The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,744 Despicable

In the center of the battlefield, the eighth Pharaoh, who had unlocked the seal, was facing the fire from the true spirit-level magicians of the wizard civilization from behind, while at the same time resisting the dark knight holding the Imperial Blade in front of him, and the phoenix whose body was covered with the fire of Nirvana. Dominate Mourinho.

As one of the personal weapons of the former First Pharaoh, the Imperial Blade also has certain mythical characteristics throughout the Hades Empire.

It is said that this supreme war blade once sacrificed an entire large world's creatures and imprinted the souls of three masters into it alive.

Among these three masters who were branded into the Empire's Blade, there is even the soul of an eighth-level master!

For top-level civilizations, it may be possible to kill the eighth-level master.

But capturing an eighth-level master alive and burning his eternal soul into a weapon in a way that insults his personality? 🄼

Even the wizarding civilization at this stage cannot do this. Only a ruthless man like the First Pharaoh of the Hades Empire could do such a brave thing back then.

Moreover, during the period when the first pharaoh of the Minghe Empire served as Emperor Minghe, it was also the fastest period of external expansion in the history of the Minghe Empire.

Such a character, and the weapons created by him, are now in the hands of this eighth-level knight in the wizarding world. The threat to the eighth pharaoh is also quite great.

"It turns out that your wizard civilization has never taken our Hades Empire lightly. Are you afraid of us?" Although he was under siege at this time, and the Eighth Pharaoh's premonition was also very bad, his demeanor did not drop. He can even sneer at Bev and other powerful wizards and civilizations.

Facing the eighth pharaoh's sarcastic question, Kesada, who was relatively close to it, chuckled in response.

Under the white bandage, his extremely hard body continued to withstand attacks from all directions. The Eighth Pharaoh turned to look at Aibadang again and said, "I know you. You were not deployed to the world at the beginning of the civilized war." Is it near the big world?”

"By the way, besides you, there are quite a few wizards and civilization masters there."

"Do you think this is the end of it?"

"The Minghe Empire will definitely regard your actions today as a provocation!"

"After this, the Minghe Empire's army must arrive suddenly! Are your wizard civilization ready for a two-front war?!" the Eighth Pharaoh shouted.

The shouts of the eighth pharaoh did not cause any fluctuations in the minds of the powerful wizards and civilizations on the surrounding battlefields.

Those present were all the core members of the wizarding civilization's senior leadership. Everyone, including Bev, knew what they were doing and had already figured out the current situation of the wizarding civilization.

Is it necessary to be timid just because the opponent is strong? !

If this is the case, then there is no need to do anything and just surrender to the Minghe Empire.

If the master of the Wizards Alliance appeared here, he might really be frightened by the infinite arrogance of the Eighth Pharaoh when he was being beaten, and by the name of the Hades Empire.

But the local strong men in the wizarding world will not!

Fire Phoenix Mourinho has just returned from traveling outside the distant star field. He still doesn't know much about the current situation of the wizard civilization.

He knew about the Minghe Empire. Even tens of thousands of years ago, before leaving the wizarding civilization, he was dispatched to the Great World of Huanyu in the direction of the Minghe Empire. He guarded it for a period of time and also worked with the eighth-level Star King of Huanyu in the Great World of Huanyu. , the relationship is good.

But compared to the reputation of the Ming He Empire, Huo Feng was more concerned about his sister Bing Huang.

Ever since Margaret, Ice Phoenix's previous soul contract owner, sacrificed herself for Ice Phoenix while exploring a certain ruins, this Ice Phoenix, which had been promoted to the realm of domination, was almost tied to the wizarding civilization.

With Ice Phoenix in the wizarding civilization, there is no way that Fire Phoenix would betray the wizarding civilization and fall into the arms of other civilizations.

Bev, the seventh-level peak true spirit mage, had a mysterious and complex array of light elements floating in front of her. While she was constantly bombarding it with light magic, Bev chuckled and said, "In this case, what else do you want?" To shake our minds, it seems that you are trying to hold on to your current state, right?"

"Although our wizard civilization has not had a direct conflict with your Minghe Empire in recent years, according to the understanding we have obtained from many channels, there is a certain limit to the outbreak time of the sealing technique that the creatures of your Minghe Empire are famous for. "

"How long can you sustain this explosive state?"

"Twenty years? Or thirty years?"

"After the outbreak is over, your body will inevitably go through a period of weakness, right?"

"Do you think you still have a chance to escape at that time?" Bev chuckled.

Bev's words made the Eighth Pharaoh look livid.

In fact, the creatures of the Hades Empire are also a type of humanoid creatures.

It's just that because they like to deal with dead bodies and dark elements, and they often have the tradition of peeling off the skin of their opponents and wearing it on their own bodies, from an aesthetic point of view, the creatures of the Hades Empire are all invisible in the eyes of the powerful wizards and civilizations. Very ugly.

The eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire in front of him looked like a human being, not so ugly.

Seeing that he could not shake the belief of Bev and other wizard civilization masters to kill him, the Eighth Pharaoh finally thought of the Evil Eye Tyrant again.

"You loser, why don't you come here and help!"

"Help me resist for a while. I can find a way to re-establish the long-distance channel, or directly ask for help from the Hades Empire!" The Eighth Pharaoh angrily yelled at the Evil Eye Tyrant in the corner of the battlefield.

Faced with the angry scolding of the Eighth Pharaoh, the Evil Eye Tyrant did not tolerate him, but made a decision that surprised everyone around him.

I saw him arching his few remaining tentacles, showing a respectful attitude of surrender in the direction of Ms. Bev, including lowering his eyeballs to an extremely deep position, praying, "I was wrong! I I shouldn’t have betrayed the wizarding civilization, this eighth pharaoh forced me to do so!”

"Ms. Bev, give me another chance. I will be a good dog for the wizarding civilization this time!"

"I am even willing to hand over half of my remaining omnipotent master soul to the disposal of wizard civilization!" The evil-eyed tyrant humbly begged for mercy.

After all, this guy still has the title of "tyrant" and is also the famous master of the star field around the beholder world. At this time, he is so spineless in the face of the pressure of life and death.

Previously on the subspace battlefield, Seren, the sixth-level pinnacle creature that was eliminated by the Gallente Federation's master-class fleet group, was more powerful than the Evil Eye Tyrant.

"I am willing to work with you to deal with this evil and cunning Pharaoh!" The Evil Eye Tyrant pointed at the eighth Pharaoh with one tentacle.

The Evil Eye Tyrant's statement made Bev slightly surprised, and also made the Eighth Pharaoh furious.

If Ai Badang and others hadn't stood in front of him, this guy could have rushed over first and dismantled the Evil Eye Tyrant into parts!

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone so shameless.

The Eighth Pharaoh put himself in danger because of this loser's request for help. Now this guy wants to betray his master for glory?

Existences like the Evil Eye Tyrant are definitely the most shameless and despicable creatures in the star world. Devils and demons may behave in a more decent style than him.

What's even more exaggerated is that this is a dominant creature.

If it were allowed to escape this time, such a despicable existence, without the scruples and restraints of the mother plane, would probably cause deeper dangers than ordinary late-level seven or peak-level seven masters.

Bev didn't like this guy either. She had already made a killing order for the evil-eyed tyrant in her heart.

Facing the evil-eyed tyrant's begging for mercy, Bev glanced at the Fire Phoenix Mourinho, then firmly shook her head and said, "Our wizard civilization will not accept any betrayers, nor will we allow any invasion or harm to our civilization or individuals. Still Survive in this starry sky!"

Bev's statement undoubtedly issued a death notice to the Evil Eye Tyrant!

When the eighth pharaoh saw this, he couldn't help but laugh "haha" for a long time. He should be laughing at the shameless, despicable and pathetic performance of the evil-eyed tyrant.

After laughing, the Eighth Pharaoh calmed down and said coldly, "Who said I only have this little trump card?"

"Since your wizard civilization has found out that our creatures in the Hades Empire have self-sealing techniques, don't you know that in addition to the first self-sealing, there is also a second sealing state?"

"Let you see the state after I unlock the second seal!" the eighth Pharaoh shouted angrily.

"Oh?" Bev really showed a hint of surprise this time.

"The second seal, are you the only one?" Bev said with a slightly distrustful expression on her face.

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