The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,723 The Instructor Arrives (Additional Update)

What are the signs of intelligent creatures?

What does it mean to awaken to self-wisdom?

In the past, this was also a topic that Thain had thought about.

At present, the existence of "sense of shame" is also a sign that robots have awakened to self-awareness.

Whether it is the change in the expression on Fumila's face or the increase in machine temperature during her subsequent experiments, it all marks the impact that Yuri and the Flame have had on all aspects of Fumila after their appearance in this laboratory.

The last time Thain experimented on Fumila, she didn't behave so sensitively.

Fortunately, this experiment did not last too long, and Thain still had other experimental subjects to complete.

Even though his body was still being corroded by the power of the special fluorescent law, he was still able to conduct various researches with great interest.

Is this the persistence of magicians in the process of exploring the truth?

…… 🄳🅆

A month and a half later.

Thane in the laboratory was suddenly disturbed by external forces.

In front of the experimental table, the handsome magician who usually gave off a gentle and elegant look suddenly had a stiff and cold face.

Because of the interruption, the body-refining potion that was being prepared in front of Thain ended in failure.

This is the rigor of the magicians in the experimental process. The slightest interference or mistake can make all their hard work go up in flames.

This body-refining potion is not a top-notch potion. It is just a new topic that Thain has recently started by studying the flesh and blood of level six creatures.

The cultivation methods of the creatures in the Apocalypse World are rather strange. They call the power they cultivate the Force.

Moreover, every Apocalypse creature possesses extremely rich force factors in their body. Even if they die in battle, these force forces will not dissipate immediately, but will continue to remain in their body and flesh for a long time.

Thain calls his latest body-refining potion "Apocalypse Potion" or "Force Potion".

Just two days ago, Kram, a fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior, came to visit Thane. After a few simple social interactions, Kram was persuaded by Thain to stay in the laboratory to test new body-refining potions for him.

In the laboratory, faced with the sudden change in Thain's breath and aura after his experiment was interrupted, Kram became like a little quail, not even daring to take a breath.

This fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior has been trained by Thain for a long time. Even if Thain only shows a small emotional change, Cram can keenly sense it.

The last person to be concocted in this way was Yuli.

At this time, Thain was in the tower master's laboratory in the Ash Fortress. Normally, no one would interfere with Thain.

Including Mei Li, the dean of the college who often reports to Thain, also knows that this is Thain's research time and will not disturb him easily.

So who is it?

Since the tower master's laboratory can be found, it means that the other party is not a little guy who broke in by mistake, and the magic restrictions that Thain placed outside the laboratory are not decorations.

Taking a deep breath, throwing away the failed magic potion in front of him, and taking a look at Klam, who was still lying there obediently, Thain turned and walked out of the laboratory.

The person who came to disturb Thain was none other than his mentor Lu Lianman.

Halfway there, Thane saw Lu Lianman standing outside the laboratory through the authority of the tower owner.

The depression and irritability in his heart were instantly cleared. After opening the magic door of the laboratory, Thain even showed a bit of a sincere smile on his face.

"Boy, do you think I interrupted your experiment?"

"When I came here just now, I heard from Meili that you might be conducting experiments." Lu Lianman came up and knocked Thain with her magic wand.

There was a big height difference between Thain and Lu Lianman. It looked like Lu Lianman originally wanted to hit Thain on the head, but she couldn't fly up directly, so she hit Thain on the shoulder.

With Thain's body-refining qualifications, Lu Lianman's two blows were almost like tickling him.

Seeing this, Thain smiled and said, "How can I do that? My mentor can come to see me. It's too late for me to be happy."

When Thane walked out of the laboratory a few days ago, he had no news of Lu Lianman's arrival in this subspace base.

Apparently she had just arrived, and as soon as she came to this subspace, she went straight to Thain.

"You know what's going on." A smile appeared on Lu Lianman's face, but soon, she sniffed her nose, and then frowned slightly.

"What does it smell like here?"

"The same goes for your Ash Fortress. When I first came in, I smelled some bad smells emanating from both inside and outside the fortress." Lu Lianman asked with a frown.

"Huh? Is there any?" Thain also sniffed and felt the surrounding environment.

At first, Thain didn't know what Lu Lianman was talking about, but Thain quickly reacted and realized that the bad smell Lu Lianman smelled should be left by the God of Level 6 Corruption.

Since Thane cooperated with the sixth-level god of corruption in the last war, he has followed the principle of exchange of interests and handed over the power of decay contained in the corpse of the sixth-level apocalyptic creature to the other party to absorb.

The power of decay contained in the corpse of a level six creature cannot be absorbed all at once.

Therefore, the God of Corruption came to the Ashes Fortress several times.

Each time, Thane observed closely the process of the God of Corruption absorbing such alien energy, and marveled at it.

The influence of the God of Corruption on the surrounding environment and aura is real.

Even though it was very restrained, it still left some traces of it in Thane's Ashes Fortress.

Half a month ago, Thain walked out of the laboratory and accepted a report from Dean Meili.

Meili complained to Thane that there was always a bad smell inside and outside the Holy Tower of Ashes. She also tried to use the fortress purification device to get rid of it, but the final effect was still not very good.

After all, this is the special aura factor that a level six creature exudes unconsciously. Thain's Ashes Fortress is a war-type special fortress, and the level of its purification device is not high enough to clean up the residual divine power of level six creatures.

For this "little thing", Thain didn't care much at first.

Even if Meili told him that this bad aura might affect the Ashes Holy Tower's efforts to win over the free magician.

It is worth mentioning that Meili did a good job in the "recruitment work" that Thain gave to Meili last time.

During the Civilized War, not only were the lower-level legions of both sides wiped out on a large scale, but the death of creatures above level four was also common.

In the battle that took place in the center of the Ruins of Steel two months ago, how many level four creatures died?

As far as Thane knows, thirteen level four or above knights and magicians in the wizarding world have already died in this subspace.

This is not to mention those alien gods from the alliance.

The death of many magicians above level 4 means that Thain can get closer and pry the corner.

Thain also told Meili that there was no need to just stare at the Chakra Master's Dark Wind Holy Tower and pry it hard.

You can also take the initiative to contact several other leaderless Holy Tower organizations.

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