The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,747 Federal withdrawal

In the laboratory, Thain looked at the Rubik's Cube in front of him, in a state of contemplation.

The robot WALL-E also appeared in Thain's laboratory. After joining Thain's command and Thain promised it to see the scenery of the outer star world, Thain gradually discovered that WALL-E had considerable talent in the field of auxiliary experiments.

Wall-E has shown extremely extraordinary abilities in alchemy experiments, mechanical experiments, and fire element research and refining experiments, etc.

In addition to the body refining experiment, WALL-E, as an intelligent robot, is not good at it because he has not had much contact with it before and is not a flesh-and-blood creature. It has almost demonstrated outstanding performance in various research fields of Thain. "Almighty" auxiliary features.

"It is worthy of being the robot created by the first scientist of the Aiyoulandie civilization. Could it be that what WALL-E did in the other party's laboratory was not exactly cleaning work?" Thain felt that WALL-E was in his spare time during the experiment. When the power became more and more useful, he couldn't help but sigh.

Yuli, who is a senior female experimental assistant of Thain, had always thought that the person who would "steal for her job" was the eight-winged angel Fumila.

But after putting part of his energy into competing with Fumila, unexpectedly, Wall-E, who had been ignored by everyone before, quietly "came up".

Due to his excellent experimental assistance capabilities, especially when it comes to some extremely precise controls, Thain has brought WALL-E to almost every experiment in the past two years. 🄼🄼

How careless!

Yuri never expected that this square iron box would be so valued by its owner.

Fortunately, Thain would still call her over from time to time to help during the body-refining experiment, Yuri's core business.

Fumila and Wall-E have not dabbled in this field for the time being, allowing Yuli to still maintain a place beside Thain.

At this time, Thain in the laboratory was pondering about the birth of the Rubik's Cube and the secrets of various laws.

It's a pity that Michael Bay of the Gallente Federation has passed away, and Thain does not have access to the initial program when the Rubik's Cube was first created, otherwise he would have a deeper and clearer understanding of the Rubik's Cube.

At this time, there are many fine magic inscriptions on the surface of the Rubik's Cube. These magic inscriptions occupy one-third of the surface area of ​​the Rubik's Cube.

It's not just the surface. After the Rubik's Cube is decomposed into countless sub-bodies, each sub-body has a large number of inscriptions on its surface.

These inscriptions are the magic circle runes that Thain carved on the surface of the Rubik's Cube through micro-carving technology in his spare time in recent years.

The robot WALL-E gave Thain a lot of help in this process. It is indeed not a combat robot. Assistance work like this is its strength.

In contrast, the Flame, driven by the eight-winged angel Fumila and Yuli, can give Thane greater power in battle.

No one dared to disturb Thain, who was in a state of deep thought.

Magicians often need the quietest environment to explore the path of truth.

One of the great things about WALL-E is that when it appears in Thane's lab, if it's not in working order, it really looks like an ordinary iron box.

Thain resents irrelevant people interfering with his experiments. Wall-E is the only being so far who has integrated into Thain's laboratory in a very short time after entering it.

When Thane came out of his state of silence, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and WALL-E the robot began to continue working in due time.

WALL-E's robotic arm now stretched out a slender special needle, and the other end was spitting out blue flames.

In the frequent resonance between the flame and the needle, some fine elemental patterns reappeared on the surface of the Rubik's Cube.

Under Thain's modulation and modification, WALL-E has been able to replace Thain and perform some preliminary work of sculpting the magic circle.

A subtle sound of "didi-dah-dah" appeared in the laboratory.

After all the magic circles are completely depicted on the surface of Thain's Rubik's Cube, Thain's control over the Rubik's Cube will reach an extremely proficient level.

Maybe in the next battle, Thain can take out the Rubik's Cube and use it.

Sighing softly and inputting a light gray power of Ash Law into it, Thane left the laboratory and walked outside.

Wall-E behind him will take his place and continue the work.


The intensity of the wars in the subspace of the Ai You Lan Die Civilization has become increasingly less intense in recent years.

In the first few years, there were no obvious signs of withdrawal from the Gallente Federation.

Even the fight between them and the Wizard Civilized Legion was quite fierce.

But starting from the past three years, the Gallente Federation first reduced the intensity of their support troops in this subspace, and then began to significantly shrink the battlefield front.

Thain originally thought that the wizard civilization he belonged to would increase its offensive intensity, at least to bite the Gallente Federation Legion in front of it.

But under the careful and cautious performance of the Gallente Federation, the wizard civilization army could not find a good entry point to start talking.

In recent years, including the top leaders of wizard civilization, they seem to have paid less attention to this subspace battlefield.

Because Thain has been frequently in and out of Trilis Laboratory and the command center in the past two years, he can occasionally hear some rumors.

Thain didn't ask much about this.

He only cares about his own affairs. Major political policies and local war decisions on the civilized battlefield are not something that a fifth-level magician like him needs to worry about.

After leaving the laboratory, Thane went straight to the command hall of the Ash Fortress.

In recent years, the intensity of the war has become less and less intense, and Thain's visits to the front lines have become less and less frequent.

On the front line he is currently on, there is no need for him to show up too much.

The Black Bat Civilization Army and the Sea Planet Army on the left and right wings can take care of things for themselves.

Sometimes the powerful Rose Dynasty civilization who came to trade with Thain would also send their own troops directly to help the Ashes Holy Tower Legion.

Of course, what Thain is most interested in is studying the readers and mecha warriors of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Level 5 mecha controller Reston actually agreed to cooperate with Thain to conduct some human body research.

Winoa, a female reader, declined Thain's request, but said that she could send him a third-level male reader for Thain's simple research.

Winoya obviously also knows what the "experimental research" that Thain and other wizard civilization magicians often do is about.

In this field, the female practitioners of Rose Dynasty civilization still behaved very conservatively.

Thain felt a little regretful for agreeing to trade the energy amethyst to the other party so early.

Otherwise, if this is used as a condition, maybe Winoa will accept it. No matter what happens, it would be good to send a fourth-level reader to Thain and cooperate with him in some project research.

When Thain finally arrived at the combat command room, the first message he received was - "The Gallente Federation is withdrawing its troops!" Meili, who had been paying attention to and responsible for related affairs, said to Thain.

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