The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,749 Art

What appeared in front of Thain and others at this time was an endless metal base, with countless endless black rails distributed in various areas of these bases.

The Gallente Federation is really good at engineering and construction.

Relying on the large amount of metal ruins raw materials remaining in this secret realm of subspace, the Gallente Federation Legion built a large number of metal fortifications and technological fortress bases in a very short time after arriving in this subspace.

The next goal of Thain and others is to storm this huge base with no end in sight.

From a functional perspective, this federal base should be a federal troop transport transit base.

A large number of federal mechas, battleships, robots and various types of metal troops may pass through this area.

The pursuit of the wizard civilization has already begun in various places in this subspace.

It's just that the area where Thain is currently located is relatively deep, so he hasn't clearly felt the war turmoil coming from the nearby area for the time being.

The most important goal of Thane, who led his legion to attack this federal base, was to "rescue" the nearly one million angel-type robots here.

The word "rescue" is a bit inappropriate.

Because the angel-type robots of the Gallente Federation have not escaped from the control of the Federation, when they are activated, they will still open fire on the wizard civilization army without hesitation.

The only difference is that when Thane uses the power of the Rubik's Cube to infect, these angel robots will defect and join the wizard civilization.

In fact, due to the rebellion of the eight-winged angel Fumila, the Gallente Federation believed that there was a problem with the workmanship of these angel robots, so these nearly one million angel robots have been shut down and sealed in recent years.

Thane fought in this subspace battlefield for several years before slowly collecting traces of these angel-type robots.

Not only angel-type robots, Thane's Rubik's Cube can now theoretically instigate rebellion even with most of the federal bottom-level robot cannon fodder.

The reason why he stared at the one million angel robots was because he owed Fumila a promise.

And to be honest, the average combat effectiveness of angel robots is indeed much higher than that of ordinary robots.

It also consumes the original power of the Rubik's Cube to awaken the self-awareness of some robots. Thain is obviously more inclined to the angel-type robot with stronger comprehensive strength.

The army of wizard civilization in other directions has already taken action, which must have attracted a lot of attention from the Gallente Federation.

Here Thain finally decided to take action brazenly, but instead of asking the slave biological cannon fodder and the surrounding alliance biological legions to take action first as usual, he flew to the highest point of the battlefield first.

Thain, who has activated the true form of the Ash Demon Law, is holding tightly in the demon's claws the Rubik's Cube, a diamond-shaped crystal that emits bright blue-purple light.

Soon, the light that spread over most of the federal base in front of them swept down from the sky.

Affected by these rays of light, many technological weapons and low-level robot cannon fodder in the federal base are in a state of malfunction and slow response.

At first glance, Thain's handiwork looks very similar to the forbidden spell developed by the mechanics of the City of Steel.

Several forbidden spells such as "Metal Magnetic Sky Explosion", "Group Graphitization Interference" and "Metal Particle Shock Wave" of the Mechanic System are very close to the functions performed by Thane's Cube at this time.

They can disrupt large areas on the battlefield and even directly cause federal technological weapons to malfunction.

It's just that obviously none of these forbidden spell-type attacks can be "instant".

Thain's Rubik's Cube has achieved this effect at this moment and is worthy of being a world-class secret treasure!

Even in addition to the technological weapons that were rigid and interfering with the federation, the red light in the mechanical eyes of some robot warriors who were on guard first went out for two seconds, and then when it came back on, the original red light had been converted into blue light.

This is the same color as the Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand.

The reactivated Federation robots turned their guns without hesitation and aimed their firepower at the Federation ships or mecha warriors behind them.

Intense firepower and explosions were heard one after another from this battlefield.

With just one person, Thane caused great chaos and blow to the Gallente Federation Legion on this battlefield.

It was also at this time that level 5 experts such as Karl, Bruce, and Arthur, who were already familiar with Thane, took the lead and led their legions to launch a fierce attack on the Gallente Federation base in front of them.

The wizard civilization magician army and the slave creature cannon fodder army in the front direction also moved out together.

A few years have passed, and the total number of people in Thane's Ashes Holy Tower has once again skyrocketed. The current number of combat magicians has reached more than 19,000.

The dense elemental firepower quickly transformed the federal base in front of it into a sea of ​​flames and elements from various systems.

Most of the low-level magicians who joined the Holy Tower of Ashes were fire elementalists, accounting for approximately 60% of the total number.

Magicians from other departments add up to only about 40%.

The most intuitive impact of abundant elemental firepower is to significantly reduce the losses of the front-line human shield corps.

In particular, many of the energy barriers in this Gallente Federation base were blocked by Thane's Rubik's Cube.

Unable to hold up enough AT protective force fields at the first time, those Gallente Federation legions that had not yet reacted almost became living targets for the wizard civilization army.

A method that is almost equivalent to "instant casting of forbidden spells" is still too cruel.

On this occasion, Thane, who holds an upgraded version of the Rubik's Cube, will inevitably increase his threat level in the Gallente Federation's central information database by several levels.

For Thain, I don't know if this is an honor or a bad thing.

At this time, at the forefront of the battlefield, where a conflict between level 4 and above forces has broken out, the most eye-catching performers are not the three level 5 strong men, Bruce, Carl, and Arthur, but the eight bright metal wings unfolding and circling continuously. Fumira flies and pours fierce firepower downwards.

Fumila's originally broken arm has been roughly repaired, using titanium chromium alloy produced in the Norman Federation. It is said that this thing is also a raw material used for level 5 and 6 artificial humans.

Thain spent a lot of money to get them.

In addition to ordering a large number of technological weapons from the Norman Federation to bless Fumila, Thane also did a lot of research on Fumila and added numerous traces of magic energy alchemy from wizard civilization.

Thain wants to leave more traces on Fumila. In addition to proving that she is his property, Thain is also showing that the magic alchemy technology is not inferior to pure technological products.

Just like the technological elements currently on the Rubik's Cube, they are also being erased and transformed in large numbers by Thain.

The upgraded Rubik's Cube, under the guidance of its master, Thain, is gradually moving in the direction of alchemy products in the wizarding world. This is the area where Thain is best at.

In the center of the battlefield, Fumila spread out eight metal wings, suddenly contracted her wings, and then shot out extremely surging golden energy light rain in all directions of the battlefield.

Seeing this glorious rain of light descending, Thain couldn't help but sigh, "This is art!"

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