The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,737 The Eighth Pharaoh (Additional update)

As a master, it is really embarrassing for the Evil Eye Tyrant to be chased into such a miserable state.

It is not the fault of the Evil Eye Tyrant that it was unlucky. It was first severely repaired by the true spirit-level magician of the Ebalut Empire, and then it was attacked by the more powerful master and servant of Hela.

The strength of the mortal python Jörmungandr alone is already comparable to that of the Evil Eye Tyrant.

Not to mention there is a death goddess Hela who has enough means, enough treasures, and a strong backing.

The Evil Eye Tyrant, who has been a member of the Wizards' Alliance for 20,000 to 30,000 years, knows that the other party is the eldest daughter of Odin, the eighth-level ruler of the Titan World.

Odin, who holds the title of "God of the Gods", is a truly ruthless man, and he is also recognized as the strongest person in the Wizards' Union.

Although the eighth-level alliance has been dominated by the Elune God Elune and the Mountain Titan Qingtian in recent years, these two are still far from the God King Odin in terms of their actual strength and prestige. Quite a difference.

Moreover, this man, the God King, is the backer of the Evil Eye Tyrant, the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire, and he is not willing to face it prematurely.

The Evil Eye Tyrant was very suspicious, but it was actually the Eighth Pharaoh who could not defeat Odin, the God of Gods.

The Evil Eye Tyrant stabbed the wizard civilization in the back and severely damaged the alliance's leader, Ice Phoenix, which became its qualifications to become a double agent of the Gallente Federation and the Hades Empire.

But if another alliance leader is replaced, for example, God King Odin appears near the Beholder World Star Field, it is absolutely guaranteed that the Evil Eye Tyrant will not dare to move.

At this time, the Evil Eye Tyrant called for help from across the border. From the other side of the black mist, there was obviously a sound of scolding.

The Minghe Empire obviously did not want to enter the scene so early, but the call of the Evil Eye Tyrant completely exposed the Minghe Empire.

As the eighth pharaoh of the Hades Empire, and also the one who focused on the war situation in the wizarding civilization in the Hades Empire, it was impossible for the eighth pharaoh to just sit back and watch the evil-eyed tyrant, and be killed by Hela like this.

Overlord-level existences are not common cabbage in the Minghe Empire.

The Evil Eye Tyrant is a bit embarrassing, but as a servant master, sometimes it is quite useful.

I saw thick black mist pouring out from the black lenses spit out by the Evil Eye Tyrant.

The surrounding space was obviously restrained by the small golden tower in Hela's hand, but in the surge of black mist, there was still a black passage spanning an extremely distant space, slowly taking shape.

When the Evil Eye Tyrant saw this, he immediately burst out with a desire for survival and hurriedly hid behind the black mist.

Hela put away her sky-piercing blade at the right time, and at the same time put away the small golden tower, and then took out a white orb that exuded strong light power.

As worthy of being the daughter of the God King, and also possessing the noblest bloodline in the wizarding world, Hela has a lot of good things in her body.

Whether it is the sky-piercing blade, the small golden tower, or the white orb in front of you, they all have extremely strong fluctuations in world-class secret treasure laws.

And among world-class secret treasures, these equipments are not ordinary.

And looking at Hela's confidence and calmness in taking out these equipment at this moment, I really don't know how many treasures she still has in her hands.

The powerful biological fluctuations coming from the depths of the black mist did not make Hela show too much fear, and her face remained calm.

On the other hand, the giant earthly python Jörmungandr under Hela's feet seemed to feel the aura of some terrifying existence. Its originally extremely large size shrank a lot, including its huge python body, which was also coiled together, like a mountain of flesh. , staring coldly at the black mist in front of him.

Hela stood on top of Jormungandr's head from beginning to end without moving at all.

Even if the life level of the other person is one level higher than yours.

"Is he really the Pharaoh of the Minghe Empire? My aunt and the others' judgment is indeed correct." Hela quietly stared at the black mist in front of her.

At the end of the black mist, a humanoid body slowly appeared.

This is a humanoid monster covered in gray and white bandages. His face cannot be seen clearly at all.

The thick black fog made it look extremely gloomy and cold.

The light orb held in Hela's hand exudes rich, gentle and bright power, which can dispel and dissolve the cold aura of this terrifying existence.

The worldly python Jörmungandr spat out the serpent letter slightly, and faced this powerful enemy together with his master.

"You are worthy of being the descendant of the most powerful knight master. When you see the eternal soul master who is one level higher than your own life level, you still don't give way at all?" The humanoid monster in front of him said with a cold and penetrating smile.

This is an eighth-level existence. At least in the known star world civilization, an existence of this level has already stood at the top of the star world.

The biggest difference between the eighth-level master and the seventh-level master is that the omnipotent soul of the master has been solidified and is an eternal soul.

Whether in combat or in other areas, the amount of souls consumed by a master is far lower than that of a seventh-level master.

Normally speaking, a seventh-level master would never be an opponent of an eighth-level master.

Putting aside the difference in power level between the two, just in terms of competing for the soul of the master, an eighth-level master can easily kill a seventh-level master.

But with this fighting situation at this time, it is impossible for this newly emerged master of the Mingha Empire to compete with Hela here.

Because this is the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization, the Gallente Federation Legion within the Beholder World Star Domain has long been wiped out by the wizard civilization.

The battle for domination does not mean that you can end it in just a moment.

As long as Hela and Jormungandr drag them for a while, the wizard civilization masters who feel the fluctuations of the battle here in the surrounding star fields will all come down.

At that time, there will be a group of people, and they will circle and kick the two of them.

Not to mention that this Pharaoh is only ranked eighth, even if they let their first Pharaoh, who is currently in the critical period of breakthrough, and the third Pharaoh, who has been most popular in recent years, come over.

Facing so many high-level combat forces of wizard civilization alone, he would definitely enter vertically and exit horizontally.

Hela knew that her aunt Bev must be paying attention to this place, and she herself was sent here by Bev.

When the power of the alien master fluctuates here, Bev will be able to detect the abnormality immediately.

What Hela is looking forward to now is how many people this pharaoh can bring.

Unfortunately, Hela's expectations finally came to nothing.

The eighth Pharaoh was the only one who walked out of the thick black fog passage.

The Hades Empire is extremely far away from the wizarding civilization. The energy consumption required for such a transmission channel across an extremely distant star field, especially for transmitting Dominator-level power units, is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

Moreover, the main focus of the Minghe Empire's current civilization is the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, which is closer to them.

Dark and death-based creatures have a natural aversion to light-based creatures, which also forces the Mingha Empire to take action first. It must be the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, which has long had historical conflicts.

Rather than the wizard civilization far away in the star field, which is still fighting with the Gallente Federation.

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