The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,724 Differential Treatment (Additional Update)

Although Thain said so, the final result was that Meili managed to gain the most leverage from the Chakra Master's Dark Wind Holy Tower.

This may be what Thain originally asked Meili to pry, which is the corner of the Dark Wind Holy Tower.

Meili also regarded Sean's order as an extremely important matter.

After all, when evaluating the long-term development of a holy tower, the number of registered magicians above the first level in the holy tower is a very significant indicator.

This is also a manifestation of Meili's working ability.

Among the Ember Wind Holy Tower magicians left on the front lines of the civilized battlefield, the largest number are "battle mages", and they are exactly what the Ashes Holy Tower currently lacks the most.

Those "academic magicians" are not lacking in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Even if there is a shortage, it would be enough to temporarily hire a group of mage professors from dozens of public schools that have cooperative relationships with the Ebalut Empire.

Meili's work ability is reflected in the fact that he not only pried more than two thousand official magicians from the Dark Wind Holy Tower, but he also brought the semi-god-level disciple of Master Chakra and his disciples behind him. They also brought the Holy Tower of Ashes.

At present, the Ashes Holy Tower is no longer the fledgling rookie Holy Tower it was back then.

There are fifty-six great magicians of level three or above currently registered in the Holy Tower of Ashes, among which there are three magicians who have reached the semi-god level.

There are three semi-god-level magicians, one is Zhi Yuha, a disciple of the Chakra Master, one is Ping Keman, the original dean of the Ashes Holy Tower, and another one who just joined not long ago is named Musol.

Mussol was the demigod-level magician who performed well in exploring the subspace secret realm. Thain asked Meili to try to win over him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he contacted him, he decisively joined the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Among these three demigod-level magicians, Thain is most optimistic about Mussol.

All aspects of him show that this little guy has the potential to advance to the fourth level.

Master Zhiyubo, who just joined the Ashes Holy Tower, is not bad either. Although Master Chakra also has his own family descendants in the wizarding world, part of the legacy he has established in the Dark Wind Holy Tower for so many years can be passed on to the disciples behind him. of.

Master Chakra is old and strong, and has definitely accumulated a lot of wealth over the years. Master Zhiyuha, as the most proud disciple of the other party, relies on the legacy left by a rich fourth-level magician in his hands, and he has great potential to reach higher realms in the future. possible.

Even the last dean, Pinkman, was not bad. When he first joined the Holy Tower of Ashes, he was only a third-level mechanic, and now he is already a demi-god.

Originally, Pinkman had no intention of staying at the Ashes Tower for a long time. The contract he signed with the Ashes Tower was only a short-term contract.

But since he was given a few words by Thain, especially when Thain talked about his insights into the mysteries of mechanics, Master Pinkman refused to leave even if he asked him to.

These three demigod-level magicians were all given the title of deputy dean.

They don't necessarily have to help Meili deal with some holy tower affairs, but as a holy tower, there are three semi-god-level magicians sitting there, which makes it look better in terms of appearance.

It can also make people believe that the Ashes Holy Tower is an "old-brand Holy Tower" with a profound foundation.

Merry mentioned to Thane half a month ago that there was a strange smell in the fortress because this rotten smell was really not conducive to her attracting new free magicians to join the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Chakra Master's Dark Wind Holy Tower has more than 20,000 registered combat magicians. How many of them can only be counted by the little corner that Meili dug up?

In fact, many magicians are in a wait-and-see state now, including other free magicians who have lost their tower masters on the battlefield.

Meili believes that a simple, bright, powerful and developing holy tower is the most attractive to low-level free mages.

However, the decayed and filthy atmosphere emitted by the Ash Fortress in recent times was detrimental to her work of attracting people.

Regarding Meili's statement, Thain, who didn't pay much attention to the changes inside and outside the fortress at that time, didn't take it seriously.

Thain believes that the most critical factor in attracting free magicians is the strength of the Holy Tower itself.

Anyone who has the strength to come to the Holy Tower is willing to come.

Not only the benefits of the Holy Tower and other factors, but also the safety on the plane battlefield is guaranteed.

Without a powerful Holy Tower, no matter how well you do your face-saving projects, you may not be able to attract low-level magicians who have experienced civilized wars.

If Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes is not powerful, how many holy towers on this subspace battlefield can be called powerful? !

Since killing a level six apocalyptic world creature, Thain has become famous in this subspace battlefield.

In fact, Thain was already very famous before this.

One of the sources of his fame is the world-class secret treasure Formless Mask that he has in hand.

Thane has been participating in the Civilization War for some years, and has experienced countless battles.

Since Thain deliberately hid the Mask from the beginning, it has now been basically known to many powerful wizards and civilizations. Even low-level knights and magicians have heard about it.

Following such a powerful and promising fifth-level magician, those low-level magicians can feel more at ease.

As for some adverse effects brought by the God of Corruption to Ash Fortress, especially the rumors involving "bad luck", Thain didn't pay much attention.

He didn't feel that he had encountered any bad luck recently.

And making friends with a sixth-level god in the alliance, isn't this a highlight worthy of publicity?

Those low-level magicians probably don't know the rejection and cold reception the God of Corruption has received in the Wizards Alliance.

For them, a high-ranking sixth-level creature like the God of Corruption is an existence that they, who are not yet at the third level, cannot imagine, let alone touch easily.

As for Thain, the master of the Ashes Holy Tower, he has been on good terms with beings of this level for a long time. Doesn't it show that the Ashes Holy Tower has connections and strength?

Not to mention that after Thain withdrew from the battlefield not long ago, he also mentioned to Meili that the Holy Tower of Ashes would establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the Corrupted Plane and the dozens of sub-planes under its command.

When the time comes, the registered magicians of the Holy Tower of Ashes who travel to the medium-sized star field where the Corrupted Plane is located will enjoy benefits such as discounts on space teleportation fees, subsidies for exotic star field specialty materials, and other benefits.

In response to Tower Master Thain's remarks and rhetorical questions, Meili rolled her eyes.

She said she couldn't defeat Thain, not to mention that what Thain said actually made sense.

The number of registered magicians who have recently joined the Ashes Holy Tower has indeed not stopped growing.

The total number of combat magicians in Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes is finally about to exceed 10,000.

During the Civilization War, the number of registered combat magicians not only did not decrease, but began to increase significantly against the trend.

The Holy Tower of Ashes is also a strange flower among the major holy towers in the wizarding world.

But when it comes to the issue of the rotten atmosphere that cannot escape from inside and outside the fortress, the situations encountered by Thain's mentor Lu Lianman and Dean Meili are completely different.

Without giving Thain any time to speak, Lu Lianman said directly, "Look at you, what a good space fortress has become after being tortured by you!"

"I will refine some purification potions for you later. You can spray them both inside and outside the fortress. It should be useful." Lu Lianman covered her nose and frowned.

"In addition to combat and daily experiments, you should also pay attention to other details."

"Don't slack off just because you think you have made a contribution on the civilized battlefield. You still have a long way to go." Lu Lianman taught Thain a lesson.

Of course, Thain couldn't refute his mentor, so in the end he could only reply weakly, "Yes."

"There are currently 297 monthly tickets, and 31 more chapters need to be added~"

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