The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1742: Beating

A fierce battle is about to break out again.

The one who rushed to the front this time was Caiseda, the tiger-eye stone general of the Belen Empire.

General Humu Shi is the oldest existing imperial general in the Beren Empire. As early as when the wizarding world was only a medium-sized plane, he was already a famous and powerful knight in the Beren Empire.

And as time passed, when other generals of his generation either retired, died in battle, or passed away, only this General Tiger Eyed Stone remained standing in the wizarding world, fighting until now.

General Kesada, the tiger-eyed stone general, looks like a middle-aged strong man with very strong muscles.

Not only has time not smoothed out his edges, but he seems to be much more arrogant than when he was young. 🄲

The unruly strand of hair on his forehead is a sign of his extremely youthful mentality.

There are two weapons used by Keseda. One is a white heavy sword that is several times wider than when he activated the master's true form, and the other is a jet black heavy spinning ax with double blades.

Both the sword and the ax have reached the level of world-class secret treasures, and they are also mid-level world-class secret treasures.

Facing the Eighth Pharaoh, who was far more powerful than himself and had already turned on the unblocked state, Kesada used his spinning heavy ax to say hello to him for the first time.

Carrying the fierce power that broke through the sky, like a black meteor, the heavy ax struck straight at the neck of the eighth Pharaoh.

The grade of this heavy ax, as well as the force thrown by Kesada, are obviously smaller than the explosive power of the Dark Knight Lord Aiba when he uses the Imperial Blade.

However, Keseda's momentum was unleashed in this attack.

When the jet-black revolving heavy ax hit the Eighth Pharaoh's neck, it didn't seem to cause any direct damage. It just made a metallic clanging sound and then spun again and flew into Keseda's hand.

The white epee in his hand spread white air waves around him as Keseda charged forward.

Facing the eighth pharaoh who was far more powerful than herself, Kesada not only showed no timidity, but instead showed a cruel and excited look on her face.

Continuously challenging beings more powerful than himself is the path Keseda chose for himself after entering the realm of domination.

In battle, showing infinite "heroism" is a unique fighting method of Kesada.

The path Keseda took before was the "bloody battle" path, but later he discovered that this path was unworkable.

Mainly because it doesn't work in the wizarding world.

Kesada doesn't want to be lumped into the group of black knights.

And because the field of "bloody battle" reaches the extreme, it is very likely that he will become a bloody butcher who will not recognize his relatives. After being promoted, Kesada began to consciously adjust his cultivation route.

Once upon a time, the Beren Empire had three major anti-imperial generals.

Kesada was the only one of them to die well and reach this point today.

The special pride swirled around Keseda and gathered into streaks of white light.

When the Eighth Pharaoh's fist struck him, a considerable amount of force was counteracted by the rebound!

None of the dominant beings in the wizarding world are simple. They are more difficult to deal with than the dominant individuals born from general large-scale world civilizations.

Take a look at the lineup Bev brought this time. Except for Mourinho, the fire phoenix, who is a variable beyond the plan, the other dominant existences are all powerful people who were born in the wizarding world or have a great connection with the wizarding world!

In the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, in addition to allocating part of its power to defend against the Hades Empire, in fact, there was also some power hidden in the wizard world.

This time, Bev drained part of the core power of the wizarding world from various areas.

The reason why the federal masters were not dispatched to participate was that on the one hand, the strength of the alliance masters was generally not strong, and they may not be able to encircle and kill the Pharaoh of the Hades Empire, and on the other hand, it involved confidentiality factors.

Just facing the Gallente Federation, many plane worlds in the Wizards Alliance are already a little overwhelmed.

If the hidden enemy of the Ming He Empire is also exposed, I am afraid it will cause some turmoil in the Wizards Alliance, which will further affect the Wizards Alliance's overall war confidence.

Furthermore, most of the alliance plane masters are on the front lines of the civilized battlefield participating in the war. How can they have time now? Bev has temporarily transferred them back to participate in the war.

Following Kesada, Thaneses of the Flame Conclave and Claire of the Ebalut Empire also took out their magic wands and released their most popular offensive spells.

Melee mages like Thane are only a minority in the wizarding world.

Even if they reach the dominance level, when it comes to same-level battles, the true spirit-level magicians in the wizarding world still prefer to be behind the dominance-level knights.

Abadan and Keseda are both good front row tanks. With them in front, Saneses and Claire can release their magic more freely.

Saneses was originally on the frontline battlefield, but this time he came back to report to Bev on the recent war situation, and then was temporarily promoted to a young man.

And Claire, the true spirit mage, was originally within the star field of the Beholder World.

When Hela fought against the Evil Eye Tyrant, Claire remained hidden.

Finally, when the black hands of the Minghe Empire appeared, Claire showed up brazenly.

Klopp originally worked in logistics and decision-making in the middle and rear areas of the civilized battlefield. His main task has always been to assist Bev and implement the deployment of major policies.

He has just been promoted to the realm of domination, and he is the one with the least knowledge among the many wizard civilization dominators present.

But as a dominant knight, Klopp cannot always go without training.

This battle with the Eighth Pharaoh was an opportunity that Bev deliberately arranged for Klopp. Of course, Klopp, as a dominant knight, can also help in the battle.

His newly promoted and abundant soul of domination is his greatest support.

Judging from the situation of dominating the battlefield, Bev still takes good care of Klopp.

As a knight, Klopp was not immediately placed in the position of Aibadang and Caisseda.

The Soul of Overlord is not a cabbage that can be consumed at will. Although the Wizarding World has mastered the means to restore the omnipotent Soul of Overlord, it still cannot be too harsh on the first Domination Melee in which Klopp participated.

Klopp was standing very close to Dessaneses and Clare.

The main task Bev gave him was to protect the two true spirit magicians at close range.

Of course, during the battle, Klopp can also use his own methods to attack the Eighth Pharaoh.

Who said knights in the wizarding world don't have long-range attacks?

The last giant dragon turtle, like a demiplane, floating in the starry sky, is the real last defensive barrier.

This dragon turtle is named Ba Xia, and he is the father of brothers and sisters Bai Xing, Mo Yan, and Bi Xi.

In the long history of wars and external expansion of wizard civilization in the past more than 100,000 years, the number of times Baxia has appeared can be counted on one hand.

The role of this giant dragon turtle in the wizarding world is somewhat similar to that of the Guardian of Seasons.

Even because he sits at the navel of the wizarding world all year round and suppresses the rules and nodes of the wizarding world, he rarely leaves the wizarding world for hundreds of thousands of years.

This makes the power of plane blessings and plane will attention he enjoys in the wizarding world no less than that of any guardian!

Brothers and sisters Bai Xing and Tour Xi naturally have an affinity with the will of the wizarding world. Bai Xing even has the special ability to control Neptunes. It has to be said that they are closely related to their father.

Respected as "Poseidon" by hundreds of millions of sea people in the wizarding world, this dragon turtle named Baxia has more than just a false reputation.

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