The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,729 Two Years (Additional Update)

After returning from his master, Thain once again entered into his daily research rhythm.

But this time, Thane couldn't be as deeply immersed as before.

Because every once in a while, his mentor Lu Lianman would come over.

At the beginning, Lu Lianman sent him some purification potions specially used to remove the abnormal atmosphere of the Ash Fortress.

Not to mention, this potion is really miraculous. It can even remove the remaining divine power factors that escape from the unconscious state of the God of Corruption, a sixth-level creature.

Fortunately, there are not many residual energy factors.

If the God of Corruption is deliberately targeting someone with all his strength, the level of purification potion made by Lulianman will not be enough.

Thain naturally expressed his sincere gratitude to his mentor for solving this problem for him.

He did not pay his tutor such a vulgar reward, but directly sent part of his recent trophies to Lu Lianman.

When the flesh and blood specimens of the sixth-level apocalyptic creature appeared in Lu Lianman's laboratory, the young fourth-level plant magician's lips were trembling.

Thain even sent the eight-winged angel Fumila, who was recovering from injuries, to the Blue Origin Fortress to stay for a while.

It's a pity that Thain's mentor Lu Lianman doesn't have much desire to study this sixth-level angel. She is just interested in it.

Lu Lianman had not dabbled in the mysteries of mechanics, especially the robot structure in Fumila's body, which made Lu Lianman even more confused.

On the contrary, during the time when Fumila went to the Blue Origin Fortress, Thane's other master, Penas, always ran there whenever he had something to do.

In addition to the specially refined purification potion, Lu Lianman also sent "Fluorescent Potion" and "Improved Apocalypse Potion" to Thain in a period of time.

Fluorescent medicine is specially used to treat the symptoms of fluorescent radiation that Thain's body suffered.

Lu Lianman is a professional pharmacist after all.

Thain originally thought of using his extraordinary physique to resist, or using other restorative medicines to slowly repair the physical wounds.

But since Lu Lianman arrived at the subspace battlefield, Thain's recovery speed from his injuries has increased by one-third compared to before!

The situation of Sein's other master, Berga Garu, is similar.

Originally, with Gargaru's severely injured state, he could have directly returned to the wizarding world to recuperate.

But because Lu Lianman was responsible for his recovery, treatment and medicine supply, Jiagaru simply refused to leave.

With Gargaru's exaggerated physique and recovery speed, if he is given a few more years to recuperate, he will be able to stand up again and join the battle.

If he were to return to the Wizarding World to recuperate, he would have to travel for a long time just on the road, and Gargaru himself didn't want to just leave like this.

Triris was still very considerate of her disciple's thoughts, and she actually agreed to Gargaru's application to stay in the subspace battlefield.

As for the "improved version of the Apocalypse Potion" that Lu Lianman finally sent, it was really an unexpected surprise for Thain!

The "Improved version of the Apocalypse Potion" produced by Lu Lianman has a specific potion effect that is 27 times higher than that produced by Thain, and it also adds many other enhancements in the fields of bones, blood vessels, body hair, etc.

When she noticed Thain's surprised look, Lu Lianman covered her mouth and laughed and said, "What can I say about your mentor? I have followed your master and uncle for so many years, and even some of the body refining methods your master usually uses." I also helped refine the auxiliary potion."

"I'm not very good at refining special body-refining potions suitable for your bloodline constitution, but you can always ask me for advice on this kind of improvement work in the future." Lu Lianman said with a smile.

Why is it said that the special body-refining potion is not easy for Lu Lianman to help Thain make?

This is because this type of potion often requires the potion refiner to have a good understanding of the user's physical condition, especially the power of the blood and various physical values.

If you think about how Thain conducted physical training experiments on Lenna, Kram, Yuli and other women before, you will know how "explicit" the prerequisite work for such experiments is.

Faced with Lu Lianman's kindness, Thain said with some embarrassment, "That's really troublesome for the teacher."

"It's no trouble, just don't think I'm bothering you all the time." Lu Lianman chuckled.

"How could that be?" Thain said.

With the help of Lu Lianman, Thain's body recovered faster and faster, and the body refining process also began to improve significantly.

During this period, the war between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation continued in the subspace, and even the battle between the two masters has not stopped until now.

The central area of ​​the Ruins of Steel has now become a restricted area that is inaccessible to strangers.

Also in such a state of war, the civilized negotiation and contact between the two sides has never been interrupted.

Instead, it has been maintained intermittently, and the content of the negotiations has become increasingly consistent with the psychological expectations of both parties.

This is really magical!

The top leaders of the wizarding civilization agreed to the technology exchange proposed by the Gallente Federation. Thain didn't know what was fishy in this, but he intuitively believed that whether it was the wizarding civilization or the Gallente Federation, what they finally handed over must be related to them. The original content obtained by each in the ruins of civilization is very different, and even misleading information.

During a war, no one is stupid enough to lend money to the enemy.

The continuous support legions sent by the wizard civilization to this subspace have only aggravated Thain's judgment on this inside story.

Perhaps the promise of wizard civilization is just a cover.

The purpose is to buy time and stabilize the Gallente Federation?

Two years later.

Thain, who was doing research in the Ember Fortress laboratory, suddenly received a visitor message from Merry. Someone came to Ash Fortress to visit Thain.

In the past two years, Thain's body has recovered to a great extent, including the reorganization of his army, and a group of slave biological legions have been sent from the rear.

According to the information revealed to him by his mentor Lu Lianman last time, there is a high probability that the master will let Thain fight again in half a year.

After all, Trilis is in charge of this war zone, and I heard that a sixth-level magician will soon be coming to take charge of this war zone.

As Trilis' disciple, Thane would probably be criticized if he didn't go out to fight after recovering from his injuries, but remained sullen in the fortress base.

Thain did not resist going to war. In the past two years, he also made a special trip to contact the Kryptonian Legion, the Huyan Legion and other wizard alliance legions with whom he was friendly. When the time came, he would go to the front line of the battlefield and help these friendly legions.

Someone comes to visit me?

The first thing that came to Thane's mind was Arthur the King of the Sea and Bruce Wayne from the Black Bat Civilization.

Arthur mentioned to Thane last time that he wanted to restore the throne and hoped to get the support of the Wizards' Union.

The purpose is to divide and absorb the Sea Planet legion, and make it more legitimate when the Sea Planet is regained in the future.

Because of this matter, Thain even specifically mentioned it to his master Cuilis.

Bruce Wayne left the subspace battlefield more than half a year ago, returned to the Black Bat Star Domain, and reunited a group of legions.

According to time, it's almost time to come back.

But what Thane didn't expect was that the visitors this time were not Arthur and Bruce Wayne, but another friend he didn't expect.

"Quack gua gua, Master Thain, hello!"

"It's been so long!" A special ghost crow's cry appeared outside Thane's space fortress.

"There are currently 311 monthly tickets, and 30 more chapters need to be added~"

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