in other fields, so he really had no time to distract himself.

However, it is an indisputable fact that progress in the field of pharmacy has been difficult to achieve in recent years.

Facing the disciple's inquiry, Lu Lianman's pretty face also became bitter, and she replied, "I don't have any more here. There is only one left. You can take it and use it."

"Last time, your master and uncle were seriously injured by the doomsday weapons of the Gallente Federation. I almost squandered all the top-quality potions on hand." Lu Lianman said regretfully.

After hearing this, Thane couldn't help but sigh. Of course, he couldn't take away the last potion from his mentor.

Lu Lianman sighed, "It would be great if you gave me another golden apple. I have gained new insights in my recent research in the field of plant life, especially some of the best truffles obtained from the Hundred Flowers World Group. It will definitely be incorporated into the making of potions." It can also have considerable efficacy improvements.”

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, which refers to the situation of Lu Lianman.

She has the corresponding ability to make potions, but it is useless without the best raw materials.

During the civilized war, the value of a golden apple was more than that of an ordinary low-level world-class secret treasure.

Where would Thane get another one?

Thinking of this, Thane couldn't help but think of the two brothers Thor and Loki in the Titan world again.

I don't know where these two brothers are. If they can get in touch with each other again, they might be able to get one or two golden apples.

Thane obtained many fragments of secret treasures from the subspace of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

Although it is only a fragment of the secret treasure, and there is no longer the source of the law in it, it cannot withstand the huge amount.

Moreover, Grandmaster Cuilis and others probably have a lot of good things on hand. When the time comes, it will be possible for the members of the Jade Fire Master Sect to add a little extra and buy a golden apple from Thor.

Even if the price is several times more expensive than the first time, Thain believes that everyone can still afford it.

The question is, where is this guy Thor?

Thain did not wait for the news about Thor, nor did he hear the rumors about Trilis' promotion, but he did receive the order to march to the sea planet first.

The order was given through the Wizards' Union, bypassing Triris.

Not only the Thain Group, but also a considerable number of wizard civilization combat legions have also received corresponding mission instructions.

Just when Thane was getting curious, he learned that Bai Xing had come out of seclusion and began to lead his sea army to launch an attack on the sea planet from the direction of the battlefield in the wonderful plane.

The next combat operations of Thane and others are equivalent to coordinating the White Star troops to attack the planet of the sea from two sides.

Bai Xing also has people in the upper echelons of the Wizarding Alliance and Wizarding Civilization. Her voice in this local war zone can even rival Trilis.

Back then, she was also responsible for the battlefields around the wonderful plane, and Trilis was responsible for the battlefields of the Black Bat civilization.

"Has Bai Xing been promoted to level six?" Thane asked curiously.

"Probably not yet, but I heard that you have an alliance god who took advantage of the temporary end of the war to make a special trip to the subspace some time ago." Penas said.

"Who?" Thain asked.

"It seems to be called Arthur, the fifth-level creature who mastered water-related laws very well in cooperation with your master Bogagaru on the battlefield." Penas recalled for a moment and said.

Thain has been obsessed with research and being responsible for follow-up arrangements on the battlefield recently, and he really didn't notice that Arthur left for a while.

What consensus can he reach with Shirahoshi?

The Beholder is at the border of the Star World and dominates the battlefield.

The nearly ten-year melee between dozens of masters has left this star field in a state of decay, with remnants of laws that react violently with energy everywhere.

For fourth- and fifth-level creatures, these remaining dominating powers are undoubtedly an extremely dangerous area, and there is a risk of death if you get close to them.

Even a sixth-level creature would not think of wandering around in this melee-dominated area. It would be the worst thing to lose one's life inadvertently.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, the aura and momentum of the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire had begun to decline significantly compared to a few years ago.

And this rate of decline will become faster and faster in the future, until it falls to the state before he released the seal!

The eighth pharaoh's period of weakness inevitably finally arrived.

Since he was still unable to break through the encirclement of the powerful wizard civilization, this guy's eyes finally showed a look of despair that he was about to fall.

At the edge of the battlefield, the battle between the evil-eyed tyrant and the dominant knight Klopp was gradually coming to an end.

"There are currently 522 monthly tickets, and 23 more chapters need to be added~"

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