The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,751 The End of the Subspace War

Thain's combat performance in that troop transport base surprised his master Cuilis.

She also heard about Thane's "instant casting of forbidden spells" and the manifestation of "mechanical space", gathering hundreds of thousands of angel-type robots.

After all, there were so many creatures and people on the battlefield at that time. Thain's outstanding performance naturally attracted the attention of many people.

However, since Thain did not take the initiative to mention the Rubik's Cube, Triris would not ask any questions.

Everyone has their own secrets and trump cards, and so does Triris.

Ever since Thane was able to surprise her many times in succession and instigate a level six robot like Fumila, Triris felt that Thain was not just a thing in the pool.

He is worthy of being a young man who can obtain the middle-grade world-class secret treasure, the Maskless Mask. Since Thane can obtain that inheritance, it already explains a lot.

And what Thain himself doesn't know yet is that he actually doesn't need to worry that his Rubik's Cube will attract the eyes of others in the wizarding civilization.

It's not that Thain's master, Cuillis, can cover him.

Rather, the world-class secret treasure of the Maskless Mask itself is inextricably linked to many masters of the wizarding civilization.

The maker of the Formless Mask - Master Jos, the master of the Formless Holy Tower in the Western Islands at that time, if he had not given up pursuing his own path of truth exploration in his later years, he would be a true spirit master-level existence now, right?

Everyone has their own way to go, and Master Joes's choice back then was not necessarily wrong.

At least in terms of happiness and meaning of life, Master Jos was very happy in his later years.

He can spend his whole life hand in hand with the one he loves, so there is no need to pursue eternity.

When Triris praised Thain's outstanding performance on the battlefield she chose, Thain replied modestly, "It's mainly because you, Master, have given me a lot of help, including my mentor when I went out to fight. He also gave me a lot of potions for backup."

A humble disciple is something that many elders would like to see. Cuilis chuckled and said, "Okay, then you can go to the war zone where your senior uncle and the others are."

"The intensity of the battle there is even lower than the war zone you just left."

"After you go, the advancement speed should be faster than Gargaru and the others, right?" Triris asked, touching her chin.

"I will definitely live up to my master's high expectations!" Thain promised.

Triris nodded and waved to indicate that Thane could go.

After the Gallente Federation showed an obvious intention to retreat, the war in subspace continued for another year.

Marshal Rommel's ability to complete a comprehensive retreat from a dominant battlefield within one year has been proven.

Even if he was the one who was beaten and retreated.

Those war materials and military reserves that were forced to be discarded were resources that could not be taken away.

Although the Gallente Federation Army tried its best to destroy a batch before leaving, more were still collected by the Wizard Civilization Army.

The Gallente Federation is also a top civilization.

Whether it is those technological products that are highly valued by mechanics or non-attributed energy blocks, they are extremely loved by many members of the Wizards Alliance.

Hundreds of millions of Wizard Alliance creatures, with their heads pinned to their belts, follow the wizard civilization to fight against the Gallente Federation, isn't it just to gain some resource benefits?

All in all, this subspace battlefield kept many members of the Wizards Alliance who participated in it full.

Everyone is very satisfied with the outcome of this war, and their senses of powerful wizards such as Thain and Trilis are also much better.

As for Marshal Rommel, when he left this subspace battlefield, what he said to his federal generals was, "I would rather discard the crystal energy reserves of an entire transport fleet than see our attack ships. , giant mechas, and the senseless sacrifices of low-level federal soldiers.”

"Only by staying alive can we continue to look for opportunities. Only by preserving more effective forces can we usher in changes in other war zones."

"The lost resources and wealth are nothing. We just have to find a way to regain them in the future!" Marshal Rommel said decisively.

Marshal Rommel's loving care for the lower-level legions moved many federal generals.

Moreover, Marshal Rommel's war philosophy and layout decisions have also been recognized by many federal generals in this subspace battlefield.

But the approval of this group of people is useless!

It is obvious to all that Marshal Rommel suffered a defeat in the subspace ruins of the Aiyoulandie civilization.

When he returns to the Gallente Federation, I'm afraid he will no longer be known as the "Desert Fox" as he once was.

Just like Seedorf, another marshal of the Federation, he has greater fame and qualifications than Rommel, and also has the title of "Military God". However, after the defeat of the Underworld Star Territory, he is still in the Gallente Federation's situation. Miserable.

Although Marshal Seedorf is still leading the Dominator-class war fleet, his severely damaged fleet group and his increasingly low reputation make Marshal Seedorf's future path even more difficult. .

After Marshal Rommel returns to the Gallente Federation this time, he will inevitably be questioned by the military and federal officials.

But what makes him better than Marshal Seedorf is that, to a certain extent, he has completed the task originally assigned to him by the federal leadership.

Pointing out the most inconspicuous Bond among the many federal generals in front of him, Marshal Rommel then ordered him to meet with him in private.

In a secret room in the flagship of the Dominator-class war fleet, Rommel handed a black portable lockbox to Bond in front of him.

Bond is no stranger to this lockbox, because he was the one who led the team to get it back before.

"I need you to take this thing back to the back of the Gallente Federation quickly. It contains all the information we have obtained in this subspace about the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization."

"I will give you the corresponding authority, and then you may be able to meet Samirato, the chief scientist of our federation."

"You need to explain to him in detail what we discovered in this subspace." Rommel emphasized.

Bond also knew the significance of his trip and the heavy burden he shouldered, and he also had a great liking for Marshal Rommel and agreed with Rommel's philosophy and war layout.

But listening to Marshal Rommel’s words at this time, it seems that he doesn’t want to return to the Gallente Federation with him and others?

That's why Bond needs to secretly send these things back first.

So where is Marshal Rommel going?

If it was a relatively close relationship between Thain and Triris, Thain might have asked casually.

But when Bond faced Marshal Rommel, he finally just gave a military salute, then handcuffed the black lockbox to his wrist and turned around to leave.

Until after Bond left, Marshal Rommel sat in the flagship, looking at the boundless starry sky outside the window, and his eyes were looking in the direction of the border star field of the Beholder World.

"Perceived abnormal space-time fluctuations? Even the ultimate quantum computer's calculations on the starry sky fell into chaos for no reason."

"What exactly happened there?" Marshal Rommel looked at the end of the starry sky and couldn't help but ponder.

“24 more chapters need to be added~ I hope readers who like this book can come to Zongheng to support Xiaodou~ Zongheng’s update is one day ahead of schedule, and tomorrow will be the fifth update for everyone~”

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