The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,743 Eleven to One

"Ouch~!" The dragon roar that shook the space roared out from the dragon head under Ba.

The tyrannical law of water vapor and the law of power suddenly penetrated the surrounding starry sky.

Two extremely solid water dragon pillars shot towards the eighth pharaoh from the left and right sides of Baxia.

These two water dragons are lifelike. They are relatively slender and have five sharp claws.

They don't look like the giant dragons in the wizarding world, but they look very much like the "true dragons" in the fairyland.

The tyrannical law of power was suddenly snapped out of Ba Xia's thick dragon palm.

Thain has always been curious in the past, where did Tourmaline inherit the law of power, and where did she learn her attack techniques.

Now there is an explanation. It turns out that the little tortoise has always been imitating the big tortoise. On the plane battlefield, Bixi's action of suddenly taking a picture of her own dragon's palm was so similar to that of the dominant creature Baxia in front of her!

Although it is an extremely simple and unpretentious palm, the power law contained in it is enough to cause the surrounding stars to tremble.

At the same time, the law of power is also a special law power that is extremely difficult to master and improve among the many law powers recorded in the wizarding world.

But those who have mastered the law of power are also famously powerful among their peers.

"Prove the Tao with force", this is the description of the top civilization fairyland and the practitioners of this power system.

Baxia's role in dominating the battlefield at this time is the real Roshan-level defensive barrier.

The attack from the Eighth Pharaoh of the Hades Empire can easily break through the defenses of level seven creatures such as Jörmungandr and Keseda, and can also cause a significant blow to the Fire Phoenix Mourinho and the Dark Knight Aibadang.

But when the pharaoh's attack hit Ba Xia, it was blocked by his extremely hard turtle shell and extremely powerful body.

Even this power, under the influence of the special law power in Baxia's turtle shell, rebounded nearly one-third of the opponent's attacks!

Of course, the attack of the eighth pharaoh of the Minghe Empire must have had an effect on Ba Xia.

Every punch and every attack of sharp claws can make Ba Xia Cang Luan's eyes slightly narrow under his ancient scales, and Ba Xia will also let out a muffled groan.

The blows were all internal. Baxia's huge body and powerful physique absorbed these injuries for him.

But no matter what kind of blow Baxia suffered, the final result was that it steadily blocked the bombardment of the Eighth Pharaoh, creating a magical environment for the three true spirit-level magicians behind him, Saneses, Claire, and Bev. The most favorable conditions!

After all, this is a battle with one against many.

No matter how good the Eighth Pharaoh was, he would face nearly ten times his own number.

Therefore, the final force that hit Ba Xia was not too much. Keseda, Abadang, Fire Phoenix, Jörmungandr, and even Klopp all shared the burden for him.

In this starry sky that dominates the battlefield, as the main attacker of the wizard civilization, in addition to the eighth-level knight Ai Badang holding the blade of darkness, there must also be Bev holding a pure white magic wand.

Although Bev is a seventh-level peak true spirit mage, the threat she poses to the eighth Pharaoh is greater than that of Fire Phoenix, who has an eighth-level strength.

Because Bev has enough and luxurious equipment on hand, including the power of the original law she masters, which is also the light magic that can best restrain the Pharaoh of the Hades Empire.

At this time, Bev did not immediately use the light of wisdom, the treasure of civilization. Everyone likes to keep some trump cards, so Bev naturally had to keep one hand to deal with emergencies.

She was not sure whether the Minghe Empire would sit back and watch the death of an eighth-level master.

Although the seventh-level true spirit mage Shennou Nordin has stated that he has banned the power of prophecy nearby, who knows if the Minghe Empire has other means to sense the abnormalities occurring here.

At least the second pharaoh of the Hades Empire was much more capable than Sinnoh Nordin in fields such as prophecy and divination.

In addition to the light of wisdom, the most precious treasure of civilization, which has been put on hold for the time being, the elemental shadow of the twelve-winged archangel that Bev summoned to use in the middle and late stages of the underworld star field war has not been used in this dominant battlefield for the time being.

The fused twelve-winged light elemental angel has a short-term combat power comparable to that of a seventh-level master.

But at this time, Bev had a string of world-class secret treasure necklaces hanging on her white neck, but she had no immediate thoughts.

The light element magic wand in his hand can shoot out extremely rich light magic in all directions at all times.

The entire surrounding space was almost illuminated by Bev.

Is she going to try to reach the threshold of the eighth-level master in this battle?

After Aunt Bev and others arrived on the scene, Hela, who had gradually become a marginalized person on the battlefield, was also excited by this fierce and fierce melee.

The Eighth Pharaoh King dominates the realm of the eighth level and should be classified into the early and middle stages of the eighth level.

And after it releases its self-seal, the strength it can explode in a short period of time can soar to the mid- to late-eighth level.

Beating up a master who was in the mid- to late-eighth level was an event that might not happen in tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

After gearing up, Hela did not follow her aunt's message and specifically target the half-dead Evil Eye tyrant.

Instead, he slapped the scales of the earthly python at his feet, and together with his pet mount, killed the eighth pharaoh again.

The master-level creatures currently participating in the war in the Wizarding Civilization are Dark Knight, Fire Phoenix, Bev, Hela, Basia, Keseda, Saneses, Claire, Jörmungandr, and Klopp, a total of ten masters. !

If you add in the seventh-level astrologer Shenou Nordin who is hidden in the surrounding space and interferes with the nearby star field with the power of special destiny, you will have eleven masters!

11:1, the absolute disparity in numbers meant that even though the Eighth Pharaoh had a mighty appearance, he was still being crushed to death.

The seventh-level evil-eyed tyrant was originally a servant who could take some of the pressure off the eighth pharaoh, but it had been stunned just now.

A lot of blood essence and gray mucus seeped out of the huge and cracked eyeballs. The evil-eyed tyrant hid in a corner of the battlefield in horror, watching the exaggerated master melee in front of him.

It used to feel quite complacent about being a double agent.

Intervening between the three top civilizations, he thinks he can influence and control the fate and war situation of the three top civilizations.

It is the most dazzling trend-setter in this war of civilizations.

But the reality is that it thinks too much.

In the face of the profound heritage of top civilization, is it nothing? !

The wizarding civilization casually mobilized ten more masters to participate in the siege against the eighth pharaoh.

Although the eighth pharaoh was tricked to death by it, the evil-eyed tyrant did not have any psychological pressure on him.

From the moment the Eighth Pharaoh slapped it, the Evil Eye Tyrant knew that he would never be a collaborator with the top civilizations. At best, he could only be their servant, or a "garbage" that could be discarded easily, and no one cared about it!

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