The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,750 Mechanical Space (Additional update)

The fierce fighting lasted for several months.

During this period, Thain also ended up personally. This time he did not rely too much on his Phaseless Mask, but used the Rubik's Cube as his main equipment.

A layer of light red grid-shaped energy fortress is the protective blessing given to Thain by the Rubik's Cube during the battle.

No matter how you look at it, these energy barriers are somewhat similar to the barriers in the ruins of the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

The reason why it is red is because Thain used the power of the fire element he mastered to deeply penetrate the Rubik's Cube.

In addition, Rubik's Cube also provided Thain with attack assistance such as energy rays, macro-light strikes, regional space collapse, etc. during the battle.

This is the benefit of absorbing a large amount of the power of the original laws of the secret treasures on the technological side. Thain has developed new abilities in the Rubik's Cube over the years, but only a small part of them.

However, due to Thain's personal focus and the fact that the original power in the Rubik's Cube is not infinite, Thain only adopted a few of the functions that Thain was more optimistic about to focus on strengthening.

In addition to the manufacturing of energy amethysts and the activation of intelligent functions for the robot family, what Thain has developed in recent years is also a new function that he thinks is very good. It is not the offensive or defensive skill blessing given by the Rubik's Cube. But a new ability called "Mechanical Space".

On this battlefield burning with scorching flames, Thane stretched out one hand forward, and the bright magic direction in his hand emitted blurred blue starlight around him.

The Rubik's Cube, which was originally a solid cube shape, suddenly dispersed into countless smaller cubes.

Each small cube seems to be a star, and in the center of the Rubik's Cube, there seems to be a nebula brewing.

Interfered by the special laws of the Rubik's Cube in front of Thain, the newly found Gallente Federation angel robots all flew towards Thain.

Thain refused the mission originally planned by his master and insisted on coming to this battlefield to gnaw hard bones, mainly because of these angels.

There were originally nearly a million angel-type robots. In the fierce melee in recent months, due to interference from various factors and accidental injuries, there were only less than 800,000 left.

Moreover, many of these angels are disabled, and their intelligence is not completely opened by the Rubik's Cube.

The Gallente Federation's emergency response capabilities are quite good, and adjustments have been made to deal with the situation where Thain instigates rebel robots.

For example, when Rubik's Cube overcomes the internal firewalls of these robots, it has to spend more time and energy than in the past.

And it may be because the total number of robots who instigated rebellion this time is a bit large, and the light of awakening has not been fully popularized until now. Thain is currently only trying to control them with the power of the Rubik's Cube.

The eight-winged angel Fumila, who had returned from the battle, spread her wings and stood in the sky of the battlefield not far from Thain.

Some of the small number of angel-type robots that had been subdued by Thain in the early days of the Ruins of Steel were also paying attention to the scenes here with great concern.

For these small number of angel-type robots, the 800,000 angels of all kinds in front of them are their future companions.

And for these angel-type robots, their compatriots cannot be copied and it is difficult to grow before they master the manufacturing process of relevant types of robots.

Thain also noticed the attention of Fumila and the other angels around them. The demonic faces looked terrifying to outsiders. At this time, he squeezed out a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will take these angels back into the Rubik's Cube and refine them." , they need to be repaired for a while, and it shouldn’t take long for them to be able to operate normally.”

As he spoke, these hundreds of thousands of angel-shaped robots all rushed towards the Rubik's Cube in front of Thane.

A small Rubik's Cube can actually accommodate so many angels.

Judging from the visual effects, after these angels approached the Rubik's Cube, their size began to shrink rapidly, just like a grain of rice.

From the perspective of truth and rules, this involves the wonderful use of space.

It can hold more than 800,000 angels, and it is far from reaching the limit of its internal space volume. This is the first time that Thain has come into contact with such a huge manned space prop.

Only a Rubik's Cube that has absorbed a large amount of the power of the original laws of the technological side of Aiyou Landie's civilization and transformed and upgraded three times in a row can easily reach this point.

In addition to pure angel-type robots, those gathered into the Rubik's Cube by Thane were actually some other types of ordinary Gallente Federation robots that were "accidentally captured".

Thain has no clear distinction regarding the appearance of the robot.

Anyway, these robots will replace ordinary slave creatures in the future and become the main cannon fodder of the Ashes Holy Tower Legion in the future.

Fighting the Gallente Federation, I didn't expect there would be such benefits.

If Thane lacks slave creatures in the future, he can directly find a way to build a federal robot storage warehouse, which will relieve a lot of pressure.

The only pity is that during the battle, Thane also tried to use the Rubik's Cube to control and guide the Gallente Federation's giant mechas, space battleships and other technological creations.

But the result was not ideal.

The Rubik's Cube does have the ability to interfere with the opponent, but if it is said that the giant mecha and the federal space battleship can also generate intelligence, it can be used by Thain.

At present, it is somewhat taken for granted.

Mechas, battleships and robot systems are different branches of the technology tree in the Gallente Federation, just like the categories of knights, magicians, and Warcraft in the wizarding world.

However, Thain still has great expectations for his Rubik's Cube, which is in a state of continuous growth.

Although the Rubik's Cube currently does not have the ability to activate technological products other than robots, who knows what will happen in the future?

The unknowability of the future is the driving force behind our progress.

When Thane finished packing the 800,000 robots, the war that took place in this vast base group was gradually coming to an end.

At the end of the field of vision, there are actually a lot of battles and explosions.

This subspace battlefield is extremely vast and cannot be completed by a few people such as Thane.

After notifying the combat corps under his command, the powerful wizards who were familiar with the surrounding area quickly cleaned up the battlefield.

Thain looked at the sky and decided not to act on his own, but to follow the instructions of his master Cuilis and others to participate in the subsequent pursuit of the Gallente Federation Legion.

"My personal demands on this subspace battlefield have been met. Next, it is time to continue to make due contributions to the strategic significance of wizard civilization in this battlefield." Thain said to the people around him, regardless of what they heard. Didn't understand.

Putting away the Rubik's Cube crystals that had gathered together in his hand, Thane turned to put the phaseless mask on his face again.

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