The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,735 Buying a Fortress

Bruce has several fourth-level black bat civilization creatures under his command, and Arthur has heard that he has recruited two strong men from the original sea planet.

In addition, Barry, the fourth-level electro-optical world creature, and Gal Gadot from the wonderful plane are also in the legion led by the two.

Since joining the Wizards Alliance, the relationship between these powerful people born in the surrounding star planes has become closer and closer.

Thain had heard from Cram that Bruce, Arthur, Carl and others seemed to have a plan to establish an organization. 🄲

This organization is naturally affiliated with the Wizards Alliance. It is a small group formed spontaneously by powerful people from several member planes in the Wizards Alliance.

Similar small groups and organizations are very common in the Wizards Alliance.

However, in most cases, there are some medium and small planes attached to the large world, or small and micro planes attached to the medium world.

But like Bruce and others, there are just a few middle- and low-level strong men who spontaneously gather together to join the group to keep warm, which does not attract much attention.

The flames of war soon ignited in this desert area.

The Black Bat Civilization Legion led by Bruce has a good technological foundation.

The Black Bat civilization itself is a semi-technological and semi-cultivation civilization, and the Black Bat starships they produce are all very civilized.

Influenced by the many Gallente Federation ships of various types captured and collected on the civilized battlefield, the Black Bat Civilization and Blue Star have also made significant leaps in the field of science and technology in recent years.

Sure enough, war is the first driving force for the evolution of civilization.

As long as they can survive this civilized war, the mechanics of the Wizarding World and many technological aspects in the Wizarding Alliance will benefit greatly from progress.

The Sea Planet Legion under Arthur also displayed more than a dozen giant shark-shaped metal ships in the sky of this land of yellow sand.

I heard that Arthur had a fourth-level creature from the Planet of the Sea who had just come over. He led nearly 500,000 troops under his command, and they all betrayed Orm... Most of these giant metal sharks were brought here at the same time.

This situation on the sea planet actually reflects that the wizard civilization is gradually taking a dominant and advantageous position in this subspace battlefield.

The Planet of the Sea and the fourth- and fifth-level creatures working under Orm are not fools. Naturally, they can gradually see the advantages and disadvantages of the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization.

Although the news that the Gallente Federation Legion wanted to withdraw from this star field battlefield did not spread.

But many fourth-level creatures with sensitive perceptions should have discovered something.

Of course, the impetuousness of the Sea Planet Legion in recent years may also be related to the situation where the sixth-level pinnacle creature Seren was killed by the federal doomsday weapon, and most of the Ancient Desert Wasteland World Legion was wiped out.

Could Orm also be controlled by the Gallente Federation? Will their Sea Planet Legion also be backstabbed by the Gallente Federation?

This is the tragedy of the weak, who live in fear all day long on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

Don't even know who is the enemy and who is the friend.

Turning into a pile of dead bones in a daze and falling in a corner of the civilized battlefield, is this the fate of the creatures on the sea planet?

The legions led by Bruce and Arthur advanced very quickly and fought bravely.

It doesn’t even feel like Thain’s Ashes Holy Tower Legion is needed, they Alliance legions can take care of everything.

This alliance plane has great potential, and many powerful people in the wizarding world are willing to be friends with it.

If it is a different world where the mud cannot support the wall and has no special products, in this level of civilized war, if they do not serve as cannon fodder and sacrifices on the battlefield, who will do it?

Behind the battlefield, when he noticed that the Black Bat Civilization Army and the Sea Planet Army were cooperating alternately, and receiving frontal firepower assistance from the Wizard Civilization Army under Thain, Thain, who was thinking of something, turned his head and asked, "You two really don't plan to build a Hall of Knights?”

"I think it's better to build one. If there is a shortfall in magic currency funds, I can support you partially." Thain said.

What Thain asked was the two girls Lenna and Xia who were staying beside him.

Lenna and Xia have been promoted to level four for some time. The years of war in subspace and around the Black Bat civilization have also made the two women grow up a lot.

Faced with Thain's inquiry, Lenna shook her head first and said, "I don't know how to manage a knight's hall, so I'd better take care of myself first."

Lenna's character was like this. She had only one friend in the past, Natalya. It was really a bit difficult for her to get involved in areas that she was not good at.

On the other hand, Sean's mother-in-law, Xia Ya, although she used to have a careless personality and did some stupid things, she has grown a lot after experiencing the loss of her husband and daughter in recent years.

With her ability, it shouldn't be a problem to build and manage a knight's palace.

However, Xia Ya did not immediately agree to Thain. Instead, after pondering for a moment, she replied, "I'd better wait until Natalya wakes up before thinking about it. I have no intention of doing anything else now."

After hearing this, Thane glanced at Xia Ya and said, "I have already contacted the King of Ghost Crows. After this subspace war is over, I will almost be able to ask him to help try to wake up Natalya."

"Don't worry, Nataya is my wife, I will definitely save her."

"If you can develop better, I believe Natalya will be happier when she wakes up." Thain said.

Xia Ya said softly "Yeah" and said nothing more.

After a while, Thain continued, "I found that on the civilized battlefield, war platforms such as space fortress and light prism fortress play a great role in blessing the underlying legions."

"But limited by the rules of the Wizards Alliance, a fourth-level magician cannot unlimitedly hoard light prism fortresses and space fortresses beyond the scope of his own use."

"This should be to ensure the stability of the alliance trading market and avoid the emergence of some speculators."

"Even if you two don't build a knight's hall for the time being, I suggest you wait until this subspace war is over to order a space fortress first."

"I now have enough magicians from the Holy Tower of Ashes to drive the extra new fortresses."

"Even the Huyans, Kryptonians and the Sea Planet Legion, I will later suggest to them to order some space fortresses produced by the Wizards Alliance. Even if they are obsolete versions, they are far beyond the existing technology of their civilization." Thane said.

"The price for members of the Wizards Alliance to purchase a space fortress seems quite high, right?"

"Even for some products that have been eliminated several generations ago, the price is several times the normal purchase price for a level 4 or above expert in our wizarding world." Lenna said curiously, this fat woman knew quite a lot.

It seems that since she followed Thain, Lenna's thoughts are not all about food.

Thain glanced at Lenna and then said, "I can lend them money."

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