The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,752 Two Combat Directions

The Gallente Federation retreated from this subspace battlefield very quickly, and the wizard civilization advanced very quickly.

In addition to the gains from the relics of the Aiyoulandie civilization, the rich reserves of inert crystals discovered by the wizard civilization in this subspace are also one of the biggest gains of this war.

After Thane "rescued" those angel robots, he followed his masters, Gargaru, Penas and others to participate in the battle.

Penas and Gargaru both have friends with foreign gods in the Wizards Alliance, including several knight halls, who have also been sent to assist them in these holy towers.

Regarding the size of the legion that Thain and others finally gathered and fused, the total number of fourth- and fifth-level creatures was close to 30, and the total number of legions was close to 20 million.

Such a huge combat group is also a considerable force both inside and outside the subspace battlefield.

After quickly ending the war in the subspace, Thane and others followed Triris's instructions and fought all the way to the starry sky battlefield outside the subspace. 🄼🄳🅆

"The Gallente Federation is retreating very quickly. Not only in the subspace, they also have a clear trend of shrinking their forces in the surrounding star fields."

"Perhaps the Gallente Federation will give up here completely." Penas said.

Thain's uncle thinks things more logically, unlike another uncle Jiagaru, who is "reckless" when he gets angry.

As a magician, he is sometimes more powerful than a knight.

"Does Master have anything to say?" Thain asked.

"The higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization have not issued clear combat instructions recently, but according to the results of the discussion between the mentors and the others, as long as the nearby star field is a war zone covered by us, we must find a way to take it back next."

"Anyway, the Gallente Federation has made it clear that it does not want these star fields, and we cannot remain indifferent to the benefits before us." Penas laughed.

"As for how to fight, which direction to march in, and which planes to recover first, our mentors have given us great autonomy."

"This is also a convenience that only we can enjoy." Penas said.

Penas' words made Thain think silently for a moment.

After leaving the subspace and arriving in the void of the star realm, there are only two marching routes in front of Thane and others.

One is to go to the Black Bat Civilization, participate in the war there, and help the Black Bat Civilization regain the plane worlds they lost in the past. Then they can seek to enter the sea planet or the ancient desert wasteland world group.

The second is to return to the battlefield of the marvelous plane, pass through the direction of the marvelous plane, and drive directly to the star field where the planet of the sea is located, to help Arthur regain the throne. At that time, from the Star Region of the Sea, you can either go to the Black Bat Civilization to flank the opponent, or go to the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Group.

The difference between these two routes is just a matter of order.

Which one should help Bruce Wayne or Arthur first?

Bruce and Arthur, as the leaders and fifth-level creatures of their respective legions, are also eligible to join the discussions of the Thain Group. However, they usually only listen and accept orders. The main participants in the discussions are Thain and other wizarding worlds. Knight, magician.

When Thane looked thoughtful, both Bruce and Arthur looked at him expectantly.

Although Bruce and Arthur have a very good personal relationship, they recently formed a mutual help alliance with Gal Gadot, Barry, Carl and others.

But when it comes to decisions like this that are related to the civilization behind them, there is always a distinction between closeness and priority. They all want Thane to lead the army to the battlefield in their home star field.

Rationally speaking, it is most advantageous for Thane and others to lead the army to the battlefield of Black Bat Civilization.

Because the war situation in that star field is relatively clear, after Thane and others go there, they can get full help from the medium-sized world Black Bat Civilization, whether it is logistics or legion recruitment.

Looking back at the sea planet battlefield, what is the specific situation there? Now Thain is also blind.

Arthur has been away from the Planet of the Sea for so long. Although a few powerful people from the Planet of the Sea have defected to him one after another, who knows whether the creatures and other powerful people in the star field of the Planet of the Sea still recognize Arthur as the King of the Sea.

Whether in terms of the risks that need to be taken or the ultimate war benefits, the Planet of the Sea is not as good as the Black Bat Civilization battlefield.

But from a personal emotional point of view, Thain has a better impression of Arthur, that's for sure.

It's a pity that people can't be swayed by personal emotions and preferences after all. Thain represents not only his own interest group, but also his master Jiagaru, Penas and others.

In the end, Thane made the decision, "Let's go to the Black Bat Civilization battlefield first. After helping the Black Bat Civilization regain all their home planes, we can then consider entering the sea planet or the ancient desert wasteland world group."

"From my personal perspective, I think it is more appropriate to attack the sea planet in the future than to enter the ancient desert world. What do you think, uncle?" Thain asked.

Although Thain was asking his uncle, the second half of his sentence was actually directed at Arthur.

After hearing Thain's statement, a trace of disappointment appeared on Arthur's face.

However, this big boss had a good ability to adjust his mood and quickly returned to his normal state of mind.

First, help his good friend Bruce resolve the war between their Black Bat civilization, and Arthur didn't have much resistance in his heart.

Seeing this, Penas smiled and said, "Listen to what our nephew Sain said, it's correct."

"You can be promoted to level five at such a young age, and it is said that you also possess two world-class secret treasures. Master, I want to follow you in the future."

"Apart from the Phaseless Mask, when will you show me your other world-class secret treasure? I heard from Lu Lianman that it seems to be called a Rubik's Cube?"

"Is it also an important medium for you to successfully instigate a rebellion and recover the sixth-level angel?" Penas asked with her eyes shining slightly.

"Ahem. If I have a chance, I will definitely show it to my uncle." Thain quickly replied in a low-key tone.

After confirming the expedition, the Thain Group then began intensive preparations.

During this period, Bruce also sent a fourth-level Black Bat warrior under his command to quickly rush back to the Black Bat Star Territory, telling those in the Home Star Territory to get ready.

Next, those who will go to the Black Bat Star Territory to participate in the war are definitely not only the huge war group coerced by the Thain Master Sect. A large part of the other wizard world powerhouses and wizard alliance members in the subspace battlefield will also go there.

I just don’t know whether the legions of the Rose Dynasty civilization and their master-level existence will also go to the Black Bat Star Territory.

Since the main fleet of the Gallente Federation withdrew, the Rose Dynasty's Dominator-level reader did not pursue them fiercely.

Occupying the subspace and reducing the losses of the wizard civilization legion is the mission of the seventh-level reader Moraya.

The Wizards Alliance did not order her to annihilate or severely damage the Dominator-class war fleet group led by Rommel.

Moraya herself was too lazy to chew on that hard bone, she was not that conscious.

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