The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,722 Excitement Experiment

After sending away the God of Corruption, Thane was still thinking about a small incident in the central battlefield.

At that time, it was the master-level telepathizer of the Rose Dynasty civilization who casually intercepted some of the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons with telepathic light waves and protected Thane and others.

At that time, Thain only thought that the other party was trying to rescue the numerous Rose Dynasty civilized legions in this war zone and give face to the God of Corruption.

But now that I think about it carefully, it seems that the Rose Dynasty civilization master-level thinker glanced at Thain several times.

Of course, what the other party was looking at was not Thain. To be precise, what he was looking at was the formless mask on Thain's face.

The quality of this world-class secret treasure, the Faceless Mask, is indeed not low.

After all, the vast majority of sixth-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world are only using low-level world-level secret treasures.

Thain, a fifth-level magician, has a mid-grade world-class secret treasure at his side, which is indeed eye-catching no matter how you look at it.

Fortunately, Thane is in the wizarding civilization. In other distant alien star regions, if others knew the details of his formless mask, it would probably attract the eyes of dominator-level creatures.

Also, the attributes of Formless Mask are great in all aspects, and can be used by any creature that follows the path of any power system or law.

Unlike the other world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube that Thain has in hand, its quality is almost catching up with or even surpassing the Phaseless Mask. However, due to its special properties, it is only suitable for professional use in the field of robots and mechanics.

If used by other practicing and civilized creatures, the Rubik's Cube would be just a "beautiful" little stone.

But Thain had a feeling that the master-level thinker of the Rose Dynasty civilization stared at his Formless Mask for a few times. It was probably not the precious grade of his Formless Mask, but something else. .

Being in the Wizards Alliance, is it possible that the other party would dare to steal the treasures of the local knights and magicians in the Wizarding World?

It is also a powerful wizarding civilization that gives magicians like Thain a great sense of pride and confidence.

Even a fifth-level magician like him dares to speculate and guess the true thoughts of a dominant-level creature, and concludes that the other party does not dare to snatch his treasure.

So, what is the reason?

Thain, who couldn't think of an answer for the time being, shook his head with a headache.

His current physical condition is still very poor, and his numerical values ​​are very weak in all aspects.

Even at this time, Thain's body surface was still imprinted with patches of yellow-green fluorescence.

These fluorescent lights can be regarded as a special radiation power in the field of light elements, and they still affect and corrode Thain's body cells.

This kind of continuous fluorescent damage is the subsequent impact of the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapon Bose force field on his body.

The remaining power of the Federation's doomsday weapons cannot be eliminated so easily.

Even if Thane activates the elemental true body or the demonic body, these fluorescent lights will continue to appear on his body surface.

If it was to endanger Thain's life, that's not even possible. After all, he had already escaped the most serious wave of harm.

But this kind of subsequent continuous harm is really disgusting.

The only advantage is that due to this continuous damage, the time he has to apply for recuperation to the top management of the fortress main base can be extended a lot.

The person currently in charge of all aspects of the main army of wizard civilization in the subspace battlefield is Thain's ancestor Cuilis.

What's so difficult about asking your master for a longer recuperation period?

And what makes Thain a little happy is that his mentor Lu Lianman seems to be arriving at this subspace battlefield soon.

After not seeing his mentor for such a long time, Thain really missed his mentor.

Even now, there is a competition between the dominance-level combat power of both sides in the subspace, and the battlefield situation is getting more and more intense. It is not necessarily a good thing for Lu Lianman to arrive on the subspace battlefield under such circumstances.

However, Lu Lianman was not good at fighting, and her master would not send her to the frontline battlefield.

What Lu Lianman will do most at that time will probably be making potions or helping to treat injured creatures above level 4 of the wizard civilization.

Thinking of this, Thain's mood improved again.

Thain returned to the laboratory, and after checking his physical condition, he couldn't wait to get involved in the specimen preparation process for the sixth-level apocalyptic creature.

Making specimens is a beautiful thing that is refreshing and edifying.

It’s no wonder that magicians in the wizarding world, from the bottom to the top, all have extremely exaggerated collections of specimens.

Low-level magicians, such as those magic apprentices, can only use experimental materials such as frog hind legs as specimens, but Thain is now using level six biological body materials!

The morbid satisfaction and desire to collect brought to Thain by the corpses of level 6 apocalyptic creatures during the preparation process of the specimens in front of him, as well as the pain that was originally caused by the subsequent effects of the Bose force field on Thain's body, have also been reduced a lot.

Magic research follows the principle of relaxation and relaxation. Since his growth, Thain has already had his own set of experimental procedures and experimental habits.

After completing the preparation of the palm specimen of the sixth-level apocalyptic creature, Thain breathed a sigh of relief. He did not immediately devote himself to the preparation of other limb specimens. Instead, he stretched out and asked Yuli to bring him a glass of magic juice. Finally, he set his sights on Fumila in the laboratory.

Fumila was also seriously injured at this time, and her injuries were more serious than Thane's.

This is because in addition to being hit by the gravitational collapse beam, Fumila also withstood part of the Bose force field attack for Thain in order to rescue Thain.

The gravitational collapse beam caused signs of space contraction in many parts of Fumila's body. The most severe areas were four, including her right shoulder, chest, waist and abdomen, and left thigh.

Coupled with the influence of the color glass force field, the surface of Fumila's skin appears with the same special radiant fluorescence as Thain.

However, the color of Fumila's body surface is now bluish, which is probably related to the fact that the particle composition of her body is different from that of Thane.

Even Fumila's current left arm is still empty.

Thain has not yet found a rare metal material suitable for repairing Fumila's left arm.

And the energy amethyst has no very intuitive repairing effect on the severely damaged body that Fumila is facing now.

We can only wait for the transformation of the Rubik's Cube to be completed, and the power of the rules of the Rubik's Cube will speed up the recovery of Fumila's injury.

As for the rare metal materials used to repair Fumila's left arm, wings and other parts, Thain thought of two sources. One was to buy it from the City of Steel in the Wizarding World, and the other was to contact the Norman Federation, a member of the Wizards Alliance.

At present, the connection between subspace and the rear of wizard civilization is relatively stable. It is not difficult to deliver these rare materials purchased by Thane to the frontline battlefield.

At this time, from the outside, Fumila was clearly in miserable condition.

But maybe it was because Thain was a pervert that he was even more excited.

"The gravitational collapse beam compressed the special alloy particles in your body, allowing me to use a high-magnification element microscope to finally observe some of the elements involved."

"The blows the Bose force field brings to you and me in different fields allow me to analyze some of the secrets of the light element."

"It turns out that the power of the light element can also be intertwined with the laws of radiation?"

"It's incredible, Fumila, let's explore the mystery of the truth together!" Thain said nervously.

Fumila, who was already lying quietly in front of the experimental table, still had that iconic expression of indifference and indifference.

Anyway, no matter what Thain did, she would cooperate very naturally.

Yuli, who was the only one who was sent a magic juice, could not help curling her lips when she saw this.

Fortunately, Thain did not let Yuri leave. Usually when conducting experiments related to machinery or body training, Thain would acquiesce to Yuli staying and play a role similar to that of an experimental assistant.

"Bring me experimental clamp No. 2." Thain ordered. At this time, he had already removed the alloy plate from Fumila's chest.

Fumila, who was obviously calm and composed before, now has some fluctuations in her eyes and facial expressions.

She didn’t know whether it was because Thain’s experiments on her were too explicit, or because Yuri, an “outsider”, was present.

Upon seeing this, Yuli honestly handed over the experimental equipment that Thain needed.

But when he looked down at Fumila, the constructor who had been with Thain for many years showed a slightly malicious look on his lips.

"Master, can I also call the Lieyan to help?"

"Some heavier metal equipment and special structures may need to be controlled by Lieyan." Yuli suggested in due course.

Thain pondered for two seconds, then nodded and replied, "Okay."

After hearing this, the smile on Yuli's face became a little bigger.

The unnatural look on Fumila's face became more obvious.

"Yesterday, Gong Conghao posted some pictures about Lieyan collected by readers. Xiaodou thinks some of them are very good. Interested readers can take a look."

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