The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,719 Cross Strike (Additional Update)

They also passed by the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization's Dominator-class biological battleship.

Rommel, who led the fleet under his command, did not even look at it and directly led the fleet to skip this place.

At this time, there are a lot of battles going on around the ruins of the Dominator-class biological battleship.

Two federal admirals led their sixth-level fleets here, including the Sea King Orm from the Planet of the Sea, and some of the legions from the Apocalypse World.

By the way, Bond, the fifth-level agent who had fought against Thane many times before but finally allowed Thain to escape successfully, is also here.

The Gallente Federation sent Bond here because Bond really has two skills in deciphering the secrets of the inheritance of the Black Yin civilization.

Thane of the Wizarding Civilization obtained a lot of information about the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly civilization and the energy of the original technological laws in the Tongtian Building called "Hongguang Technology Center".

Bond, the fifth-level agent of the Gallente Federation, gained something else in the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization during the period after the mission failed, and unearthed and decrypted a "gene breeding" technology of the Black Yin Civilization.

How should I put it... What the wizarding civilization got was some technological information, but the Gallente Federation got a secret to cultivate civilization.

These two mysteries were of little use to the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation.

Although the Gallente Federation also has genetic engineering and has produced many genetic warriors, the genetics that federation scientists are involved in is completely different from the genetic breeding technology of the Black Yin civilization.

This technology obtained from the wreckage of the Dominator-class biological battleship was specially used by the Black Yin civilization to cultivate war beasts... The Gallente Federation has not made much achievements in this regard.

The high-level forces invested by the wizard civilization near this dominator-level biological battleship, in addition to a sixth-level knight and two alliance sixth-level gods, Bai Xing, who had recovered from his injury some time ago, also appeared here with his sea army.

Including Mo Yan's brothers, they were also hanging out in this war zone.

In addition to coming here specifically to help their sister Bai Xing, the Mo Yan brothers also dreamed of getting rich in this ruins of the Black Yin civilization.

In the last Black Yin Civilized Biological Warship, Mo Yan obtained a world-class secret treasure bone staff.

This time it also fantasizes about getting other treasures.

Marshal Rommel of the Gallente Federation did not take a second look at the ruins of the Black Yin Civilization.

But Moraya, the master-level reader who arrived just after him, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Moraya not only watched, she also took action.

The powerful Dominator-level telekinetic light waves directly detonated a series of Gallente Federation ships.

After clearly weakening the momentum of the Gallente Federation, Moraya said to a Royal Guards mecha corps commander behind her, "Lead your corps to assist the wizard civilization legion in this war zone."

Having said that, Moraya also used telekinesis to give some advice to this mecha warrior with level six peak combat power, "Find a way to rush into the ruins and search for more wealth."

"Yes!" the regiment commander replied.

Life is hard. The development of civilization requires money. The Rose Dynasty civilization is also facing tight times now. It is far from the powerful world it once was, with nearly 3,000 planes with complete rules.

Even dominators like Moraya have to think about how to make money all the time.

No money? No magic coins?

Then you are not qualified to hang out in the Wizards Alliance!

It is impossible for the Wizarding Civilization to allocate resources to the Rose Dynasty Civilization without limit. In fact, in recent years, the resource subsidies delivered by the Wizarding Civilization to the survivors of the Rose Dynasty have been less than when they first came to the Wizarding Civilization several thousand years ago. a lot of.

Not only did she instruct her mecha corps to be smarter, before Moraya left, she also used telekinesis to forcibly break through the energy barrier placed by the Gallente Federation outside the wreckage of the Overlord-class biological battleship, and took away a section of the Overlord. Corpse tentacles.

Moraya's move undoubtedly helped the wizard civilization army in this war zone a lot.

The emergence of those elite civilizational legions of the Rose Dynasty also reduced the pressure on Bai Xing and others, and they could directly lead their legions to charge forward.

But Moraya's action and appearance in this war zone delayed a little time.

When she just broke off the tentacles of the Dominator-level biological battleship and stuffed it into her space equipment, a violent turbulence of law energy and the sound of the death of sixth-level creatures appeared on the central battlefield not far away.

Sensing the death of a sixth-level creature, Moraya was shocked at first.

But when she saw who it was, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the one who died was not a powerful wizard civilization man, but a sixth-level creature from the Gallente Federation.

That should be a sixth-level creature in the Apocalypse World. Moraya is quite familiar with the supporters of the Gallente Federation.

The fall of the sixth-level apocalypse creature seemed to anger the Gallente Federation Legion, especially the Dominator-class fleet led by Rommel.

Because it arrived at the central battlefield first, this Dominator-class fleet immediately launched a fierce attack on the wizard civilization legion in the surrounding area.

When Moraya saw this, of course she couldn't let the Federation Dominator-class fleet unleash its firepower wantonly.

As a dominator-class war fleet, the fleet led by Desert Fox Rommel is called the "Desert Storm Fleet".

There are twenty-three kinds of doomsday weapons carried by this fleet group, just on the surface.

Not to mention, a fleet group of this level must have some secret weapon as a trump card.

After arriving at the central battlefield, this Dominator-class fleet immediately launched a doomsday weapon attack on the powerful wizard civilization who exuded level 6 biological fluctuations on the battlefield.

Unlike the previous doomsday weapons released by the Wandering Reaper, which had such a long interval and still had a short preparation period, the doomsday weapons released by Rommel's fleet were almost "instant".

For a time, the entire central battlefield was filled with extremely terrifying and depressing energy fluctuations.

"Is this the power of domination?" Many fourth- and fifth-level creatures who experienced the power of domination up close for the first time couldn't help but wonder.

Unfortunately, Thain has two level-6 creatures, the Eight-Winged Angel Fumila and the God of Corruption, and he has just teamed up with others to kill a level-6 apocalypse creature, so he is regarded as the most important doomsday weapon. disaster area.

Three different models of doomsday weapons cross-locked Thain's location.

Gravitational collapse beam doomsday weapon, unleashed!

Solid particle shock wave doomsday weapon, launch!

Bose force field doomsday weapon, activate!

These three doomsday weapons, both in terms of power when activated and the attack modes, are obviously more than one step ahead of the previous "Wandering Reaper Doomsday Weapon"!

When the palpitating feeling of being locked by the Gallente Alliance's doomsday weapon came, Thain couldn't help but turn pale.

"Hmm? Stop!" The majestic voice of Moraya, the dominator-level telepathic master, immediately appeared on the central battlefield.

"Need to add 33 more chapters~"

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