The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,730 The King of Ghost Crows

The body of the Ghost Crow King is very huge.

When it entered Thane's Ash Fortress, it attracted the attention of many people around it.

Thain directly invited the King of Ghost Crows to his tower master's living room.

After entering the Ash Fortress, the Ghost Crow King consciously shrank his body to a size of several meters, so that Thain could look at him at eye level.

Since the last meeting of the Wizards Alliance, Thain and the Ghost Crow King have not seen each other for thousands of years.

It can be seen that thousands of years of civilized wars, as well as the influence and influence in the Wizards Alliance, have changed a lot in the King of Ghost Crows.

In the body feathers, sharp claws, sharp beak and other parts of the Ghost Crow King, Lord Thain saw the remnants of battle marks.

As an alliance level six creature, the Ghost Crow King has been active on the front lines of the civilized battlefield in recent years.

The Ghost Crow Legion under its command has also completed many combat missions assigned by the Wizards Alliance.

Arriving at the subspace battlefield this time, the Ghost Crow King received a direct order from the top of the wizard civilization. 🄳🄲

The King of Ghost Crows did not come alone. His subordinates also brought at least a dozen ghost-crow gods and a huge army of more than 10 million.

Among the many medium-sized planes in the Wizards Alliance, although the star territory occupied by the Ghost Crow World is relatively small, the overall combat power of this race is not weak.

And the Wizards Alliance is a big family that is inclusive, open and advocates fairness.

How much ability you have and how much contribution you make will determine how much food you can eat and how much benefits you can get.

The current thirty or so planes of the Ghost Crow World Group are obviously not suitable for the dedicated performance of the King of Ghost Crow and his people in recent years on the battlefield of the Wizards Alliance.

Some high-level officials in the wizarding world have already revealed to the King of Ghost Crow that after some time, the subordinate planes of the Hidden Waves World will be allocated to the Ghost Crow clan.

"Oh? Has the Sea King Shark, the sixth-level creature in the world of Qianlang Bibo, died in the battle?" Thain couldn't help but asked in surprise after chatting with the King of Ghost Crows for a while.

"Well, he died a long time ago, including several level five marine creatures under his command. They died on the battlefield of the underworld star field."

"I heard that the world of Qianlang Bibo is quite chaotic now, Guagua." The Ghost Crow King replied.

The King of Ghost Crows and the Sea King Shark, a level six creature in the world of Submerged Blue Waves, are old rivals.

Before joining the Wizards Alliance, wars between the two medium-sized world civilizations broke out many times.

And what is very strange is that every time it is the Ghost Crow World, which has fewer planes under its command, as the attacker.

However, Qianlang Bibo World, which seems to have a deeper foundation, has always been on the defensive, and was even beaten to the mother plane by the King of Ghost Crows.

The Ghost Crow King and the Sea King Shark were old rivals. Both sides wanted to kill each other back then, but when they suddenly heard the news that the Sea King Shark had died in battle, the Ghost Crow King actually felt a little emotional.

For example, at this time, when the King of Ghost Crows mentioned the death of the Sea King Shark, he did not show much gloating, but mostly sighed.

"It turns out that he fell on the battlefield of the underworld star field." Thain said clearly.

The death of the Sea King Shark on the battlefield of the underworld star field should not be due to lack of strength.

In the early days of the Underworld Star War, Thain also heard about the defeat of the wizard civilization.

At that time, countless wizard alliance legions were damaged in the battle. No matter how powerful the creatures such as the Sea King Shark were, they could only be defeated again and again in the face of the fierce pursuit of the Gallente Federation's master-class vanguard fleet.

The cause of death of creatures such as the Sea King Shark can only be said to be that they were in the wrong position and were not firm in their stance.

The worlds that Thain had been on mission to before, whether it was the Ghost Crow World or the Hengsha World, were now in a state of prosperity.

Their biggest reason is not that they are lucky enough, but that their position is clear enough and they have shown their sincerity to the wizarding civilization early on.

Although the potential world of the Blue Wave was later forced by the pressure of the surrounding star fields, it joined the Wizards Alliance on the eve of the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the sixth-level creature Neptune Shark is not willing to join the Wizards Alliance, let alone lead its tribe to fight in the muddy waters of the war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Since the Neptune Shark is so dishonest, let the Qianlang Bibo World change its leader.

Including Qianlang Bibo World, which has experienced a huge defeat, their current number of creatures above level four is obviously not enough to support the total number of existing planes.

How could the wizarding civilization sit back and watch the alliance's resources be wasted?

In addition to the fact that the Ghost Crow World will be allocated some of the rich planes of the Hidden Waves World, the Hengsha World and other alliance planes that perform well in the surrounding star fields will also be rewarded by the wizard civilization.

"Guagua, a sixth-level knight named Johnny Depp told me that some of the living planets in the Gallente Federation will be distributed to me later," the Ghost Crow King said.

What the Ghost Crow Clan likes most is to absorb the vitality and soul energy of living creatures.

The living planet of the Gallente Federation has more than hundreds of millions of original inhabitants, which is what the Ghost Crow Clan loves most.

It seems that during the years of the Civilization War, in addition to Thane, the Ghost Crow King also made many other connections in the wizarding world.

Unlike the God of Corruption, who is generally disliked by everyone, the King of Ghost Crows has gained quite a lot of popularity in the Wizards Alliance in recent years due to his good combat effectiveness and relatively "honest" and "upright" fighting style.

The King of Ghost Crows can be labeled as "honest" and "upright" because the powerful wizard civilization can suppress him.

Moreover, during the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference, he came into contact with hundreds of thousands of powerful wizards and many dominant-level tyrannical beings, which directly made the King of Ghost Crow realize his own insignificance and the narrowness of his past vision.

Once you see how high the sky is, you will naturally put away your original arrogance.

Especially hundreds of years ago, when the news of the death of the Sea King Shark came, it had a huge impact on the King of Ghost Crows.

"Guagua, I heard that the sixth-level magician responsible for this subspace war is your master, Master Thain."

"It seems that we can fight together again. We, the Ghost Crow clan, will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the Wizards Alliance." The King of Ghost Crows promised in front of Thane.

No wonder he came to visit Thain. It turned out that this guy had found out in advance that the powerful wizard civilization in charge of this subspace battlefield was Thain's ancestor.

There is a reason why the King of Ghost Crows has been doing well in the Wizards Union these years.

Regarding the compliment and respectful expression of the Ghost Crow King, Thane smiled and said, "I am also looking forward to fighting with you."

"But you said something wrong. My master is not solely responsible for this subspace battlefield."

"In addition to the master-level readers of the Rose Dynasty civilization, who are responsible for the readers and mecha legions under their command, this subspace battlefield is about to receive a second level six magician, who will also assume great command authority. "

"Including the many sixth-level knights who supported this subspace battlefield, they also have the right to advise and command in many aspects." Thain said with a smile, he did not want to bring trouble to his master.

The King of Ghost Crows rolled his round eyes, and then replied, "No matter what, I follow the command of the powerful wizard and civilization, and I will never suffer any loss, guaguagua."

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