The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,734 Eat

After the negotiation ended, negotiators from both sides left the scene one after another.

Thain turned his head and glanced at Bond again, and then left with everyone in the wizarding civilization.

Bond also glanced in the direction of Thain with some feeling, and then entered the battleship spaceship with the others.

This should be the first official meeting between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation in the context of Civilized War.

Although there was no conversation about the direction of the war, just some technology swaps.

But because both sides have dominator-level creatures or federal marshals as their endorsements, it will definitely leave a mark in the entire history of civilized wars.

As one of the participants, Thain will inevitably be recorded.

…… 🄼

After returning to the main base of the wizard civilization in the subspace, Thain, Potsdam and other magicians first went to report to Triris.

Leonardo, the sixth-level magician, is also here.

After listening to the Potsdam magician's report, Triris sighed with some foresight, "The Gallente Federation should withdraw its troops from the battlefield in the nearby star field."

Leonardo, the sixth-level magician, was very interested, looking through the biological technology of the Black Yin Civilization brought back by Thain and others.

I have to say that the technical solution developed by the Gallente Federation is quite similar to that.

At least on the surface, there is nothing fishy about this biotechnology, and it is even quite attractive to explore its deeper mysteries.

However, neither Cuillis nor Master Leonardo would delve into the biotechnology of the Black Yin civilization in this wartime state.

There is a high probability that this technology will be handed over to the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization. For now, war is still the priority.

Sure enough, after listening to the Potsdam magician's report, Cuillis even gave a special mention to Thain, reminding her disciple to go back and prepare for the war as soon as possible.

Of course, it is impossible for the wizard civilization to let the Gallente Federation Legion leave so easily.

If Marshal Rommel wants to leave this subspace and the surrounding star field battlefields of little strategic significance, the wizarding civilization must at least peel off three layers of his skin first.

After bidding farewell to his master and others, Thain returned to Ashes Fortress and immediately began to prepare for war.

After hearing the news, Lu Lianman sent a batch of potions to Thain that he could use, and most of the magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes also had priority in getting the potions produced by the plant magicians in the Holy Tower of Jade. Made magic potion.

At this time, the number of registered combat magicians in the Ashes Holy Tower has reached more than 12,000.

This is not a low number. Some holy towers have only been developed for 10,000 to 20,000 years and are only of this size.

Moreover, the expansion speed of the Holy Tower of Ashes is still proceeding at an extremely fast rate.

As long as there are no accidents such as Thane's death, Meili said that after this war in the star field around the subspace is over, the total number of combat magicians in the Holy Tower of Ashes may exceed 20,000.

Not long after returning to Ash Fortress, a war order from Triris appeared in front of Thane.

He just completed the negotiation task not long ago, and now he will lead the army to the front line of the battlefield. From this point of view, Thain is quite busy.

When Thain was about to go to war on the subspace frontline, there was an episode where Bond and others also brought back the scientific and technological information of the Aiyoulan butterfly civilization they had obtained from the wizard civilization, and some people mentioned it in front of Marshal Rommel. , there is a wizard from the wizarding world in the negotiation meeting, who wants to win over him and Bond.

Marshal Rommel ordered his people to immediately bring the scientific and technological information of the Aiyo Orchid Butterfly civilization and some of the remnants of the ruins they discovered back to the Federal Star Territory. And when he heard that a magician from the wizarding world wanted to win over him, the federal marshal laughed "haha" on the spot.

The federal marshal seemed not at all concerned about his situation and possible criticism from his political opponents.

However, the fifth-level agent Bond mentioned in the words made Marshal Rommel remember this name again.

"Bond is a good young man, please transfer him to my fleet to perform tasks." Marshal Rommel said.

…… 🄼

Thain arrived at the front line of the battlefield again. This time he led the Ashes Holy Tower Legion and did not intervene in the battle around the Ruins of Steel. Instead, he came to a vast area of ​​​​yellow sand.

This subspace is really too big, with an area comparable to that of a large world. Although Thane has traveled through many areas of this subspace, he has never been to the area he is in at this time.

From a directional perspective, his current location was probably due south of the Ruins of Steel.

But at the end of Thain's field of vision, he could no longer see the general outline of the Ruins of Steel. Everything he could see was yellow sand.

The reason why the Wizard Civilized Legion and the Gallente Federation fought in the area covered by this yellow sand is because under this vast yellow sand, it has been measured that there is a relatively rich reserve of inert crystal veins.

In the past, within the wizarding civilization, a new vein of inert crystal minerals might not be discovered for many years.

But in some planes in this subspace and surrounding star fields, new gains can be made every once in a while.

Thain, who has a deeper understanding of the Aiyoulandie civilization, knows that these inert crystal veins are actually the energy produced by the infinite energy device of the Aiyoulandie civilization several years ago, and evolved over countless years.

In other words, every inert crystal vein may have been an energy storage warehouse for the Ai Youlan Die civilization.

The richness of the mineral veins is directly linked to the size of the warehouse and the purity of the energy at that time.

Thinking of this, Thain couldn't help but think of the infinite energy device replica on the bottom floor of Hongguang Technology Center.

Although most of the lawful energy of the infinite energy device was absorbed by Thain's Rubik's Cube, the replica device still stayed deep underground in the Tongtian Building.

Thain also looked at that area, and it had long been ravaged by the dominance-level combat power of both sides.

The scientific and technological achievements of Aiyoulandie civilization will eventually disappear in the dust of history and endless ruins, which makes people feel sad.

The Gallente Federation is fighting against the wizarding civilization in this area, which means that they have also discovered the inert crystal veins in this area and are also mining them urgently.

The Federation is also interested in these inert crystals?

But their interest is obviously not as big as that of the wizarding world.

Otherwise, Marshal Rommel would not want to leave this war zone.

"Inform Bruce and Arthur to launch a probing attack from both wings first."

"This time I will eat all the Gallente Federation legions on the battlefield in front of me." Thane said using a crystal ball.

Triris still takes good care of her disciple. The alliance combat troops on both sides of Thane's Ashes Army happen to be the Black Bat Civilization Army led by Bruce and the Sea Planet Army led by Arthur.

In these two legions alone, there were nearly ten level four or above creatures participating in the battle, and their total strength exceeded seven million.

No wonder Thane is so bold that he wants to eat all the Gallente Federation legions in front of him.

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