The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,754 Brilliant Performance

The truth is as previously thought.

When the vanguard legion of wizard civilization represented by Thane and others launched an attack on the hostile legions on the Black Bat Civilization Star Domain battlefield, they quickly made large-scale breakthroughs and gains.

The Ancient Desert World Legion has no intention at all and continues to work for the Gallente Federation.

The Federation can use special technological means to control those powerful people in the ancient desert wasteland world who are level 4 or above. Is it possible that it can also use similar means to control all the cannon fodder at the bottom?

On the battlefield, low-level creatures account for the greater proportion.

When the bottom legion began to completely collapse, the role that several other level four and above creatures could play was very limited.

Even a powerful fourth-level creature would never dare to withstand the elements of a square formed by ten thousand magicians. 🄼

High-level creatures and low-level creatures complement each other.

Because the total number of registered combat magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes finally exceeded 20,000 after arriving on the Black Bat Civilization battlefield.

A level 5 powerhouse like Thain can finally intuitively feel the elemental amplitude and blessing power from his lower-level magicians on the civilized battlefield.

If it were the same as before, there were only a few thousand magicians, and the blessing power they could provide would be too small, and there would be no need for Thain to go through all the trouble.

But among the 20,000 or more official magicians, Thain clearly felt that the power of various types of magic he used on the battlefield had increased by about 2, and the recovery speed of elemental magic in his body was also much faster than usual.

Although 2 is not high, elemental spellcasting has its seriousness. Without changing the spell model, there are few direct ways to improve it.

And with such an increase in damage, every magic spell released by Thane and every blow delivered can be considered a good bonus effect.

Grandmaster Cuilisi's Holy Tower of Jade Burning Fire has more than 100,000 registered combat magicians alone.

If you think about the existence of the master, you will be able to enjoy more blessings from the lower-level legions on the battlefield.

The legion led by Thane marched forward on the battlefield of the Black Bat Star Realm.

Although there are also some federal garrison regiments, they are still very tenacious in resisting the attack of the wizard civilization.

And there are also some fleet groups and giant mechas that are comparable to the fourth and fifth level combat power, active on the front line of the battlefield, targeting the high-level powerhouses of the wizard civilization.

But the combat power of these high-level federations is still far behind compared to the total number of powerful people invested by wizard civilization on this battlefield!

From 2:1, to 3:1, and finally to 5:1!

Five against one, what else can the Gallente Federation have to resist?

Thane even suspected that these federal legions stranded on the Black Bat Star Domain front were the same as those at the back of the subspace battlefield.

Their goal is to persist for more time and gain opportunities for the establishment of the rear front.

The performance of the legion led by Thane on the battlefield of Black Bat Civilization was very impressive.

Not only is Thain himself very tough, but the eight-winged angel Fumila under his command also showed her angel army to the world during this star war!

After a period of refining and integration, the 800,000 angel-type robots were all transformed by Thane's Rubik's Cube and possessed self-intelligence.

These angels are personally commanded by the most powerful Fumila.

Due to the transformation and refining of these angels, so much energy was consumed by the Rubik's Cube that Thain had recently interrupted several rounds of transactions with the Rose Dynasty Civilization, which caused some slander from the Rose Dynasty Civilization.

The battlefield results proved that Thain's dedication to these angels was completely worth it.

Thain doesn't know what kind of combat power the Light Gods have shown in history, but the battlefield performance of these angel-type robots after setting up the "Angel Battle Formation" is very impressive!

Because of their intelligence, the combat performance of these angels is more flexible than ordinary robots, and less rigid and rigid.

And on the battlefield, these angels can help each other.

For every fallen angel robot, its companions will bring back its "black box" as much as possible in the hope of resurrecting it in the future.

I don't know if it's because of the "resurrection" factor, or if these robots are not afraid of death. Their performance on the battlefield far exceeds that of ordinary alliance creatures.

However, the Thain Group is not yet the most outstanding wizard civilization combat group on the battlefield of the Black Bat Civilization.

The combat group that performed most brilliantly was the combat group led by Scat, a sixth-level knight from the Erie Knights Alliance.

The Erie Knights Alliance combat legion led by Scutt is very elite, and there are also many members of the Wizards Alliance who are attached to them.

In addition, Knight Scat's wife is a fifth-level magician, so the combat group he commands also does not lack the power of magicians.

But what really made Knight Skater's performance shine and defeat the enemy's confidence on the battlefield in one fell swoop was Skater's display of a world-class secret treasure remnant in the battle - the Wasteland Armor!

After the death of the sixth-level peak creature Salem, a total of two world-class secret treasures were left behind - the wasteland armor and the electric axe. These two world-class secret treasures were later recovered from the battlefield in time by the wizard civilization.

Trilis is obviously a sixth-level magician who is very good at doing things. She has personally made huge profits from this subspace battlefield, and she has not forgotten to share some of the profits with others.

In the early days, Scat, who was in charge of the subspace battlefield at the same time as Trilis, and Harrison of the desert kingdom Jahana, these two sixth-level knights both obtained their favorite treasures.

The Wasteland Armor has been severely damaged, and has even fallen to the level of world-class secret treasures, but its foundation is there. It should be possible to return to the wizard civilization in the future and find the alchemist master of the Sky City, or the top craftsman god of the Wizard Alliance. repaired.

The damage to the electric ax was not serious, but this world-class technological treasure contained a large amount of Gallente Federation control technology, otherwise Salem would not have thrown it away in the first place.

Harrison Knight, who obtained the electric axe, would have to find a way to remove the federal stamp from the electric axe, which would also cost a lot of money.

This expenditure may be even more than the cost of repairing the Wasteland Armor by Knight Skater!

But this electric ax weapon still matches well with Harrison Knight's daily fighting style.

The two sixth-level knights were very satisfied with their war gains.

What is war money? This is it.

Knight Skater put on the wasteland armor and revealed the imprint of his inner primitive law on the battlefield, directly triggering the collapse of the entire remaining army of the ancient desert wasteland world!

No one can understand the significance of Salem in the ancient desert world and the extraordinary achievements he has made.

When this world-class secret treasure, the wasteland armor, appeared and was worn by the powerful in the wizarding world.

In the corner of the battlefield, a level 5 ancient desert wasteland creature that had been controlled by the Gallente Federation's technological means could not help but be stunned for a long time.

The direct result of its daze and confused eyes on the battlefield was that its head was chopped off by a fifth-level knight of the Erie Knights Alliance, and even its body was torn into pieces.

The vitality of creatures above level four is so tenacious that even if they don't cut their bodies into pieces, they can't guarantee that they will completely kill them.

The complete collapse of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion also accelerated the speed at which the Wizarding Civilization occupied the entire Black Bat Star Territory!

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