The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,755 Maintenance Factory (Additional update)

The war in the Black Bat Star Territory lasted for two years.

In just two years, most of the lost territory in the Black Bat Star Territory was recovered. This was an unimaginable speed in ordinary years.

The Gallente Federation has withdrawn its troops from the Black Bolt Star Territory, and it is said that they have set up a new front in the ancient desert wasteland world group.

The remnants of the ancient desert world were almost completely destroyed after this battle.

It is worth mentioning that not all the powerful people in the ancient desert world are lackeys of the Gallente Federation.

There are some fourth- and fifth-level creatures on the battlefield, which are obviously controlled by special technological devices of the Gallente Federation.

If the powerful wizard civilization is willing to give them a hand, it is possible to conquer Zhao'an.

But unfortunately, in actual battlefield situations, few people would do such a thing.

The wizard alliance creatures need to plunder enough resources, and the powerful wizard civilization needs to determine their dominant position and absolute advantage on this battlefield as soon as possible. 🄳

Those fourth- and fifth-level creatures in the ancient desert wasteland world all represent high-quality biological materials or rare godhead crystal nuclei.

No one shows kindness on the battlefield.

The ending of the ancient desert wasteland world makes people sigh.

The plane of mountains and seas.

This is a low-level plane dominated by water and earth elements.

The ocean area of ​​this plane occupies 60% of the total territory. In addition, the color of the land soil is also light blue, so the entire plane feels blue.

Under this low-level plane where the war had just ended, there were still a lot of metal residues unique to the Gallente Federation.

Most of these debris are the ruins of destroyed metal fortresses or self-propelled artillery, and sometimes there are traces of crashed battleships or giant mechas falling in a corner of the battlefield.

Currently, it is the Huyan legion under Thain who is mainly conducting battlefield clearance work in this low-level plane.

After all, he has a close relationship with the two daughters of the Huyan King. Thain will still take care of the Huyan clan in many cases.

Although the Huya clan's fighting power is average and far inferior to the Kryptonians and the Black Bat civilization with a complete industrial and cultivation system, their advantage is that they are loyal enough.

Moreover, the Huya people, who have been wandering the interstellar world for many years, are naturally gifted in the field of "trash picking up".

From the currently devastated mountain and sea planes, the Huya people were able to plunder a lot of practical materials and trophies of certain value.

Most of these war profits must be turned over to the wizarding civilization.

When the time comes, Thain will share part of it, his master Trilis and others will share part, and then turn over a part to the Wizards Alliance. In the end, less than one-tenth of the proceeds will be left to the Huya people.

This is already a very small distribution ratio, but the Hu Ya people still enjoy it.

What is certain is that among the members of the Wizards Alliance in the surrounding battlefields, there are definitely more than one or two who envy the Huya clan!

There are many people who are willing to rush to do this kind of work of cleaning up war garbage.

If the Huya clan hadn't been closely related to Thain, they wouldn't have been able to do such a good thing.

Outside the plane of mountains and seas, Thain looked at the busy wizard civilization army below and seemed to be distracted.

The surrounding planes that belonged to the Black Bat civilization, including the mountain and sea planes, have all been recovered.

Although most planes are devastated, many planes have been completely destroyed by the Gallente Federation and their plane star cores have been taken away.

But it is certain that there will be no more wars in the Black Bat Civilization.

The Gallente Federation has no spare power to reignite the war here.

Not far from Thain, Gal Gadot, the fourth-level alliance alien god, was quietly observing Thain, thinking that Thain must be contemplating the next war decision.

Whether to go to the ancient desert wasteland world group or to the battlefield of the Sea Star Territory, the wizard civilization legion in the Black Bat Civilization was also divided into two groups.

Most of the members, of course, want to go to the ancient desert wasteland world group where there are more planes and the local biological army has been almost wiped out, so as to make a fortune from the war.

But there are also a small number of people who believe that although the Sea Planet Legion led by Orm has withdrawn to their home star field, the Gallente Federation's emphasis on the Sea Star Territory is obviously far less than that of the ancient desert wasteland world. group.

And there is news that the Apocalypse World has also begun to frequently increase its troops to the ancient desert wasteland world.

In terms of attack difficulty, it’s hard to say that the current sea planet is better to attack.

Gal Gadot's attitude and feelings towards Thane have also undergone earth-shaking changes since Thain saved her and her mother last time.

Of course, it is also possible that Thain's strength and his power in the Wizards' Alliance have brought him many bonus points.

Gal Gadot is no longer the young god who just started walking in the star world and did not hesitate to attack the Blue Star civilization.

The changes in the wonderful plane and the war experience in recent years have put her in a state of rapid growth.

It can’t be said that Gal Gadot has become snobbish, it can only be said that she thinks a little more than before.

As her mother has repeatedly reminded Gal Gadot, making friends with Thane will be of great benefit to the future development of the wonderful plane and her own growth.

Look at the female knights who have been with Thane all year round, as well as the Kryptonian female warrior Kram and others.

Lenna and others had only been promoted to level four for a short period of time, and Kram's strength at that time was not much different from Gal Gadot.

But just how long had passed before Gal Gadot felt that she was no longer a match for Cram.

This gap will grow wider as time goes by.

Gal Gadot couldn't help but become more curious about Thane.

In fact, Galgado's guess about Thain was completely overthinking... Thain was not thinking about the upcoming war situation at this time, nor was he sad about the devastated plane below. Thain was just My mind was attracted by the situation inside the Rubik's Cube, so there was no movement for a long time.

After the recent war, the eight-winged angel Fumila sent many seriously injured angel robots and some black boxes to Thane.

The idea of ​​Thane and Fumila was to use the Rubik's Cube and the amethyst, the energy it produced, to repair the damaged robots.

As for the black box, there is nothing we can do for the time being. Thain has not obtained the robot production line of the Icarus Zaibatsu of the Gallente Federation.

But when Thain took the damaged robots and black boxes back to the Rubik's Cube, he was dumbfounded to discover that the Rubik's Cube had spontaneously designed and generated many repair factories for these angel-shaped robots without accurate drawings.

These maintenance factories are located within the mechanical space of the Rubik's Cube. Although the maintenance technology seems immature, its development is steadily improving.

It was also the appearance of these repair factories in the Rubik's Cube mechanical space that made Thane wonder whether he could try to plunder the Gallente Federation's robot production line in the future and then transplant it into the Rubik's Cube's mechanical space.

Thain's mentor, Lu Lianman, created the World Laboratory and cultivated a large number of plant troll legions for himself, which can "spread beans into soldiers" on the battlefield, which is extremely convenient.

As a disciple, Thain has developed the Rubik's Cube and the Mechanical Space. When the time comes, he will be able to pull out a massive army with great combat power with just a wave of his hand.

At least from this point of view, the master and apprentice are quite similar.

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