The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,741 The Gathering of Dominators

The jet-black war blade even turned into a black dragon head as it shot toward the Eighth Pharaoh.

This is a huge dragon head covered with scars. The fangs in its mouth look jagged, but they are still sharp!

Compared to Mourinho, the Fire Phoenix who has just been promoted to level eight, it is obvious that this black blade and its user pose a greater threat to the Eighth Pharaoh.

His original attempt to escape from the battlefield was blocked by this black blade.

The bone staff in the eighth Pharaoh's hand condensed into a gray-white claw and flew towards the dragon's head.

After the collision, there were a few more scratches on the surface of the dragon's head, and an extremely deep crack appeared on the gray-white claws of the eighth pharaoh.

"Dang~" The buzzing sound that shook the space echoed in the surrounding starry sky.

The surrounding meteorite blocks that were originally burning with Nirvana flames were also annihilated into particle fragments in this tremor.

The jet-black war blade flew back to the hands of a dominator-level knight wearing jet-black armor with a very fierce gesture.

The knight himself didn't seem to be much more powerful than the eighth pharaoh.

But when he held this black war blade, the fierce momentum he released at that moment made the Eighth Pharaoh even look at him sideways.

And compared to the other people gradually arriving around him, this knight's aura was deeper.

This one is currently the most famous master-level knight in the wizarding world - the founder of the Yili Knights Alliance, the dark knight, Ai Badang.

Although the Beren Empire in the wizarding world has the reputation of the "Knight Empire", there is currently no eighth-level knight master born.

Roland, the strongest man in the Beren Empire, was only a seventh-level peak knight.

Although many people are rumored that Roland's strength is not inferior to that of an eighth-level being, and he is also an alternative user of one of the most precious civilization treasures in the wizarding world - the powerful knight's domination suit.

But less than level eight is less than level eight. With his outstanding personal strength, Ai Badang has found his own place in the wizarding world.

It is said that Aiba was promoted to master later than Roland, and it is not known how he came from behind.

The dark knight Abadang, who exuded an extremely deep and depressing aura, was surrounded by ripples of dark law.

This is a powerful knight who possesses dark attributes of fighting spirit. When he appears in this starry sky, he seems to have turned into a source of darkness.

At this time, the Eighth Pharaoh's eyes were staring at the opponent. To be precise, he was staring at the black war blade held in the opponent's hand.

"The First Pharaoh's 'Imperial Blade' was lost in the wizarding civilization 170,000 years ago?!" The Eighth Pharaoh said in surprise.

The eighth pharaoh in front of him was promoted to the eighth level 110,000 years ago.

In other words, when the Imperial Blade left the arrow, he was only a seventh-level master.

The Eighth Pharaoh actually didn't know what the situation was that year.

Because the legacy of the Imperial Blade and the fact that the First Pharaoh was once frustrated in the Wizarding Civilization were also taboo in the Hades Empire.

It is estimated that only the first three pharaohs and the current emperor of the Hades Empire have a deeper understanding of what happened back then.

The Eighth Pharaoh only knew that the First Pharaoh was frustrated at the hands of the first ninth-level creature born in the wizarding world.

Speaking of which, the first pharaoh was also unlucky.

It is difficult for ninth-level creatures to be tolerated in the star realm. The ninth-level beings born in the history of major top civilizations all mysteriously disappeared from the star realm not long after their breakthrough.

In the history of the Minghe Empire, the ninth-level creature that stayed the longest did not last more than three thousand years. This was due to the Minghe Empire's self-sealing technique, which allowed it to stay in the star realm for a longer period of time.

If it were a ninth-level existence born from other plane civilizations, they might have stayed there for hundreds of years after breaking through and then disappeared.

According to the life span of a dominant creature, thousands of years are really fleeting and not worth mentioning.

The first pharaoh was unlucky to fall into his trap at the very moment when the ninth-level creatures of the wizarding civilization were born!

One explanation for why ninth-level creatures cannot be tolerated in the astral realm is that the astral realm needs balance, and ninth-level creatures seem to have broken this balance.

Their appearance is a bug in the star realm.

In order to maintain balance and the cornerstone of rules, such existences will disappear soon after a breakthrough.

As for the existences above level nine, no one knows where they have gone, including the eighth pharaoh in front of them.

Perhaps the first pharaoh who is about to break through to level nine has some insights, but this is not something that low-level creatures should consider.

After all, if we haven't even explored the end of the star realm in front of us, why bother thinking about the world beyond the star realm.

Facing the eighth Pharaoh's voice of surprise, Abadang once again held the black blade in his hand, slashed hard at the opponent's cheek, and shouted, "It's the Blade of Darkness!"

This time, another jet-black shadow of law rushed toward the eighth Pharaoh.

But this time it is no longer a dragon head, but a black shadow that looks like a scorpion. A deep and oppressive poisonous hook is very eye-catching in this law shadow.

"Hmph!" The Eighth Pharaoh snorted coldly. The white bandage that he had just untied was thrown out like a piece of armor and collided with Abadan's dark blade.

The violent collision of laws spread to the surrounding star fields again.

I think if there are some people with sensitive senses, they should have noticed through the frequent vibrations of the law that a battle for dominance is breaking out here.

With the timely appearance of Abadang, and the constant intrusion and obstruction of Fire Phoenix, Hela, and Jormungandr, the Eighth Pharaoh's idea of ​​quickly entering the space channel seemed to have come to nothing.

As for the other seventh-level dominator, the Evil Eye Tyrant, no one is paying attention to it for the time being.

The Lord's Omnipotent Soul was severely depleted and he was severely injured. The Evil Eye Tyrant, who had just been slapped in anger by the Eighth Pharaoh, could only tremble under the siege of many Lords around him.

Ms. Bev of the Wizarding Civilization has obviously made a big move and is waiting for the other party to take the bait.

Moreover, this kind of fishing trick has become increasingly popular among wizard civilization.

The last one was the Gallente Federation, and now it’s the Hades Empire’s turn.

Look at the luxurious lineup brought by Ms. Bev at this time. In addition to the Dark Knight Master Ai Badang, who has the eighth level of strength, and herself, who has the peak strength of the seventh level, there are also five new masters who have appeared here. Starry sky.

They are the seventh-level knight master Kesada of the Beren Empire, known as the Tiger Eye Stone, Saneses, the true spirit-level magician of the Flame Conclave, Claire, the true spirit-level magician of the Abarut Empire, and the master-level knight of the Western Islands. Klopp, and a giant dragon turtle whose size and tonnage were astonishing.

From a distance, this dragon turtle looks somewhat similar to Thane's good friend Tourmaline.

It's just that its size is obviously much larger. The elongated body of the earthly python Jormungandr may be larger than it, but its weight and the tonnage of flesh and blood it possesses are not of the same magnitude at all.

Jörmungandr is still too thin. If this dragon turtle steps on it with his palm, Jörmungandr may not even be able to bear it.

Unexpectedly, even this person was invited out. When he saw this giant dragon turtle, Hela, who was standing above Jörmungandr, was slightly surprised.

"Haha, what's going on recently? There are always some creatures that enter the territory of our wizarding civilization without invitation."

"In our wizarding civilization, you can come and leave whenever you want?" Ms. Bev saw that the surrounding situation was gradually coming under control, and she pursed her lips and chuckled at the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire in front of her.

At this time, a wave of space ripples appeared next to Bev.

It turns out that the above-mentioned beings are not the only ones who appear in this starry sky!

I saw a young seventh-level true spirit magician with half of his hair silver-white and wearing a white astrological robe. He was holding a crystal ball exuding a strong power of destiny. He said to Bev in front of him, "I have banned the surrounding areas." The power of destiny, mystical power, prophecy and other methods will temporarily fail in the surrounding star fields."

This true spirit magician wearing a white robe is the famous seventh-level astrologer in the wizarding world—Shennoh Nordin.

I had only heard rumors about him in the past, but I didn't expect that this master would also visit the starry sky today.

However, Master Sinnoh Nordin was obviously not good at fighting. After reporting to Bev, he dissipated into a ripple and disappeared in place.

After hearing what Master Sinnoh Nordin said, Ms. Bev smiled even more.

And her smile is obviously not so friendly to the Evil Eye Tyrant and the Eighth Pharaoh who are besieged here!

"I was delayed in the afternoon because of other things, so there is only one chapter. I hope you can forgive me~"

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