The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,725 ​​Misunderstanding

It is natural for a mentor to teach his disciples.

As a disciple of Thain, no matter how high his life level is, no matter how many truths and mysteries he masters, he must continue to do so honestly.

This is a manifestation of the tradition of respecting teachers and respecting morality in the wizarding world.

What few people know is that when Lu Lianman teaches a fifth-level disciple with a fourth-level body, the feeling of joy in her heart is unimaginable to outsiders.

After giving Thain a lesson, Lu Lianman walked to the laboratory behind Thain very naturally.

Compared with the last time I came here, there are obviously many new gadgets in the tower master's laboratory in the Ash Fortress of Thane.

Whether it was the head specimen of the fifth-level sand crocodile or the many discoveries that Thain made in this subspace battlefield, Lu Lianman's eyes lit up.

Especially when Lu Lianman walked deep into the laboratory and noticed many metal fragments stored in the display windows and elemental barriers, the fourth-level magician couldn't help but have a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"These things are..." Lu Lianman pondered. 🄲

Lu Lianman is not a professional alchemist, but she has good eyesight and knowledge in all aspects.

Upon seeing this, Thane respectfully replied, "These are some world-class secret treasure fragments I found in this subspace ruins."

"Most of the power of the original laws has dissipated, and a few of them still have some power."

"If you are interested, mentor, you can take a few back for research," Thain said.

"This...this..." Lu Lianman's eyes widened, and her face turned red from suppressing it.

She really couldn't imagine where this disciple got so many secret treasure fragments.

Although most of the power of the original laws of these secret treasure fragments has dissipated, they are part of the once world-class secret treasure. The technological secrets and material value they contain will not completely dissipate with the passage of time.

They still have great research value!

When Lu Lianman saw this, she was not polite to her apprentice. She only said in a low voice, "I have lived so long that I have never come into contact with a few fragments of world-class secret treasures. I have only touched your master's Biyan short before." rod'."

"Since you have so many in your laboratory, I will take two back to study and return them to you after use." Lu Lianman said.

"It turns out that the master's world-class secret treasure magic wand is called the 'Jade Flame Short Staff'." Thain first showed a look of surprise, and then continued, "Teacher, you can take it as you like. I have not studied many of these secret treasure fragments in depth. , mainly because there are too many experimental subjects recently.”

"However, most of these secret treasure fragments are technological products. I don't know if they are useful to you. I originally had a few pieces from the Black Yin Civilization ruins on hand, but they were all replaced by Mo Yan and the others."

"After a while, I'll go to Mo Yan and the others to ask for some of them to be borrowed. There's also a world-class secret treasure bone staff from the Black Yin Civilization. I may not be interested in researching it, mentor," Thain said.

Thain's series of remarks made Lu Lianman's mouth slightly open. Then she said nothing more and walked straight to the depths of Thain's laboratory.

The apprentice is so awesome. Although it is a very honorable thing for the mentor, sometimes he will face the embarrassing situation like Lu Lianman where he has nothing to teach.

Normally, the mentor helps the apprentice, but here, it becomes the apprentice supporting the mentor.

While leading Thain toward the depths of his laboratory, Lu Lianman asked casually, "I heard that you conquered a level-6 angel robot not long ago?"

Although Lu Lianman had just come to the subspace battlefield and had not been in a nearby war zone before, she seemed to know quite a bit about Thain.

Thain had nothing to hide, so he nodded and replied, "Yes, her name is Fumila."

"However, it can't be called 'conquering'. Fumila and I still have an equal dialogue relationship, and we have not signed any legal contract that restricts each other." Thain replied.

"Oh? Then how did you make her obey?" Lu Lianman asked curiously, "I heard that she is from the Gallente Federation."

"I just gave her wisdom and basic human rights. Respect, mutual trust, and equality are the prerequisites for our friendly contact." Thain spread his hands and said.

A look of confusion appeared on Lu Lianman's face, and she then asked, "Can you let me see the eight-winged angel?"

"Of course." Thain nodded without hesitation.

But when he saw Lu Lianman about to push open the last laboratory door in front of him, Thain hurriedly said, "Hey, mentor, this is not the laboratory where she lives. She is in another place."

Thain said it was too late, Lu Lianman had already pushed away the body refining and medicine laboratory.

The laboratory itself is nothing. It used to be the place where Thain mainly practiced body refining, but now it serves as a temporary pharmaceutical laboratory.

But what is different from the past is that this laboratory has an extra "guest" today.

Kram, the fourth-level Kryptonian female warrior who had been lying quietly on the experimental table, thought that Thain was back, so she sat up from the experimental table and looked out the door.

But when she saw the person clearly, what caught her eye was a female magician who was less than 1.6 meters tall and had long green hair.

Following the magician was naturally Thain, who looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, Klam had almost no strands on his body, only two pieces of cloth hanging on his body, covering his key parts.

Nothing really happened between Thain and her. It was just to facilitate the body refining experiment and the testing of some pharmaceutical data, so Kram was allowed to wear such simple clothes.

When these two fourth-level women from different civilizations, different planes, and completely different personalities looked at each other under this coincidence, Lu Lianman's face suddenly turned red.

Not sure if it was because the kryptonite on Kram's chest was too dazzling, or if it was caused by some other factor, Lu Lianman felt that her head was dizzy.

After all, Kram is a female warrior. Her behavior in this situation is much more generous than Lu Lianman's, but it's not much better.

Feeling dizzy, Lu Lianman was taken out of the laboratory by Thain.

Sure enough, the magician's laboratory is a very private place. Even if Lu Lianman is Thain's mentor, she cannot break into it.

Who knows when, it will be like now, embarrassing both parties.

After walking out of the laboratory, Lu Lianman finally came back to her senses. The redness on her face had not dissipated. She adjusted her state and taught Thain a lesson, "Ahem, although you are temporarily in a recuperation period, the base has not No matter what tasks are assigned to you, you can’t be too relaxed, you know?”

What is "too relaxed"?

Thain was also extremely embarrassed at this time. He really didn't indulge himself recently, but instead spent all his energy on various experiments.

Being misunderstood by his mentor at this time, Thain actually felt something.

Especially looking at Lu Lianman's drunken crimson face, Thain was stunned for a moment.

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