The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,738 The Minghe Empire (additional update)

"The power of light is so annoying. The power used by the giants of the civilization of the Kingdom of Light is somewhat different."

"Is this the light element magic of your wizard civilization, or is it the power left by the light gods that have left the star realm as the second pharaoh once mentioned?" the ugly eighth pharaoh couldn't help but ask.

Of course, Hela was not interested in answering the question of the eighth pharaoh in front of her.

He fiercely poured the power of dominion into the light orb in his hand, releasing a mighty light from it. After clearly dispersing some of the black mist emitting from the eighth pharaoh's body, Hela actually slashed the air-piercing blade in his hand directly at the opponent.

"Cang!" The sound of metal chirping and the force of intense space vibrations spread in all directions. Even the Eighth Pharaoh did not expect that Hela would take action first in the face of such a powerful self.

The other party's courage is greater than oneself imagined.

"Why aren't you afraid of me? What a stupid and imbecile seventh-level master. If we were in other star fields now, I would peel off your skin inch by inch with my own hands and keep it as my collection!" 🄳

"A direct descendant of a ninth-level creature will be envied by other pharaohs." The eighth pharaoh shouted, and then he also took out his own weapon, a bone with five sharp claws on the top. The staff swung hard at Hela.

Including the eighth Pharaoh's other hand, it was also grabbing towards Hela, as if he wanted to catch Hela directly and give him a chill.

Facing the eighth pharaoh's shouts and actions, Hela curled her lips slightly, with a hint of disdain on her face.

While making evasive movements backwards, he suddenly drew the Sky-Breaking Blade towards the Evil Eye Tyrant who was trying to escape.

The Evil Eye Tyrant is really cunning. While Hela was fighting the Eighth Pharaoh, he wanted to escape through the space channel opened by the Eighth Pharaoh when he came.

Even if the Evil Eye Tyrant knew that the other side of the space passage was extremely terrifying, and he never wanted to go to the Minghe Empire for a second time.

But when the crisis comes, it still has to bite the bullet and get through it.

The Sky-Breaking Blade in Hela's hand obviously has extremely strong space attributes. This is a relatively rare world-class secret treasure of space attack type.

The Evil Eye Tyrant was careless and had three more tentacles cut off.

The severe pain, especially the loss of the Lord's Soul, made this guy yell.

The evil-eyed tyrant's spiritual screams even caused the meteorites in the surrounding starry sky to tremble.

"Shut up!" The Eighth Pharaoh, who was upset by the evil-eyed tyrant's howl, couldn't help but cursed angrily.

This guy who failed to achieve anything but failed greatly disappointed the eighth pharaoh.

The giant earthly python Jörmungandr at the feet of Hela took on the role of a human shield for Hela at this time.

This eighth pharaoh is an eighth-level creature after all, and his strength should not be underestimated.

When his bone staff and fists were blasting towards Hela, Hela had clearly sensed and avoided them in advance, but in the end they still inevitably approached Hela's body.

With its strong body, the mortal python directly carried the bone staff and fist for Hela.

Dazzling red blood appeared from Jormungandr's waist and abdomen.

I saw five obvious black claw marks and a blood hole on the huge python.

"Roar!" Jörmungandr's painful roar also echoed in this star field space.

It echoes with the evil-eyed tyrant's mental howl.

The pet mount was injured, and the disdain shown before was gone from Hela's face.

This eighth pharaoh is not an evil-eyed tyrant who was beaten down by wizard civilization. He has been hiding in the dark, and now it can even be said that he has suddenly arrived in this star field in full glory.

Although Hela only needs to hold the opponent back, this task is not easy to complete.

A golden apple was taken out by Hela, and she directly stuffed the golden apple between Jörmungandr's teeth.

As the leader of the alliance and the eldest princess of the Titan world, Hela naturally has enough golden apples on hand.

After slashing the air-breaking blade in her hand at the Eighth Pharaoh Queen again, she finally replied, "Is your Mingha Empire really ready to go to war with our wizard civilization?"

"Or is this just the decision of a very few individuals in your Pharaoh Temple?" Hela asked.

There are three major power and war institutions in the Hades Empire, namely the Pharaoh's Temple, the Imperial Officials, and the Monster Legion.

Among them, the Pharaoh's Temple has the highest status.

Because many emperors in the history of the Hades Empire, as well as those with great power, all eventually entered the Pharaoh's Temple.

After the master-level existence enters, he directly serves as the pharaoh. At the same time, the Pharaoh Temple is also the institution with the largest number of masters in the Hades Empire.

The official empire comes second. Judging from the name, the Minghe Empire can tell that it is a top-level civilization with an imperial nature.

All successive emperors of the Minghe Empire must have been held by dominant-level beings.

He is also the emperor, nominally controlling the entire empire's foreign war decisions.

The billions of legions of the Minghe Empire were all mobilized and mobilized under the imperial system.

Although the actual status of the Pharaoh Temple is the highest, it is at the lower level of the Hades Empire and represents more of the divine power.

There are also many master-level beings holding important positions in the empire.

In terms of the number of Overlord-level creatures, the Mingha Empire probably has more Overlords than the total number of Overlords in the Wizards Alliance combined.

To be honest, the strength of the Minghe Empire is indeed much greater than that of the wizard civilization.

The outbreak of the civilized war between the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation is also closely related to the constant threat posed by the Hades Empire.

Only by annexing the Gallente Federation and having a larger territory and war potential can the wizarding civilization deal with the powerful opponent of the Hades Empire.

The better situation now is that the Minghe Empire also has their enemies-the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, and the pressure is not immediately put on the wizard civilization.

The monster army of the Hades Empire is the most famous combat army of this top civilization.

The status of the monster army in the Hades Empire is equivalent to the cannon fodder army of slave creatures in the wizarding world.

But their monster army is not cannon fodder at the bottom.

There are more than a dozen dark monsters with master-level combat power in the Minghe Empire.

One of the strongest monsters, the King of Monsters, is said to be a fusion of several dominant-level monsters, a terrifying monster whose combat power reaches its peak among eighth-level creatures.

The Minghe Empire has been secretly collecting information from the wizard civilization, and the wizard civilization is also secretly collecting information about the Minghe Empire.

Even the wizard civilization has made contact with the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and has reached a certain degree of tacit understanding of cooperation.

Now in the civilization of the Kingdom of Light, doesn’t there be a level four giant of light on the subspace battlefield where Thane is?

At the same time, there are also powerful wizards in the wizarding civilization, traveling around the civilization of the Kingdom of Light and the Hades Empire.

Hela's rhetorical question made the eighth pharaoh snort coldly.

Naturally, he didn't need to explain anything to Hela.

Rather than fighting Hela here or having nonsense conversations, the eighth pharaoh wanted more to take the evil-eyed tyrant and escape as soon as possible.

Even though he had level eight strength, he still felt inexplicably uneasy fighting in this unfamiliar environment behind enemy lines.

But it's a pity that Hela, who has many treasures in front of him and is really powerful, cannot be done by him in a short time.

Seeing the giant python Jörmungandr swinging its giant tail at him again, the eighth pharaoh couldn't help but slap his shoulder. The white bandage-like attire on his body showed signs of being untied.

To be on the safe side, this guy decided to get serious.

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