The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,728 Genetic Beast Breeding Technology

Trilis is the commander of the wizard civilization legion in this subspace battlefield, but there are some things that she cannot make decisions alone.

Faced with the Gallente Federation's proactive contact, Cuillis did not give the other party a positive reply. Instead, she reported the matter first, and the high-level powerhouses in the wizarding civilization who paid attention to this war zone were responsible.

Thain knew what he had collected at the Hongguang Technology Center. In summary, most of it was technological information that the wizard civilization could not use, and most of it was incomplete and incomplete information.

For example, Thane obtained some information about the infinite energy device and the space-time concussion bomb, the two civilizational treasures possessed by the Aiyoulandie civilization, but most of this information was limited to their respective names, or their basic performance. and the resulting damage.

If the wizard civilization could reproduce the treasured weapons of the once top technological civilization with just this thing, then it would really be like seeing the undead.

For the wizard civilization, the most direct benefit from this exploration of subspace ruins may be the rich reserves of inert crystal ores discovered.

But Thain has never heard of any specific field in which the wizarding civilization makes extensive use of inert crystals. 🅆

So from Thane's perspective, he felt that the wizarding civilization didn't actually get many useful things in this secret realm of subspace.

No wonder no local master of the wizarding civilization came, only one alliance master was sent.

On the other hand, Thain himself has made a lot of money in this secret realm of subspace in recent years, which is much more than what he made in the Starfield battlefield of the Beholder World.

Since he failed to gain much valuable wealth from the Aiyoulandie civilization, Thain couldn't help but wonder what the Black Yin civilization that fought against the Aiyoulandie civilization had left behind.

Some of the remains of the Black Yin civilization that he, Mo Yan and others collected were mainly concentrated in the original genetic fluid.

So far, Thain has not been able to crack the original formula of this thing. Including when refining genetic medicine for dragon beasts such as Mo Yan, the raw material Thain used was the original liquid obtained from the ruins of Black Yin.

Could it be that the technology of the Black Yin civilization that the Gallente Federation is trying to exchange is the formula of this genetic fluid?

At this point, Triris didn't explain much, and maybe she didn't know either.

Before the wizarding civilization showed its willingness to trade, the Gallente Federation did not want to expose its trump card prematurely.

When it comes to trading with the wizarding civilization, the Gallente Federation is also trying to give it a try.

I guess the Gallente Federation didn't even think it would happen.


As for the Gallente Federation, it was Level 5 agent Bond who proposed information exchange with wizard civilization and put this proposal in front of Marshal Rommel.

Although Bond was unable to intercept Thane and others during the mission in the Ruins of Steel.

However, in the subsequent exploration of the Black Yin Civilization Dominator-class biological battleship, he made extraordinary achievements.

One of the most valuable technologies obtained by the Gallente Federation in the biological battleship of the Black Yin Civilization is called "Genetic Beast Cultivation Technology".

This is not a high-precision technology suitable for high-level powerhouses in the field of combat games, but more like a civilian technology suitable for low-level battlefields.

In other words, if this technology is promoted by the Gallente Federation, it may allow the federation to have another cannon fodder army of genetic beasts.

What's the use?

The Gallente Federation is a technological civilization, and their drones and combat robots have supported more than 90% of the cannon fodder army.

Is it possible that the Gallente Federation has to sacrifice its strengths and develop the genetic beasts or mount legions that are only used for cultivating civilization?

It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

The "genetic warfare beast breeding technology" obtained by the Gallente Federation is so useless.

And because it is completely suitable for the cultivation of low-level genetic warfare beasts, there are really few genetic warrior projects independently developed by Gallente Federation scientists that can be borrowed.

In fact, if this "genetic warfare beast breeding technology" is handed over to the wizard civilization, it will not have any immediate effect in the short term.

The cannon fodder army of slave creatures of the wizard civilization is enough for the wizard world to use on the civilized battlefield.

And the sale of soul slaves is also a big market in the Wizards Alliance.

Even this trade in slave creatures is the lifeblood of many world civilizations, such as the large-scale orc world.

Once the wizarding civilization bans slave cannon fodder and chooses to use independently bred genetic war beasts, I am afraid that it will immediately cause a market tsunami within a certain range of the Wizarding Alliance.

If you let the orcs in the world specialize in selling slaves to maintain the economy, how should they survive?

Of course, if the genetic war beasts are to be used as cannon fodder for the entire wizarding civilization, it is not something that can be accomplished just by talking.

The total amount of resources invested must be astronomical.

Moreover, the wizarding civilization also has to worry about whether there are any hidden defects and dangers in this genetic war beast. At that time, just research and verification will take a lot of time.

And given the cautious character of the high-level magicians of the wizarding civilization, even if this kind of genetic warfare beast is adopted by the wizarding world in the future, it will not be promoted throughout the territory.

Ordinary fourth-level magicians also understand that eggs cannot be put in one basket.

This "gene warfare beast breeding technology" can at best be developed into a cannon fodder for the increasingly numerous wizard civilization, just like the technology of refining corpses to synthesize beasts.

Marshal Rommel sighed deeply after receiving the final assessment of the information found in the ruins of the Aiyoulandie Civilization and the Black Yin Civilization by the accompanying military scientists.

None of the technologies in front of us can solve the current problems of the Gallente Federation!

Moreover, Rommel learned earlier than others about the changes that had occurred in the Federation's home star field and the Beholder World.

Even regarding the situation in the world of beholders... Rommel knew a little more.

The Gallente Federation actually discovered the black hand hiding behind the scenes not long ago.

For the Federation, how to let the masterminds enter the scene in advance may be a good medicine to solve their current civilization crisis.

No, maybe not medicine, but poison.

But what choice does the Gallente Federation have?

The fifth-level agent named Bond made interesting suggestions.

The reason why Marshal Rommel chose to adopt it was not because some military scientists suggested that the wizard civilization had at least obtained scientific and technological information from the ancient civilization that the 54th Federation had not discovered from the Hongguang Technology Center.

But Marshal Rommel didn't want to fight on this subspace battlefield at all!

How to end the meaningless war here faster is Marshal Rommel's main consideration at present.

Perhaps some information technology was exchanged from the wizard civilization to deal with those federal politicians and bureaucrats.

Only then will Marshal Rommel have the opportunity to go to the battlefield where he is really needed.

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