The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,736 The miserable evil-eyed tyrant

The war that took place in this land of yellow sand lasted for more than a year.

Thain also played during this period, but his frequency was not high.

During this war, Thane received no sign that the Gallente Federation legions were withdrawing from the warp.

I don’t know whether it was because the attack force of the wizard civilization army was too fierce, or whether Trilis, the master of Thane, made an error in judgment.

In fact, the battle in the yellow sand land that Thain is responsible for is not over yet. 🄳

At least more than a third of the Gallente Federation Legion is still waiting for reinforcements under the siege of Thane and others.

However, in recent times, the frequency of Thain personally supervising battles has become less and less.

It's not that Thain doesn't pay attention to the situation in this war zone, but that he has another more important thing in front of him.

The world-class secret treasure, the Rubik's Cube, has finally been upgraded.

The upgraded Rubik's Cube is all crystal blue, with dots of starlight on its surface. At a glance, it looks as bright and boundless as a sea of ​​stars.

Compared with before the upgrade, the biggest feature of the Rubik's Cube is that it can directly boost Thain's strength during battle.

In the past, the Rubik's Cube was just a tool for awakening the intelligence of robots, and was of little use to Thain himself.

But now, because the Rubik's Cube contains the original power of various technological-side secret treasure fragments, Thain can mobilize the power of the Rubik's Cube and exert the technological-side energy it absorbs.

For example, one of the technological laws absorbed by the Rubik's Cube is an offensive weapon from the Ai Youlan Die civilization - the Red Temperature Shackles.

At this time, Thane can directly pass through the Rubik's Cube and release the Red Temperature Shackles strike.

He has tested it on the battlefield and can easily cause defense-breaking blows to level five creatures.

In addition to various magical uses of technology, the biggest new feature of the Rubik's Cube is that it has extremely high intelligence.

Intelligence is not the same as wisdom. Thain can feel that the Rubik's Cube has not become an independent living entity.

But now it can rely on its own capabilities to actively optimize many things for Thain.

For example, Rubik's Cube analyzed the relationship between Thane's Ash Fortress and those light prism fortresses. The plan given by Rubik's Cube even included a blueprint for the disintegration and fusion of Ash Fortress and more than a dozen light prism fortresses.

The fused Ash Fortress is larger, has higher resistance to strikes, and has more firepower and equipment!

Rubik's Cube even designed dozens of new fortress firepower configurations.

The firepower configuration of these fortresses is of course mainly focused on technology-side energy strikes.

It seems that the Rubik's Cube mainly absorbs and uses technological knowledge. Regarding the magic alchemy secrets of wizard civilization, the Rubik's Cube only deals with the disintegration and reorganization of space fortresses and light prism fortresses.

Since the Light Prism Fortress can be integrated with the Ash Fortress, what if Thane built several space fortresses of the same specifications?

Thain couldn't help but think of the fortress he promised to order for Lenna and the two girls.

On the civilized battlefield, the bigger the space fortress, the better. However, the capabilities displayed by the Rubik's Cube and its design made Thain's eyes shine.

And with the development of various functions of the Rubik's Cube, Thain can also borrow many abilities of the Rubik's Cube during the experiment.

For example, the super element microscope and other magical equipment often used in laboratories, Thain can gradually use the Rubik's Cube as a replacement.

Thain also used the Rubik's Cube to analyze Fumila. Unexpectedly, even for a robot with level six combat power like Fumila, the Rubik's Cube can provide certain upgrade and adjustment suggestions.

The Rubik's Cube at this time, in terms of grade, has definitely slightly surpassed the Formless Mask!

And Thain has a feeling that the Rubik's Cube has not yet evolved to its ultimate state.

However, there is no place for the Rubik's Cube to absorb the technological laws of the Aiyou Landie civilization. Where else can Thain get the nutrients for its advancement?

Thinking of this problem, Thane couldn't help but look at the Gallente Federation Legion in front of him.

As a top technological civilization, the Gallente Federation definitely has a large number of technological products that contain the power of the original law.

But no technological product of this level is simple.

The doomsday weapons that Thain had seen before were definitely products of this level of technology.

In addition, in order to achieve the power of generating the original law, which is comparable to world-class secret treasures, I am afraid that in most cases only those sixth-level battleships can have similar props.

As a level six robot, Fumila doesn't even have a world-class secret treasure at hand.

The successful upgrade of the Rubik's Cube is definitely a surprise for Thain.

But before Thain could delve into its mysteries in detail, Rose Dynasty civilization came to the door.

The person who came to the Rose Dynasty civilization went directly to the front line of the battlefield to find Thain.

Moreover, the visitors were also a man and a woman that Thain had briefly contacted on the battlefield before.

The man is a mecha pilot and the woman is a reader.

When this female reader with short wavy pink hair found Thain, who was in the space fortress laboratory, she asked curiously and doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

"Master Thain, my name is Winoa. We have cooperated on the battlefield before, haven't we?"

"The reason why we came to you this time is to negotiate a deal with you." The fifth-level reader named Winoa said with a smile.

"Deal?" Thain asked curiously.

"Yes, we want to purchase this crystal stone in large quantities from you, Master Thain."

"Of course, if you, Master Thain, can share the production principles with our Rose Dynasty civilization, we will definitely report to you an equal amount of the price." Winoa smiled, and at the same time, several clearly appeared in her hand. Used small purple spar.

After just one glance at these crystals, Thane recognized that they were the energy amethysts he had casually given to the mecha warrior of the Rose Dynasty Civilization on the battlefield.

It can be seen that these energy amethysts also have obvious effects on the mechas of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Seeing this, Thain didn't say anything for a while.

Winoa and the other mecha warrior were not in a hurry. She still maintained a smile on her face and waited for Thane to reply.

The edge of the battlefield in the star field of the Beholder World.

The beholder world behind him, which exudes red-purple coquettish light, is getting further and further away. The seventh-level evil-eyed tyrant himself is constantly using his tentacles to tear apart the space and jump to escape.

Not far behind the Evil Eye Tyrant, Hela, the seventh-level Titan system master who has entered a complete fighting state, is chasing it all the time.

So much so that the Evil Eye Tyrant didn't even have time to look back at his mother plane.

Fighting alone, the Evil Eye Tyrant is no match for Hela.

Not to mention that it was still two against one. At Hela's feet, there was a silver python with a length of nearly 100,000 meters. It was staring at the evil-eyed tyrant who was constantly fleeing with its cold vertical pupils.

The Evil Eye Tyrant was in a miserable state at this time. Not only was most of its tentacles cut off, it even had a wound that went directly from the top of its head to its mouth, almost splitting it in half.

A golden pagoda exuded dazzling light in Hela's hands.

Against this radiance, the surrounding space becomes more solid.

The strengthening of the surrounding space barriers makes it difficult for the evil-eyed tyrant in his weak state to break through the space.

When a sky-piercing blade in Hela's hand stabbed at it and easily cut off a dozen of the evil-eyed tyrant's tentacles again, the guy finally couldn't resist and spat out a broken black mirror from his mouth.

A large amount of black smoke began to pour out of the mirror.

The evil-eyed tyrant howled miserably with his spiritual voice, "Pharaoh, save me!"

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