The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,731 Negotiation

The King of Ghost Crows is here in Thain, and he has been a guest for a long time.

For those foreign gods from the Wizarding Alliance, having friends with many powerful people in the wizarding world is also a recognition of their qualifications and status.

I know many of the top beings in the wizarding world, and they can straighten their backs in the Wizards Alliance, and are even more superior to others.

The King of Ghost Crows is quite capable of getting things done. He came to visit Thain this time and handed over a nice gift called the "Ten Thousand Soul Pearls".

This thing is one of the specialties of the ghost crow clan. After the powerful ghost crows absorb a sufficient amount of soul and flesh and blood factors, they will condense a blood bead on their beaks. This thing is the soul bead.

Soul beads can be used to devour and increase soul energy.

The Ten Thousand Soul Pearl given to Thane by the King of Ghost Crows contains at least the soul essence of more than three million creatures.

For a being like the King of Ghost Crows, civilized war is simply a place where they can thrive.

After every war, the Ghost Crow King and his people can absorb a sufficient amount of soul essence on the battlefield.

In comparison, the Gallente Federation's technological products and energy blocks and other wealth were not so attractive to the King of Ghost Crows.

These soul beads, even when sent by the King of Ghost Crows to people, will be successful.

Many knights and magicians in the wizarding world are very interested in this thing, including Thain in front of him.

However, Thain still declined the kindness of the King of Ghost Crows at the beginning, but mentioned that he hoped the King of Ghost Crows could do him a favor.

Thain's legal wife in the wizarding world, Natalya, is still in a state of soul slumber. The Ghost Crow King happens to be a master in this area, and Thain wants to ask it to help.

The Ghost Crow King is best at eating souls, and when it comes to saving people... the Ghost Crow King can only say that it will try its best.

Natalya's body is still being restrained by Thain in the Holy Tower of Ashes in the Wizarding World. It will take a long time to bring Natalya here. This matter cannot be rushed for a moment.

The King of Ghost Crows took advantage of the situation and forced the Ten Thousand Soul Pearls to stay here in Thain.

Even if it didn't save the adult in the end, it still left a favor with Thain, so Thain couldn't be angry with it again because of this, right?

After sending away the King of Ghost Crows, Thane couldn't help but shook his head with some sigh. Most of the sixth-level creatures that lived for a very long time and got better and better as they got better were mostly human spirits.

A few months later, Arthur, Bruce, Karazor and other alliance gods all visited Thane.

The King of the Huyans did not come. This cheap father-in-law of Thane had just been dispatched to the starry sky battlefield outside the subspace.

The intensity of the war there is not high, and it is considered a good mission for the Huya people.

As for Thane, he did not wait for the combat mission dispatched by the base. Instead, he first received the negotiation mission with the Gallente Federation from his master Cuilis.

Under the urging of the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization finally determined the specific time and place for information exchange with the other party.

The negotiation location with the other party will be a bunker ruins in the westernmost part of the Ruins of Steel.

There are about a dozen negotiators sent out by the wizard civilization, and Thane is one of them.

This was the task given to him by his master Cuilis. When he received this task from his master, Thane met another sixth-level magician who had just arrived in this subspace battlefield—Leonardo. .

This is a sixth-level male magician with short blond hair who looks extremely young and handsome.

The age of a magician cannot be judged by appearance.

This Master Leonardo looks younger and fairer than Thain, but in fact he is a being who can be on par with Master Thain.

When Thain met the two sixth-level magicians, Thain could vaguely feel that Master Leonardo's words were respectful to Triris.

I don’t know if it’s because Trilis is stronger and is about to reach a higher level.

Trillis and Leonardo were jointly responsible for the overall planning of this subspace battlefield, but in the end it seemed that Trillis was the one who had the final say.

It was also against this background that Thain, who had made preparations, and more than a dozen other strong wizards from the wizarding civilization, went to the negotiating point with the Gallente Federation.

Strictly speaking, this negotiation place belongs to the power transfer area between the two civilizations in the western region of the Ruins of Steel.

In an area not far from where Thain and others were negotiating, there was a two million alliance army of the wizard civilization, and a fierce conflict was erupting with the Gallente Federation Army.

And Thane also knew that when their negotiating team entered the remains of the bunker where they negotiated with the Gallente Federation, it was a signal for the entire army of wizard civilization in the subspace to attack in advance.

In order to ensure the unity of each war zone and obtain the full assistance of the Rose Dynasty Civilization, Cuilis even mentioned talking to the master-level reader of the Rose Dynasty Civilization and received his support.

When Thane and others stepped into the bunker, violent energy turbulence and suppressed elemental tides appeared on the battlefield behind them.

The Gallente Federation's negotiation team arrived at the bunker earlier than Thane and others. From this, it can be seen that they are in a hurry than the wizard civilization.

And in terms of numbers, the Gallente Federation side is larger, with hundreds of federal personnel involved in the bunker.

There are only a dozen or so people in Thane's group, and the difference is very obvious.

It's just that the life level of humans in the Gallente Federation is generally not high.

There are only six people with life fluctuations above level four, and there are two giant mechas standing outside the ruins of the bunker.

"You are really very courageous. Aren't you afraid that we will kill you and then forcibly take away your bargaining chips?" After meeting with the Gallente Federation's negotiating team, a fifth-level magician from the Wizarding World couldn't help but ask with a smile. road.

With a dozen people facing hundreds of people from the federation, it was the wizard civilization itself who proposed to destroy the opponent.

After this fifth-level magician said this, no one would doubt its authenticity, including members of the Gallente Federation, as if this was a matter of course.

The violent "rumbling" sounds of war behind both sides, and the power levels even involving dominator-level creatures further away, made the faces of most of the negotiators on the Gallente Federation's side turn a little pale.

This time, the wizard civilization army in the subspace suddenly launched a full-scale attack without even saying hello to the Gallente Federation.

Faced with such a situation suddenly, especially when the fifth-level magician came forward and overpowered everyone, many people in the Federation felt the heavy and oppressive atmosphere of black clouds looming over the city.

With all this pressure on the Gallente Federation, a cold snort suddenly came from among the Federation personnel.

The one who snorted was Bond, who was wearing a black combat uniform.

With a level 5 strength, he is undoubtedly the backbone of the federal negotiators on the battlefield.

After entering the bunker negotiation area, Bond also discovered violent turbulence coming from battlefields across the subspace.

But Bond only frowned slightly and didn't show anything immediately.

When looking at the dozen or so strong men of the wizard civilization in front of him, his attention was not on the fifth-level magician who was shouting at the beginning, but on the extremely low-key and silent Thain in the team.

"Master Thane, it's been a long time since we last met," Bond said to Thain. He and Thain had fought many times in the subspace, and he also obtained a lot of information about Thain from the federal central database.

"Haha, it's been a long time indeed."

"I didn't expect that we would meet again in this way." Thain said with a smile, his eyes looking at the metal ring on Bond's wrist.

"Not in good condition, only two updates this morning~"

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