The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,748 Battle Target

The Gallente Federation's withdrawal from this subspace is not something that can be done in a blink of an eye by opening and closing its mouth.

Considering that this is an important battlefield with the presence of the master, and the Federation has not stopped increasing troops to the subspace in the past few years, it is just that the rate of troop increase has slowed down in the past two years.

If you include ordinary robot cannon fodder and drones and other combat units below level one, the number of combat units the Gallente Federation has invested in this subspace must have reached hundreds of millions.

The retreat of such a large legion will definitely involve all aspects of affairs.

Some legions will evacuate immediately, some need to stay behind and some need to be responsible for transporting supplies.

Even the changes in the pattern of this subspace battlefield will further affect the situation in many surrounding medium and small star fields. 🄲

Why is Bruce Wayne of the Black Bat civilization so active in recent years?

Why are more and more people surrendering to Arthur on the Planet of the Sea?

In fact, it can be seen from these changes in details that the situation between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization on the surrounding battlefields has long been reversed.

Now that the Gallente Federation has clearly shown a tendency to withdraw its troops, Thain's army of wizard civilization will inevitably take action next.

Even if the upper echelons of wizard civilization have not paid too much attention to this subspace battlefield in recent years, the sixth-level knights and magicians in charge of this war zone such as Triris and Leonardo will not sit back and watch the Gallente Federation in front of them. The legion retreated calmly in front of him.

Back then, Rose Dynasty Civilization also wanted to say hello.

Trilis and other powerful wizard civilizations are still counting on the other party to restrict the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class war fleet.

Sure enough, not long after, Thain, who had just arrived at the Ash Fortress combat command center, was quickly summoned by his master Cuilis.

Not only him, but almost all wizard civilization legions that are in wartime or recuperating state have received corresponding combat instructions.

In the past two years, the wizard civilization army, whose frequency of wars has dropped somewhat, has become lively and active again.

This time, the wizard civilization assumes the role of a "pursuer".


"To sum up, I believe that the traces of the Gallente Federation's retreat this time are not a pretense. We need to gather the most strength to give the opponent a hard blow!" In the elemental video conference, the sixth-level magician Leona Duo said to the many fourth- and fifth-level knights and magician projection clones present.

The subspace battlefield is quite large, comparable to a large plane. It is unrealistic to mobilize the commanders of all the participating legions.

Therefore, when it comes to this kind of general attack within the entire subspace, the fourth and fifth level strong men in each area can only participate in the form of projected clones.

The powerful people attending this meeting were almost all knights and magicians from the wizarding civilization.

Among the representatives of the alliance, only two followers of the Rose Dynasty Civilization appeared.

This also highlights the status of other alliance members in the wizarding civilization.

Generally, creatures in small and medium-sized planes only need to obey orders. You have to fight wherever you are told.

The only people who can participate in decision-making are the powerful people in the wizarding world.

And in the ensuing pursuit battle, the knights and magicians of level four or above of the wizard civilization have absolute dominance over the surrounding alliance legions.

Master Leonardo has already begun the general distribution of war tasks.

Time seems to be really short, and some combat tasks are not clearly assigned. At that time, it will still depend on the ability of the relevant experts to adapt to changes on the front line.

Before Master Leonardo could call him, Thain hurriedly came to Triris and whispered a few words to her.

Thain's words made Triris look up at him in surprise.

"Are you sure you want to go there? As far as I know, the Gallente Federation Legion there is not easy to deal with."

"The place I originally arranged for you is..." Cuilisi said through the message.

In Triris' plan, Thane will act together with Gargaru, Penas and others.

Gargaru's injuries have gradually improved over the years. The next focus of their division's attack is a Gallente Federation supply center.

Marshal Rommel of the Federation still knows how to use troops.

When evacuating from this subspace battlefield, the opponent deliberately left behind a lot of large and medium-sized supplies that were difficult to carry away to slow down the wizard civilization's pursuit.

The wizard civilization has to eat this sweet bait, because if they just cross over and leave it alone, the few federal troops left behind will probably blow them up directly, leaving no opportunity for the wizard civilization to take advantage of.

Cutting off the gecko's tail was a trick played by Marshal Rommel.

The combat target that Thane had just applied to Trilis was a troop transport station located in the middle of the federal army.

Thain had a reason to attack there. When Triris also asked why, Thain replied, "That's something I promised Fumila a long time ago."

"Furthermore, my Ashes Holy Tower Legion does need some new lower-level combat units to increase its establishment." Thain replied.

Triris looked at Thane and finally nodded.

She agreed to Thain's combat application and said, "In addition to the alliance combat legions that are closely related to you, I will mobilize other wizard civilization legions in the surrounding areas to try to cooperate with your actions."

"Thank you, Master!" Thain thanked him sincerely.


After the projection clone received Trilis's approval, Thane immediately ordered his Ashes Holy Tower Legion to dispatch.

The Black Bat Civilization Army and the Sea Planet Army located on the left and right wings of Thane also began to make great progress.

The Kryptonian Legion is relatively far away from Thane, but Karazo sent Carl and Kram, the two Kryptonian warriors who are most familiar with Thane, here.

Kram even brought his best friend, the fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior Missori, with him.

In terms of level four biological combat power, the "Ashe Group" led by Thain this time is definitely not lacking.

When the Ashes Holy Tower army was about to set off, the eight-winged angel Fumila, who entered combat mode, came to Thain and said, "Thank you."

The intelligence of Fumila seems to be getting higher and higher.

Her emotional expression is becoming more and more obvious, which is worthy of Thain's tireless efforts to modulate her in recent years.

Thain raised Fumila's chin with his right hand and said, "This is what we agreed to do, and a lot of information about that area has been collected in advance."

"If you really want to thank me, we can do separate experiments next time." Thain looked into Fumila's eyes and said.

"What experiment?" Fumila asked with her eyes slightly lowered.

Thainba smacked his lips twice and said, "Experiments on emotions."

"I have recently made new progress in my research on 'bathing in fire' with a demigod-level female magician."

"I wonder if this special emotional power will work on a living being like you." Thain retracted his hand, touched his chin and muttered.

"I can agree to your experiment, but next time I hope no one else will be present." Fumila lowered her head and said.

Thain raised his head and stared at Fumila blankly for a while, then nodded and replied, "Okay, I won't take Yuri with me next time."

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