The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,721 Rest

After experiencing a series of ravages at the dominance level, the civilized combat legions of both sides were reorganized and moved the battlefield area to the middle and periphery of the Ruins of Steel.

The central area of ​​the Ruins of Steel is no longer accessible, especially where the Tongtian Building once stood.

Good guy, the dominant combat forces of the two sides are fiercely clashing there. If you, a low-level creature, go there, won't you make yourself miserable?

The destruction of a large number of low-level legions on both sides, as well as the severe damage or casualties of many level four and above combat units, did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Gallente Federation and the wizard civilization for fighting in this subspace battlefield. 🄲

After the core battle zone was moved to the center and periphery of the Ruins of Steel, the intensity of the fighting between the two sides at all times did not show a significant downward trend, but instead became more intense.

The sixth-level pinnacle creature, Salem, died, and the sixth-level alien god of the alliance, the Mountain Rong King, suffered heavy losses and lost the ability to fight in a short period of time.

The response of the wizard civilization was to increase the reinforcement of this subspace battlefield. In addition to the continuous reinforcements from the alien gods of the alliance, it is said that there are new sixth-level beings that are about to arrive.

Because Thane performed well in the previous battles and gained a lot, he gained the right to return to the main base behind the subspace to recuperate.

Not only him, I heard that the master Bogagaru who was seriously injured is also here.

There was also Thain's master, Cuilis, who was sitting in the center of the main base and recuperating her injuries after she withdrew from the front line.

If you add in the addition of Uncle Penas, who is responsible for logistics and dispatching work at the main base all year round, well, the whole family is now lying in the main base, and most of them have suffered heavy injuries.

At this time, Thain had just sent away the sixth-level alien god, the God of Corruption.

The sixth-level foreign god, the God of Corruption, also withstood the attack of the Gallente Federation’s doomsday weapons, and it was also from the God of Corruption that Thain learned some secrets about the position of the Wizards Alliance.

It turns out that the God of Corruption has already taken refuge with the remnants of the Rose Dynasty civilization!

No wonder that in the previous central battlefield confrontation, the Rose Dynasty Civilized Reinforcements would immediately support the war zone where the Corrupted World Legion was located.

This world needs teamwork to keep warm, and it’s the same in the Wizards’ Union.

The God of Corruption has a strange relationship. Not only has he not been able to get close to any of the local rulers in the wizarding world, he has not even been able to talk to any of the alliance rulers.

A sixth-level creature from a medium-sized plane was like no one else like it.

The God of Corruption is a remnant of the Rose Dynasty civilization whom he met at the last Wizards Alliance Conference.

One side suffers from the lack of high-level protection and has been suppressed and excluded by other alliances for a long time.

On the other side is the Wizards' Alliance who just joined the Wizards Alliance after becoming a lost dog. Their background is extremely poor and they don't have any useful younger brothers.

The two sides hit it off almost immediately.

The God of Corruption and the Corrupt World, after the 25th Wizards Alliance Conference, naturally became the younger brother of the Rose Dynasty civilization in the Wizards Alliance.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Under the circumstances at that time, the remnants of the Rose Dynasty civilization were able to find a polluted level-6 biological core in the royal treasury to reward the God of Corruption.

I heard that this thing was contributed by a creature from a vassal plane of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

However, with the destruction of the Rose Dynasty Civilization's mother star domain, most of the middle and low-level worlds that once followed the Rose Dynasty Civilization were reduced to dregs under the gunfire of the Gallente Federation's ships.

The Rose Dynasty civilization would have no use keeping this core of special attributes.

Just give it to the God of Corruption, and it can be considered a good use.

For the God of Corruption, it was the right decision to join the Rose Dynasty Civilization camp.

The contaminated core had already benefited it a lot, not to mention that it was still on the subspace battlefield this time and once again received timely assistance from the Rose Dynasty civilization.

If it were not the Rose Dynasty Civilized Legion that supported the subspace this time, would it still have such good luck?

Just like the mountain rook king who was severely injured and almost lost the ability to fight.

This is a sixth-level earth element king from the Purple Crystal World. He was almost killed by the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons.

The defense power of earth elemental creatures is notoriously high, and this is how it all ends.

It's also because this earth elemental king, whose mind is filled with stones, is too one-minded.

If it hadn't charged so hard and stood there refusing to retreat, it wouldn't have been so miserable in the end.

Thane was able to successfully withdraw, and from the looks of it, he still had some light on the God of Corruption this time.

Who said this guy only brings "bad luck"?

After being in contact with the God of Corruption for a period of time, Thane believed that this relatively upright and honest sixth-level creature could be deeply friends with him.

Of course, it would be better if it could restrain itself from the corrupt aura it releases all the time.

As a matter of distributing the loot from the corpse of the sixth-level apocalyptic creature, Thain distributed some of the energy crystals and other wealth in the space equipment of the apocalyptic creature to the God of Corruption, but those props and equipment with obvious Apocalypse World style were Thane himself stayed.

The answer given by Thain was that as an alchemist, he wanted to study the secrets of weapon refining in the great world of Apocalypse.

Of course, just a little energy crystal is not enough. As the corpse of a sixth-level creature with a big head, how should it be counted?

Thain agreed to let the God of Corruption carefully absorb the power of corruption from the corpse of this sixth-level creature for a period of time.

In addition, Thain will also give it a golden apple potion as compensation from the God of Corruption for giving all the flesh and blood of the corpse of this level six apocalyptic creature to Thain.

For Thain, this is a more reasonable distribution method, and he is even the one who clearly makes a profit.

A relatively complete specimen of the corpse of a Level 6 creature was more precious than a golden apple potion.

But the God of Corruption was moved by Thain's "kindness".

In return, it gave Thain a lot of unique materials from the corrupted world, such as a special ore called "corrupted stone". Thain has not yet figured out its specific function, but this thing sounds like the corruption of the world. According to God, it is a special energy ore that accounts for the largest proportion of exports to the Wizards Alliance in their world.

And the gift from the God of Corruption is naturally of the highest quality.

In addition, Thain mentioned whether the Holy Tower of Ashes where he is located can establish long-term cooperative relations with the corrupted plane of the medium-sized world, and other matters.

They also received verbal consent from the God of Corruption.

As long as these things are finalized through a magic contract, it will basically be done.

The Corrupted Plane is also a medium-sized world. It is also one of the few medium-sized planes of the Wizards Alliance that Thane's Ash Tower communicates with.

And under the corrupted plane, there are at least nearly thirty low-level and micro-planes.

Establishing a connection with a family in the Corrupted Plane is equivalent to Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes, giving him the right to travel to dozens of other planes and worlds.

This is also a manifestation of the Holy Tower's own qualifications and external publicity.

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