The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,753 Seizing the Cake

While the wizarding civilization army was reorganizing outside the subspace, Thain even called Arthur in front of him privately.

Looking at the strong man with disheveled hair in front of him, Thane sighed and asked, "Do you know why I want to march into the Black Bat civilization first, instead of choosing the path back to the battlefield of the wonderful plane?"

Arthur replied angrily, "I don't know."

Thain glanced at the other party and said, "Through this incident, I hope you can understand that the law of survival in the Wizards Alliance is not to put friendship first, but more often, interests come first."

Thain's statement made Arthur frown slightly and show a certain headache.

Arthur is not good at things like exchange of interests, maneuvering, judging the situation, etc. On the contrary, he used to resist and reject these things.

It's really not Arthur's character to think too much. This guy prefers to be straightforward and do whatever makes him happy.

Rather than weighing gains and losses, Arthur prefers to follow his first instinct and settle for grudges. πŸ„ΌπŸ„³πŸ…†πŸ„Ό

His style of behavior will make him live very comfortably, but sometimes he will inadvertently put himself in danger.

Aum's seizure of the throne is the most striking example.

In the future, when Arthur joins the Wizards' Alliance, hangs around in the Wizards' Alliance, finds a backer, seeks benefits for the civilization behind him, etc., he will have to study and ponder these things.

No one will always protect him unconditionally, and neither does Thain.

Arthur did have a clear position back then and helped Thain a lot, but Thain has already returned these friendships.

It was thanks to Thane's operation and the help of his master Cuilis that Arthur gained the throne of the sea planet recognized by the wizarding civilization.

In the previous negotiations with the Gallente Federation, the wizard civilization even ordered the federation to withdraw from the Planet of the Sea star field and return power to Arthur.

Arthur has to go through his own journey in the future. No one will always help him unconditionally.

Before you want to get something, you must first know what to give.

Arthur has to take the initiative to learn the things he didn't like before, because only in this way can he become a qualified Sea King.

Just because Arthur doesn't like to delve into those things doesn't mean he's a fool.

How many creatures that can advance to level five are fools?

Arthur also understood the meaning of Thane's words. He showed an expression of thinking and contemplation, and his brows were twisted into the character "Chuan".

After being in a daze here for a long time, he finally replied to Thain, "I know."

"Yes." Thain nodded and motioned for him to go down and prepare to fight.


The wizard civilization sent troops to the Black Bat Star Territory very quickly.

In addition to the Jade Fire Master Group represented by Thane, a sixth-level knight and two alliance sixth-level gods came to the Black Bat Star Territory, as well as a large number of wizard civilization combat units.

Including the Rose Dynasty civilization, they also sent several armies and legions of mechas to take advantage of the situation.

On the battlefield of the wonderful plane, apart from the God of Corruption and his legions that Thane was familiar with, who were assigned to go there, few combat legions in the Wizards Alliance were willing to go there.

Everyone is not a fool. Compared with the unfamiliar situation on the Planet of the Sea, it is obvious that the benefits of the Black Bat Civilization battlefield are clearer and more visible.

And the ancient desert wasteland world group that occupies an extremely vast number of planes is also a big cake.

Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert wasteland world, has died. The most elite legions in this medium-sized world were either lost in the war with the wizard civilization, or were eliminated by the Gallente Federation.

Today's ancient desert wasteland world group can be called "undefended".

Apart from some of the Gallente Federation Legion and the Apocalypse Great World Legion stationed there, what else is there in the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group?

As if he had been a pervert for many years and suddenly saw a scantily clad beauty appearing in front of him, everyone naturally swarmed towards her.

For this reason, since the end of the subspace war, the main war conflicts in the surrounding star regions seem to be gradually tilting towards the border star regions of the Black Bat civilization.

During this period, Thane also paid attention to the movements of the Sea Legion led by Bai Xing.

Bai Xing and his Sea Clan Legion are obviously more interested in the Star Domain of the Sea, which is dominated by the water attribute plane.

But since the end of the subspace war, Bai Xing and his Sea Legion seem to have become much quieter.

Bai Xing himself has not left that subspace, and the Sea Legion has not made any obvious movements recently.

There are rumors that Shirahoshi has not recovered from the severe injuries he suffered in the previous war, and he will need to take a good rest for a while.

Thain, who often dealt with Mo Yan, probably knew that Bai Xing had not suffered any serious injuries. Even if he had, he would have almost recovered under the influence of many natural treasures and elixirs comparable to golden apple potions.

As for why Bai Xing is holding back for the time being, it's not something that Thain should worry about.

Because the transition from the subspace battlefield to the Black Bat civilization was so fast, Thane didn't even have time to go find Tourmaline to reminisce about the past.

Bi Xi is definitely not bored now. In addition to the owl Xiao Qi and the half-undead girl Luo, who are accompanying him, the little fox girl Ai Jieli is also with her now.


He rushed to the Black Bat Civilized Battlefield in a hurry, naturally in order to eat the fattest piece of cake.

Because they came the fastest and had Bruce Wayne, a local snake, to open up the joints, the nearly 20 million legions led by Thane acted as the vanguard of the wizard civilization and took the lead in attacking the hostile legions on the battlefield of the Black Bat civilization. .

Originally, it was the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion that occupied half of the Black Bat Star Domain.

When Salem led his army to the subspace battlefield, he did not take away all the combat legions from the plane under his command.

Therefore, in the Black Bat Civilization battlefield, at least one-third of the legion is still borne by the ancient desert wasteland world group.

The Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group Legion here probably also heard about what happened on the subspace battlefield.

Mainly due to the exaggeration and spread of the wizard civilization, the legions in the ancient desert world were panicked and their fighting spirit was low.

Although the Gallente Federation has also built very strong metal fronts and starry sky defense barriers here, all fronts and battlefields are made up of "people".

With the Dominator-level war fleet group and the main force of the Federation withdrawing from the nearby star field and shrinking the civilized front, how much more troops can the Gallente Federation allocate to build the defense line of the Black Bat star field?

On the other hand, the ancient desert wasteland world group may not be as easy to plunder as many powerful wizards and civilizations think.

It is true that the ancient desert wasteland world has no decent power, but in recent years, the Apocalypse World has extended the tentacles of many forces to the ancient desert wasteland world group.

That medium-sized star field that is extremely vast and rich in resources is now mixed with many interests of the Apocalypse World.

Thinking about it, even if the Gallente Federation is willing to withdraw its troops, Apocalypse World will probably not be willing to give up the benefits it has obtained.

In short, there will still be fights when the time comes.

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