The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,720 The power of domination

For lower creatures, being in a dominant battlefield is a very sad thing.

Because of the power of the Overlord, even a trace of energy leaked out would cause a devastating blow to lower creatures.

And because the master's life level is too high, in contrast, even ordinary fourth- and fifth-level creatures are classified as "lower creatures".

When the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons locked onto it, Thane had just put away the corpse of the level six creature in front of him as a trophy.

Because the situation was urgent, Thain was unable to collect all the corpse fragments of the sixth-level apocalyptic creatures.

There should be a lot of flesh and blood of level six creatures scattered in many places. Even a piece of that guy's light blade weapon is still missing in the corner of this central battlefield.

There is no telling which lucky person will benefit from these uncollected trophies.

Anyway, Thain doesn't have the energy to pay attention to such details now. After being targeted by the alliance's doomsday weapons, doing everything possible to escape and survive is his most important thing at the moment.

And the scolding of Moraya, the seventh-level reader of the Rose Dynasty civilization, was undoubtedly a sound of nature to Thain and other locked powerful wizards of the civilization.

Even Thain and others' first impression of the alliance master has become much better.

Moraya's Dominator-level telekinesis shockwave only helped Thain and others detonate it in advance, or effectively intercepted the blows released by some federal fleet groups.

In the end, many attacks arrived around Thain and others.

However, with Moraya's interruption, the probability of Thain and others trying their best to evacuate increased.

The doomsday weapon gravitational collapse beam is a black beam released from the center of the bottom of the Gallente Federation Dominator-class ship.

The area covered by this beam will unconsciously be pulled toward the central origin and collapse, easily tearing apart space.

This doomsday weapon was obviously aimed at Fumila.

The doomsday weapon solid particle shock wave is also released by this Dominator-class ship. The weapon is located on the top of the ship. From the appearance, it looks a bit like a pot lid with an antenna plugged in.

The special particle shock wave can directly cause the most basic particles in the affected organism to vibrate and collapse. Generally, this kind of weapon is more suitable for large targets.

This blow was directed at the God of Corruption.

The final Bose force field doomsday weapon is a range-type killing weapon.

It was not released by an independent ship, but by dozens of special ships in the Dominator-class war fleet group, releasing an electrothermal explosive strike in a cone-shaped area.

Its release distance is shorter than other types of doomsday weapons, but it is just right for the central battlefield in front of you.

The Bose force field doomsday weapon is heading straight for Thane.

In other words, it is not used to target Thain alone, but to include Thain and the large number of wizard civilization legions around him.

In the surrounding area, there are not only the Legion of Corrupted World, but also some reinforcements from the Rose Dynasty civilization that have not gone far.

The sudden arrival of the doomsday blow from three crossfires would be a disaster for any form of life form.

When the crisis came, Thain instantly activated all the power of the true body of the law and retreated to the rear.

Currently, all the sixth-level creatures of the wizard civilization are on the frontline battlefield, and the target of the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class fleet group is also obviously at the front of the battlefield.

In this emergency situation, Thain did not notice where the main target of the federal ship was.

He just instinctively felt that the blow to the rear would be less severe, and Wuxiang Mask quickly planned an escape route for him, so he acted decisively.

The turmoil of rules coming from all directions around him, as well as the faint discomfort coming from deep within his body, made Thain feel like a small boat in the storm.

Covered by a sea of ​​green and yellow light around him, Thane's demon body became smaller and smaller.

The war that took place on the central battlefield came to an end for the time being for Thain and others due to the arrival of the dominant beings from both civilizations.

The keen sense of danger, decisive evacuation on the battlefield, and the help of the dominator Moraya allowed some strong men above level four, including Thain, to successfully evacuate.

But some people didn't get out of there alive.

For example, some alien gods from the alliance who are slow to respond, such as some strong wizards from the civilization who are too deep into the front line of the battlefield, and another example... Seren, the strongest man in the ancient desert wasteland and his legions, who have just defected and joined the Wizards Alliance.

Salem, the strongest man in the ancient desert wasteland, fell in a wave of five consecutive doomsday strikes from the Gallente Federation's Dominator-class fleet.

Salem itself is already at the end of its battle, and it is in an area so close to the front line. Facing the coverage of the federal five consecutive doomsday strikes, it is really difficult not to die.

The dominator-level reader Moraya protected Thain and others, and also provided a helping hand to Trilis who was also hit by the doomsday, but there was no extra care for creatures in the ancient desert wasteland such as Salem.

Salem? who is he? Which alliance plane is the ancient desert wasteland world?

Moraya had never heard of the other party, and she had no feelings at all about this alien civilization army that had just rebelled and been destroyed.

Not only was the Ancient Desert World Legion destroyed at the same time as Salem, but also the world-class secret treasure Wasteland Armor he was wearing, which was also completely scrapped in this blow.

I heard that the world-class secret treasure Wasteland Armor, which had been scrapped, was recovered by the wizard civilization on the battlefield. I don’t know if it is true.

Creatures of Level 4 and above such as Thane can escape with their lives in narrow and narrow ways by relying on their own means and the assistance of their master.

But the tens of millions of low-level legions of wizard civilization on the central battlefield were not so lucky.

The power of the Lord can easily wipe out hundreds of millions of living things, which is no joke.

The lower-level legions of the Wizarding Civilization that were thrown into the central battlefield were severely damaged, and the Gallente Federation's fleet groups and mecha units were not much better either.

Moraya, the master-level reader, is not a being who only takes beatings without fighting back. Even her temper is quite impatient.

When the Gallente Federation's doomsday weapons caused a sweeping blow to the Wizard Civilization Legion on the central battlefield, Moraya also released her master-level telekinesis method to conduct a wave of "clearance" against the Gallente Federation's bottom fleet.

Wherever the Dominator-level telekinesis light waves hit, a large number of federal ships and mechas fell from the sky.

The robot legions and various intelligent technological weapons on the ground also lost response.

In terms of the impact of the attack, it is more intuitive than the forbidden curse.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that both the Federation's doomsday weapons and the tyrannical methods of the Dominator-level reader Moraya have caused certain accidental injuries to the underlying legions of both sides.

There was nothing that could be done about it. A strike belonging to the seventh level of power was too exaggerated.

Just a casual glance would result in death or injury, not to mention that the frontline legions of both sides were still fighting together in a melee.

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