The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,733: Poaching people in person (additional update)

In this world, what we really rely on is strength, not words.

Because the wizard civilization is stronger and because the wizard civilization has gained the initiative on the battlefield, the magicians of the wizard civilization such as Potsdam and Thain can show an aggressive attitude at the negotiation table.

The Gallente Federation can only argue with reason.

Is it possible that they can flip the table and leave?

The request for information exchange was made by the Gallente Federation. 🄼

Therefore, only the wizard civilization has the ability to flip the table.

If you want to talk, talk; if you don't, then get out.

The Potsdam magician was obviously a knowledgeable fifth-level magician, but during the negotiation process, he behaved like a strong and vulgar knight.

But I have to say, this feeling is quite refreshing.

I took a look at the Potsdam magician who was still talking eloquently about how exaggerated and powerful the "infinite energy device" of the Aiyoulandie civilization was, and how much their wizard civilization suffered in this transaction.

Thain then turned to look directly at Bond at the other end of the long table, and asked with a smile, "Marshal Rommel of your Gallente Federation, who decided to exchange information with our wizard civilization this time, isn't he afraid that he will be impeached when he returns? "

"Especially these information technologies, if you don't use them well in the end, I'm afraid you will be held accountable." Thain said with a smile.

Thain's question made Bond snort, "You don't need your wizarding civilization to worry about these things."

"Master Thane, it seems that you knew a lot about our Gallente Federation when you were lurking in our Federation star field." Bond said tit for tat.

"It's okay. I only know a little bit about the Federation. In fact, I don't have a deep dislike for you Federation humans." Thain said with a smile.

When Thain was talking to Bond, he didn't avoid anyone else.

So many people around looked at the two curiously, and even recorded the conversation between Thane and Bond.

Bond frowned slightly at this time, maybe he was guessing what Thain meant by his words.

In the recording equipment of the Gallente Federation, in front of them, Thain was wearing a formless mask, and his face seemed to be foggy, making it difficult to see clearly.

Facing the gazes of Bond and other federal humans, Thain smiled and pointed out the true meaning of what he just said. Thain said, "Our wizard civilization very much welcomes and values ​​talents like Bond and Marshal Rommel who are aware of current affairs. "

"If one day you can no longer survive in the Gallente Federation, or you are ostracized, you may consider joining our wizarding civilization."

"I can guarantee now that there will definitely be a place for you in the Wizards' Alliance." Thain smiled.

The poaching is done to the enemy.

When Thain said these words, not only the federal participants in the conference room were shocked, but also many powerful people in the wizarding civilization were stunned.

Master Potsdam's originally righteous speech was also interrupted.

The fifth-level magician was the quickest to react. He slammed the table and echoed, "That's right, you might as well just join the Wizards Alliance. If you go against our wizard civilization, do you still have a future?"

This farce did not last long.

Of course, it is impossible for these federal personnel in the conference room to join the Wizards Alliance nearby.

Level 5 agent Bond looked slightly blue at this time.

He understood the sinister intentions behind Thain. This meeting was recorded. Regarding Thain's efforts to win over Bond and Marshal Rommel on the spot, it would definitely be reported to other senior leaders of the Gallente Federation later.

As Thain said just now, Marshal Rommel advocates information technology exchange with the Wizarding Civilization. Isn't he worried that he will be impeached by other high-level forces in the Gallente Federation after he returns?

This is indeed a hidden danger that Marshal Rommel made after arriving in this subspace battlefield.

Because Marshal Rommel himself did not want to engage in a meaningless war in this subspace, his decision was definitely contrary to the ideas of some politicians and senior figures in the Gallente Federation.

Bond was not to be outdone. He then responded, "Didn't your wizard civilization also come up with the technology of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization? It even involved the treasure of civilization."

"Isn't your master Cuilis worried about receiving rebuke from the true spirit level magicians of the Wizards Alliance?"

"If your sect cannot survive in the wizarding civilization, I can also recommend you to join the Gallente Federation."

"Don't worry, we will try our best to report to the top management about your instigation of the Cybertronian robots and the losses caused to our federation's battlefields in other star fields, and you will not be held responsible." Bond sneered.

In response to Bond's counter-wooing, Thane responded with a smile.

"You don't need to worry about this. Our wizarding world is an extremely united and transparent civilization, and there will never be any high-level scandals like those in your Gallente Federation." Thane smiled.

The decision to exchange information with the Gallente Federation was made by Cuillis after consulting the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization.

This matter is fundamentally different from Marshal Rommel's situation.

So Thain doesn't have anything to worry about.

The words were not speculative. During the subsequent negotiations, Thain never said anything to Bond again.

He was actually very interested in the world-class secret treasure metal ring on Bond's wrist.

But it was obviously impossible for Bond to take it off and study it for him.

The most likely way for Thane to get this metal ring is to directly kill Bond on the battlefield in the future and then take it as his trophy.

Even Thane is very optimistic about Bond and regards him as being on the same level as Green and Angele.

But when the time comes to take action, Thain will never show mercy.

I believe Bond is the same.

This negotiation between the two parties, which was based on wartime conditions, took nearly five days in total.

Five days later, both parties got results that they were either satisfied with or dissatisfied with.

After all, the Gallente Federation did not agree in a written contract to cede and return the planes they occupied around the Black Bat Civilization, the Ancient Desert Wasteland, and the Planet of the Sea.

However, one of the negotiators verbally agreed to return the two low-level worlds of little strategic significance occupied by the wizard civilization in the Black Bat Star Territory.

In addition, because the Gallente Federation is the weak party that actively seeks negotiations, in the final negotiation results, they added approximately 13 million cubic meters of non-attributed energy blocks as part of the acquisition of the Aoi Orchid Butterfly civilization. Compensation for information.

These 13 million cubic meters of attributeless energy blocks were delivered on site.

Approximately equivalent to 200 million magic coins.

Although it seems valuable, looking at the subspace battlefield currently being fought, this energy block is not worth mentioning.

Perhaps the total amount of energy consumed by the Gallente Federation on this battlefield every day is more than this.

“Still need to add 29 more chapters~”

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